Huh. I'm awake now. Nobody's here. Guess I'll Cultivate. I'll Select Greed and I'll Make Sure I'll cultivate.
Hehehe I'll be so strong when Yan And Xun See me.
Dou Ling 1 Star.
Dou Ling 2 Star.
Dou Ling 3 Star.
Dou Ling 4 Star.
Dou Ling 5 Star.
Dou Ling 6 Star.
Dou Ling 7 Star.
Dou Ling 8 Star.
Dou Ling 9 Star.
It looks like the Soundproof barrier is still up so I'll break through right now.
Move the Greed Energy From The Middle Meridian To The Greed Meridian.
There We Go.
That Was quieter than last time. looks like I'm almost completely used to it. Soon I'll Be Able to maintain complete silence while breaking through. Looks Like I'm Dou Wang 1 Star now. I chose Gluttony for those who are wondering.
"Welcome back Mei Mei."
"Hey Null Come with me we need to meet the elders and sect leader."
"Okie Dokie. But One Question Will there be food."
"Yeah I mean Why not your there for a meeting but sure I'll bring us some food."
10 Minutes Later
Alright I'm here and I'm hungry but I want to cultivate If I don't like this person I'm gonna fight them from stopping me from eating and getting stronger. By the way my gravity is currently on 250x and I'm probably gonna be able to fight at least 3 stars above my level even with this weight on me. So I can fight with Dou Wang 4 Stars. Since we are still near the outskirts of bigger cities I doubt the sect leader would be above Da Dou Shi Level.
Ah. She's At Da Dou Shi 9 Stars. At the peak. Then I could probably destroy this sect and only get away with about 50 injuries and cuts that aren't serious. If I had a fighting manual I could Probably get away with less. I think there was something about using the fighting experience of the original 7 sins' but I can only use the ones of the meridians I've filled. So I can currently use. Diane ,Ban, ,and Merlin. Merlin's Won't Be Useful And these people have weapons and I don't So Ban's Won't Be Useful. So I can Only use Diane's And I Won't Be Able To use it well. Let's Just activate it in case. but my personality would only amplify. Eh Who cares.
"Hello There Null."Sect master said.
"Hi there. Why am I here. And Can I have some food Mei Mei."
"Mm"Mei Rong Said.
"Thanks." 'Nom Nom Nom'
"Ah Yes. You Are Here Because I want to know your intentions of being here."
"Ah. I'm mmm here because mmm I don't have anywhere mmm else to go. mmm And I don't mmm Have any other reason mmmm of being here. mmm So stop wasting my time mmm."*Eating Food*
Dou Wang 4 Star.
"You Insolent Pest!!""How Dare You Speak To Our Lady Sect Master Like That!"
"Excuse me one more thing umm."
"Hmm. Better not want my food."*Hides Food From Sect Master*
"No Hahaha. I just want to know what's your cultivation level at. I can't seem to sense it."
Ah. I just reached Dou Wang 7 Star. Should I tell her. Yeah I will and I will release my cultivation base so those elders don't randomly attack me. They already look like they want to snatch everything on me.
"Ah Yes here let me show you and say it at the same time so you don't think I'm lying."
"it's currently at Dou Wang 7 Star."
"Ah I just cultivated a lot."
"Um. Would you like to be the sect's hidden elder."
"Nah I'm looking to be an elder at my best friends' fathers sect. I think she said he was Dou Zong 2 Star."
"Yeah Currently I'm About to turn 15 so I should be talented enough to join the sect and once I'm older I'm gonna be the strongest elder there. So I'll be going."
"Bye Mei Mei It was fun living with you even though it was only 2 days. maybe you could be my *Blushes* Mate another time*Cat ears and tails grow again* *wind Blows off cape right before the grow*
"Yeah*Blushes* Maybe. Huh Your Ears And Tails Are Growing Out Again."
"Huh. Ears? Tails?"
"Umm Please hurry your umm. what the youngsters say. 'Pitching A Tent' Down There"*Points towards crotch*
*Blushes* Huh. "Ummm Mei Mei. I LOVE YOU!!"*Grabs Cape & Grows Wings And Fly's Away Super Fast*
{A/N: He Also learned what masturbating was from his mother for when she couldn't help him.}
10 minutes of intense 'Un-Pitching His Tent' Later
I'll just cultivate.
10 more minutes later
Alright I'm Dou Wang 9 Star and I'm ready to breakthrough.
Move the Gluttony Energy From The Middle Meridian To The Gluttony Meridian.
Almost there.
Alright Dou Huang 1 Star. I chose the Sin Of Wrath. I don't have much wrath so It doesn't effect my personality too much. Just makes my temper shorter.
I can deal with this. I'll take it slow on this realm. I'd like to go to another world though.
[Unable to go to another world until User has reached the pinnacle of strength in this world.]
Damn. Guess I can't take it slow.