Jia Nan Academy

So I've been cultivating and I've reached Dou Zong 8 Stars. It seems like my cultivation is getting faster. Guess my latent talent is kicking in. He must of split it into parts so I don't overload. I always am using Diane's battle experience to ingrain it into my mind so I don't have to amplify my personality later. It's because Diane's experience is useful to me currently. I might change and use Meliodas' because he has a lot of experience with daggers and swords. I'm walking to the recruitment site of Jia Nan Academy. But I Just want to show my cultivation base to become a temporary elder there.


I'm here and I've reached Dou Zong 9 Stars. I'm Gonna Start Getting Ready to break through While I'm Waiting for my turn.


1 hour later.


Man this is taking a while it's been an hour. and I'm ready to breakthrough but man Pride took a lot of effort to cultivate Time For Breakthrough Heehee. I think Yan And Xun should be trying to get in. I think they could both get in now so I should also try to get in.

Hmm? Is That the teacher for recruitment. I see.

"Hey! You there. Jia Nan Teacher."

"Ah Yes.'Ugh another arrogant young master'What would you like?"

'Spatial Lock'

'Ugh I can't move'

"heehee Why Don't you come over here te~~~acher."*Start's releasing cultivation base*

"You dare think I, Null Void ,Would be just a random arrogant young master. My Pride would take a hit for letting you think that way. For I, Your Father ,Is already about to breakthrough past Dou Zong 9 Star."



"I'm here to go to Jia Nan Academy and look for the Headmaster." Currently my body is as strong as an intermediate Ban Sheng. It's currently taking gravity at the level of 2500x. I should be able to fight that old Fogey. I might not match his spatial strength though. It concerns me I might be able to break out of it though while using about 20% of my Dou-Qi Reserves.

"Let's go to Jia Nan Academy then. Give me something that'll allow me in."

"Y-y-y-yes Sir."*Hands Over A Token*

"I'll just go to Jia Nan Academy Now. Goodbye. Please Remember my name Null Void."


10 minutes later


Currently I'm flying and about to breakthrough so I'm landing. I'll breakthrough to Dou Zun 1 Star.


Move Almost All Pride Energy To Pride Meridian From Middle Meridian.


Done. I'm now A Dou Zun 1 Star. I chose Sloth obviously. Only one I could Choose Now. Let's practice using space and try making mini wormholes close to me and sending things through nearby. And Cultivate for better control of my power.


10 minutes later


Done Finally. That was a ton of hard work. I'm now Dou Zun 5 Star. I can now control my wormholes enough to teleport almost anywhere on this continent. I'll teleport to Jia Nan Academy inside the headmaster's office.


A Few Minutes Later


"Hello There Mr. Principal."

"Ah. Hello There Young One."

"I'm Here to be an elder living as a student so I can make friends."

"Hm? Cultivation?"

"Ah right. It's Dou Zun 6 Star." As I showed him my cultivation base. I increased it 1 Star on my way through the wormhole.

"Ah! You-You Are How Old?"

"I'm About To Turn Fifteen."

"Shit! I'm Still At Ban Sheng and You're already at Dou Zun."

"Yeah I wanted to confide in you I only started cultivating about a month ago and I wanted someone to know my secret as it's been a heavy burden to carry. I thought you would understand. You Know Being The One With the highest cultivation on the continent."'By the way my gravity is already at 2600x.'

"Well I can kinda understand. but why are you here again?"

"I'm here to meet my old friends and make new ones. Their names? I call them Yun And Xun Their From the Xiao Clan so they should be Xiao Yun And Xiao Xun."

"Ah Those two. I got a message saying they were exceptional. Your Yun Was Dou Shi 7 Star And Xun was already at Dou Shi 4 Star."

Good. They're getting stronger. I want to meet them when they get here.

"Welp I'm Going to go to the Outer Section And Go With them through the school. Please notify all the staff about me so they don't block my way when I want to go somewhere and give me something to identify my self."

"Yeah. Sure."

"Oh one more thing."


"Wanna Be Friends?"

"Ah?....Hahahaha! Sure Let's Be Friends!"

"Ah. Thanks so much you my fourth friend now. I did it!"'Mother are you proud of my I made my fourth friend'

Mother:Yes I'm very Proud of you...Son.

Ah Mother Called Me Son.

"YAY! Mother Called Me Son For The First Time!"

"Umm? Please Explain?"

"Oh Sure Friend! You See Mother is a Primordial Being who talks with me all the time and keeps me company when I'm not with any of my friends. She was like a mother figure to me so I've been calling her mother but this is the first time she called me Son instead of Null Or Child. By The Way My Name Is Null. Null Void."

"Ah. Ah? Ah. Good Going Kiddo."

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm Gonna Go Cultivate Extra Hard For Mother! See You Later By The Way What's Your Name."

"Ah. It's Mang Tian Chi. But You Can Call Me Old Man Mang."

"Alright Old Man Mang. Goodbye!"


10 minutes later


I can now fly slowly while cultivating I've reached Dou Zun 9 Star And I'm Ready To Break Through To A Ban Sheng.


Merge All The 7 Energy's Together in the Middle Meridian And Make The One you like the best as the Base Or Foundation.


What? What If I Merge Them Into One New Sin. I'm Gonna Do It.



"Blegh*Cough's Blood*Blegh"


Finished. Finally. That hurt like hell. Oh That's Why. The Book Changed And My Meridian's Merged Into A Huge Meridian At My Center. It's To House the new Sin. It's Called <> I think it's because I rebelled against the Manual And My Fate. It Seems I Am Able To Deviate From My Path Of Destiny If I want and Change it around a bit. I can only see a few hours ahead of my current me for my Destiny. But that's only because I'm only a Ban Sheng Lower Stage. I'll Cultivate Some More To Prepare to breakthrough.


Half An Hour Later


Finally I'm A Ban Sheng Peak Level. I'm ready To Breakthrough. It seems I'm getting close to being the Strongest in this Universe.


It seems I need to Actually Change My Fate To Breakthrough. That's the only way for me to break past Ban Sheng Into Dou Sheng. I'll Change my Fate To Make Yun And Xun Have A Smooth Ride Here And I'm able to make up with them and Hug them a lot.


Yay! I'm A Dou Sheng 1 Star. I will be able to make up with them fast and Hug them a lot.

I'm gonna cultivate and stabilize Reality So it doesn't break and I won't be able to remake it until I'm a Dou Di.


5 minutes later


"Hey Old Man Mang I'm Back and I broke through to Dou Sheng 5 Star!"

"What!! You Already Passed me in cultivation!!!!!"

"Yeah!! Are You Proud!"

"Yes! That's Great Soon You'll Be A Peak Existence that no one can mess with in the whole realm!!"

"I Know...*Blush* Can...You....Pet Me"*Cat Ears And Tails Grow*(There's 8 Tail's Now.){A/N:Totally Not Ripping Off The 1-9 Tails And Bijuu.}



"Sure Kiddo"

*Pet's Null's Head**Null Purr's Furiously*

"Thanks Old Man."*Accidentally Break's through to Dou Sheng 6 Star**9th Tail Grows*



"By The Way How Are You Old Man"

"I'm Doing Good I heard your friends Yan And Xun Arrived Smoothly here And the test is about to finish in a few hours."

*Gasps*"Really!!! I'm gonna go wait for them in the outer section!"


1 Hour Later


Heee I see the gryffin's I also can see Yan And Xun!

"Heeeeeeey! Yaaaaaannnn ,Xuuuuunnnn!!!"*Shouts While Waving His Hand.**Instructors Bringing Them Start Sweating As They All Heard The News From Mang Tian Chi About Null ,What He Looks like ,And His Personality. Also What He Calls Xiao Yan An Xiao Xun 'Er. {A/N: I Kept Forgetting His Name Was Yan And Not Yun. My Bad*Knocks On His Head With That Face>> :P Except Smiling* UwU Please Don't Murder Me.}

*Both Gasp*""NULL!!!!""*Teachers Flinch At This Name**Null Still has his Cat Features Out.*{Another A/N: Mang Tian Chi Also notified them about him with and without his cat Features.}

"I missed you guysss!!"*Start's Floating towards Them using Space.**Hugs Them**Teachers start sweat dropping because the noticed he wasn't using Dou-Qi to float*

"What Happened You Have Cat Ears And 9 Tails Too"

"Ah. They Just Grew As My Cultivation Went Up"


1 Day Later


Yan ,Xun ,And Null Made The Void Sect Within The School. Null Reached Dou Sheng 9 Star ,But Doesn't Want to Breakthrough yet. He Currently has 3500x gravity on. He is completely ready to breakthrough. But he can wait.


To Breakthrough He Needs To Make his Universe In His Body A Multiverse.


"Hey Yan How's it going."

"It's Good Null. By the way how's your injuries?"

"They're All Healed Up. Thanks for asking. Also We're About to get raided By The Strongest Bully Sect. They Have Some Of the top 10 In It."

"Ah? Thanks For Notifying me. But? How Did You Know This?"

"I Have My Ways."

"Just tell me."

"Fine. I know the Principal. Old Man Mang."

"What!!! You Have Connections To The Principal Mang Tian Chi!"

"SHhhhhhhh!! Calm Down It's Not A Big Deal. But I need You To Be Ready I'm Going Somewhere Today."

"Okay Null. Thanks For The Warning."

"No Problem See Ya'."


3 Minutes Later


Scene:At The Principal's Office.

"Oi. Old Man Mang. I Want The Burning Heart Flame."

"Oh. Really? Can You Replace It?"

"Ha! What Do You Man CAN I Replace it. What Can't I replace? I'm Already Able To Break Through To Dou Di 1 Star."

"I Guess Your Right. But This Soon?"

"Yeah I want to try Being an Alchemist."

"Oh Do You Need A Teacher."

"No I Have one in mind"

"Alright Go Ahead and take it. Just remember to put something with the same effect at the same quality or higher."

"Alright Old Man."


At The Heart Flame


Alright I'll Just Snatch This And Boom. Now I Can Break Through To Dou Di. I Definitely Appreciate This Old Man.

Now I'll Form My Multiverse With This Beast Flame As The Core. And When I merge I'll Be Able To Make A Replica Even Better Than The Original In This World. Of Course Mine Will Upgrade Itself When I Merge It With Myself.


Make A Multiverse With The Beast Flame As The Core Component.


Ahhh. That Feels Amazing. I'm A Dou Di 1 Star.

I'll Cultivate a bit and consolidate my Multiverse.




Finished I'm A Dou Di 9 Star. But I'm Still Not At The Peak Yet. I need To Make And Omniverse And I'll be Promoted To Dou Bi Zhen Di {A/N: This Is A Made Up Rank. It Stands For Dou True God.}

I've Also Made A New Category For Skills above Heaven Tier. It's God Tier.

I'm gonna break through but I need to fuse my Dou-Qi With My Beast Flame And Soul All Together in Order To Make My Omniverse. I'll Make It and Then I'll Actually Be At The Peak Of These Realms.

I'll Finally Be Able To Go Somewhere Else For Once.