Finally. I've Made It Past Qi Condensation Stage. I'm In The First Trial. Live Without My Core For 1 Day. After That I'm Home Free To Destroy That Damn Author. I changed my Plans. I'm Going To The Next Verse After I Kill Author.
Next Day.
I've Made It To Body Remolding Stage. I can Kill That Damn Author Now.
"Hey Wei."
"Yeah Zhi Ye."
"I'm Going to Go Kill Author/God."
"Good Luck."
"This'll Be The Last Time We See Each other. I'll leave you a part of my soul in yours that'll constantly generate Energy Around you to absorb. It'll Make Your Home's Dense With Energy."
"Thanks. Zhi Ye."
"I'm here to kill you and take back my wife author."
"Heh. And?"
"I've Also Formed My True Core."
"Still Not Enough!"
"I've Also Made it Past Qi Gathering And Qi Condensation Stages. I made it through the first Trial And I'm Now Body Remolding Stage. I'm here to kill You."
"What!! Damn It!! I won't go out without a fight!"
"It Won't Be A Fight. It'll Be A MASSACRE!! A ONE SIDED BEAT DOWN!!!"
After Author Died.
Finished. I absorbed His Half Formed Core. It Had A Lot Of Built Up Energy. He Was Really Planning On Making An Over Charged Core. Welp. I'm Now At Soul Remolding Stage. I'll Stay In This Space To Send Wei To His Next World That He Needs To Be Sent to in order to reach it.
I've Decided To Reincarnate My Wife With No Memories Except Loving Me. She'll Only Know My General Appearance. That'll Let us Reunite In the Future. It'll Also Let Her Forget This Terrible Experience. I found Out He Raped her. So I'm Bringing Her Back To An Unsullied State To Let Her Forget.
"Welcome Wei. I'm Here To Send You To Your Next World. Instead Of That Monster Of An Author."
"Alright Zhi Ye. See ya."
Time To Continue My vacation. I finished Soul Refining Stage. I Also Finished The Trial Of Core Shattering. That Shit Hurts.
I'm gonna go to a new world.
Apotheosis World.
It seems I came at a bad time. Looks like I didn't get put at the start of the story.
It seems this verse recognizes my technique as a 'Scattering Technique'.
It seems this Luo Zheng is the main character. This seems to be the Road Of The Trier. I'm gonna cultivate a bit. I'll try using this worlds cultivation system.
Sky Realm....Celestial Realm 1st Stage. It seems my body is around 13 years old. I'm gonna join The Road Of The Trier.
"Hey there! Luo Zheng!"
"Huh? Who are you? Do You Know Me?"
"Ehehe. No I just heard about you in the Qing Yun Sect!"
"Are you a Disciple of the Qing Yun Sect."
"Nah! I'm just a Drifter. I go from place to place. Never Joining And Never Getting Caught."
"How Haven't you got caught yet!"
"Ah. Currently I'm A Celestial Realm 1st Stage."
"How Old Are You!"
"Uh...I think I turned 13 last month."
"Yeah But I haven't cultivated much. My total time in cultivation would be about 1 day."
"1 Day!"
"Yeah I thought Everyone was like this. They just didn't cultivate much."
"Every Cultivator to exist cultivates as much as possible."
"What! Then Why Haven't They Reached Higher Realms! Aren't These People Just Absolute Garbage! I think you're the only decently good person at cultivation Luo Zheng."
"Huh. But I'm Only a Sky Realm 3rd Stage."
"What! I totally thought you were a Celestial Realm 5th Stage!"
'Huh! How did he know I've taken down cultivators only up to 4th Stage of Celestial Realm.'"Eh."
"Yeah Based On how strong you were I completely made a misunderstanding! My Bad! Just Don't tell anybody about my identity Kay! Goodbye!!"
"Hey Luo Zheng. Who Was That. Was It A Fan!"
"No....Just A Monster In Disguise."
Heheheh. First Impressions Complete!
"It's Time To Start The Road Of The Trier!"
Hm? I've made it to the fire area ,but...Where is everyone? Did I get here too quickly. I'll just wait for Luo Zheng To Get Here.
I've Cultivated to Early Godland Realm ,Luo Zheng Just Passed Through The Entrance to this area.
"Hey There Buddy!"
"Eh....You Again!"
"Yep It's Me! Over Here! The Fire Will Subside And We Can Get Through To A Rest Area."
Seems He Made it faster because I cleared the path. Those Assholes Aren't here yet.
"When'll The Fire Subside?"
"In about 5 minutes. Until Then How're You."
"I'm Good. Thanks For Asking. I wanted to ask you something."
"What Is It."
"What's Your Name."
"Oh It's Yuanshi Zhi Ye. You Can Call Me Brother Ye!"
"Alright Brother Ye. What's Your Current Cultivation At."
"Oh. I'm At Early Godland State!"
"What!! Early Godland State!!!"
"Yeah. I cultivated for a bit inside here waiting for the fire to subside. I reached Godland State Inside Here."
"Oh. That's Nice!"
"Hey Look! The Fire Is Going to subside In a minute or two."
"Hey Chumps!"
"Don't talk to them like that!"
"Why Not! Their Probably Both Trash!"
"You Meanie! If You Insult Me Again ,I'll Beat You Up!!"
"G-G-Godland State!!! How Did You Get In Here!"
"That's A Secret! Now Take It Back! And Call Me Big Bro Ye!"
"Y-Y-Yes! Big Bro Ye!"
"We've Made It To the island in the middle of the Fire course." I of course obliterated every monster we came across. I'll Probably find my wife at cloud temple. I mean I was spawned at the Road Of The Trier. I'm Now A Late Godland State.
"Hey Did You Know There is a Hidden Trial Pass Here."
"Hey Luo Zheng Let's Go Find That Trial Pass!"
"Yeah Let's Hurry."
"We're Here."
"Hey Only Cloud Temple Disciples Are Allowed In The Trial Pass!"
"Shut Up."
"If you don't move. I'll move you myself. If you want to check my cultivation to see if i'm capable then go ahead."
"Ha! We Don't Need to check to know you're trash! You Look Younger Than Everyone Here!"
"Then Don't...Say....I DIDN'T WARN YOU!!!"
"Absolute Garbage."
"Come On Little Bro Luo! We've Gotta Hurry Up! Before someone gets ahead of us!"
"Woah. Okay!"
I'm An Early Virtual Disaster Realm.
"Hey Lil' Bro Luo. I feel Something. There's A Secret Here."
"What! How!"
"I just know."
"See. Let's Hurry Up And Get Some Treasures For you."
..."...I See Something Up Ahead!..."...
"Huh? There's Someone Else Here!"
"Hey How Did You Two Get In Here! Only Cloud Temple Disciples Are Allowed In!"
"I Sliced There heads off. Got A Problem."
"Hah! Like A Trash Can Kill A Cloud Temple Disciple! Tell The Truth!"
"Would You Like To Test If I'm Lying or not."
"Sure Why Not! I'll Pity You."
"Check My Cultivation Base Then"
"What! Early Virtual Disaster Realm! Impossible! It's Fake! Die!!!"
"Ha. I'm not faking. Idiot. If Someone Could Fake Cultivation They Would've Gone Even Bigger."
"Wow! That's Some Power Right There!"
"Hey! You Can Call Me Big Bro Ye. What's Your Name!"
"I'm The Smart And Handsome Red Maple! Big Bro Ye! Are You Really A Virtual Disaster Realm!"
"Yeah! Ain't I Real Cool!"