Crab legend

Going around swallowing fish is what this shark noodle has been doing these past 2 months. He has gotten too big for his small hole crack in the rock, he decided to leave it and try to explore the deep hole in the middle of the reef.

-Bull shark lv.12-

He encountered a fellow shark and he dashed to his right, swallowing a big chunk of the bull shark. The bull shark, because of the injury couldn't move fast anymore, so as he tried to bite this noodle shark, he couldn't.

"Another mouthful huh."

- 320/6000 Experience gained -

"Still a long way", So yeah, since I encountered that human and because I was too big for the crack I have decided to leave, I saw that human, so it means somewhere near here, is an island or something.

I explored the upper bit of the hole and left it, it's too deep for me and I don't know how big fish there are inside. So I explored and went the opposite way of the hole.

Through the adventure, I have stopped at night to "sleep" although there is no need to sleep, it's become my habit to do so.

While back to swimming I noticed that the water became a bit cold, I went back a bit so as to not die from the cold.

- Great white shark lv.32 -

I activated my camouflage instantly and began to watch the scary huge creature move near me. It was truly one of the most terrifying beasts I have ever seen.

I need to get stronger, my level now is 15, but I still feel powerless near the great shark.

- Great white shark evaded -

I have found a good place for me to sleep in, it's an island, near the coasts there are huge rocks with small entrances into a huge water cave. I decided this was a good place and started to live here.

3 weeks past, I have become level 18, my mouth size has become 80 cm, the length is now 2,9 meters. I have returned to my small cave home and suddenly am surprised to see a small crab sleeping near the rocks.

I ignored them and went inside my home, it's already midnight and I went to sleep. Maybe one day I'll hunt at night, but there's a particular reason why I don't do so.

Days go by and more crabs live near my rocks, I once touched the crab sleeping and they got on my nose, and all of them followed the crab and also got on my nose.

My whole body became a crab's nest. I thought it was kind of cute and left them on my nose. I went to sleep and woke up to hundreds of crabs around my body. Like some cult, they followed me.

I went on my daily hunt, a small codfish saw one of the small crabs and tried eating one, I noticed and instantly killed the codfish, but I didn't eat it. No, I left it for my cute little crabs to eat.

So this continued on and I gave them food, they gave me the company. They got bigger and bigger. Until I couldn't hold them on my body anymore, I had to let them go. So

One day I didn't return home I left that place. The crabs sadly waited for my return, but I didn't.

While crying I started exploring more places to live in.