Bootiful skills

Them again? Are they ever gonna give up? What's with their problem man. I swam up straight to the submarine and exploded it with my sheer force, but no. There were 3 more submarines and one quickly enabled a torpedo.

I remember when I was a small fish, I could never be against a torpedo, cause I would die instantly. But now, the torpedo is like a boomerang floating around the water. I could easily make it swim into another submarine. And that I did. The second submarine exploded.

They were thinking of retreating since they were turning to the right quickly, but I didn't let them go. I crashed into both of them and I made it so both submarines would collide with each other.

This show was so beautiful! I thought in my mind. Maybe someday I would have the ability to talk? But who cares, I can do without it.

- New skills acquired -

Oh, that's new! It's been such a long time since my beautiful system has said anything! What have you got for me now?

- Ice manipulation 10 skill points 1/10 -

- Earthquakes 20 skill points 1/10 -

Woah! That's epic, what does the second skill do?

- Earthquakes:

The ability to cause earthquakes, regardless of location. The earthquake's longevity, size, and radius will be upgraded per skill upgrade. -

Well, the last part is self-explanatory. Now, I have a ton of skill points. 268 to be exact, so this will be an easy choice. I could max out earthquakes or max out ice manipulation and still have some points to use.

I decided to max out ice manipulation and upgrade the earthquakes 5 times. Now! I'm a legendary being! Let's test out these skills, baby!

I used my ice manipulation skill, and instantly I felt as I could feel every ice near my radius which was about 100 kilometers. This may be very useful to detect enemies in places with a lot of ice.

With this, I could make like a den, which when a person was inside it, I felt his movements, because I had ice all around me and I could kill him instantly.

I then tried to test out earthquakes, but nothing happened, so I went back to my small island. I used it there and the island crumbled to pieces, a small volcano popped up, but this earthquake which I set all the power to the small island, was somehow pushed back into the other island with a lot of humans.

Oh no, I need to leave, bye! I swam out of there as quickly as possible.