Unknown Attack

Out of nowhere, a big strong spider fell out of the sky. It seemed to be a jumping spider. Huge eyes, big body, half of my body size. And it seemed to have something mysterious about it, there was a big crystal in the middle of it. I have seen something like this before. Anyways after coming near me, the spider started jumping around me, faster than I could see. Moving around me at light speeds.

- Divine Jumping Spider Lv. 68 -

I have never seen something with divine before its species name. This is something peculiar.

Suddenly, the spider started attacking and attacking me. Every blow was destroying my body slowly. When it threw the slashes, a golden shadow moved with the slashes. It seems its really divine. Anyways, I started my every ability and tried to murder it faster than it could murder me.

Earthquake! Ice manipulation! I froze just half of its body and it dealt quite a big punch, but it was not enough. I earthquaked its body, and some big holes started popping up in him, similar to the ground. The monster got noticeably slower, giving me a chance. I then used my big shark mouth to give it a bite. It being slower, couldn't block my bite, I bited its body out, dealing it a huge loss. It completed stopped and it seemed it was crying for help, shrieking for something to come up.

As it was shrieking I lunged at it and used my last strength to destroy it fully.

- Leveled up! -

- Leveled up! -

- Leveled up! -

- Leveled up! -

- Leveled up! -

- Leveled up! -

Mm, quite a lot of level ups, this I can use to make myself more bigger and I feel my injuries got fully healed because of these level ups.

Then I used my transformation ability to get myself bigger and started to move again to the middle. Now the humans and me have conquered maybe a little less than half of the island, with quite a lot of casualties on the human side, since it is a number game for them, monsters are quite stronger than they are, so they could only use their technological advancements against thems.

I ordered 10 nukes and kilotons of bombs to explode near the middle of the island and near myself to destroy billions of the frozen monsters I froze. As I was getting closer to the middle, the monster number was getting denser and denser. Now, compared to the coastline of the island, there is many times more monsters here. As I had thought this island maybe has 100 billion monsters in total.

I had almost gotten to the middle, quite some way, hundreds of millions monsters were climbing on me and dying from getting frozen, then falling in the big holes I had created. Some survived, got killed by humans.

- Leveled up! -

- Leveled up! -

- Leveled up! -

- Leveled up! -

As I had thought this is a good place to become stronger.