Human Technology Arc 2

The doors of Leash's system closed and so began the wait, Ethan made some coffee and sat down on a chair near the cloning chambers, waiting. He was looking at his phone, which 2 years ago were like a small glass structure with a very bright screen, with no ports, only a glass screen.

As he waited and waited, slowly the body was being created and pasted into creation, it's quantum information created into thin air. The machine needed lots of energy and components as well, a human's body is made out of lots of expensive materials.

And so, after 2 and a half hours, the chambers doors opened and as the smoke settled, a body came out, a clone of Leash. He took it, did some tests and figured that it's completely stable and working. The clone Leash could do anything the normal Leash did. This was the true beginning of humanity's technology.

A month later, millions flock in the cities to see the Leash system, Leash had patented the cloning system and had made billions out of it. He was already richer than most people, now with this machine, people that were smart like scientists, could be cloned and mass-produced, giving much aid to humanity's technology. It had costed lots to buy a clone of yourself, but time could only wait to see what's in the future.

As time went on and a year passed, Ethan had developed the new Leash System 2, with extreme capabilities with mass producing, now you could make a dozen of the same person and with lower components cost, since this new machine was a bit more productive.

After a year of this machine being wide spread, humanity had developed millions of new creations, with the help of the billions of scientists. The scientists had made a bureau, which they only controlled, every cloned scientist or normal one was put there, to greater help and facilitate the explosion of cloned people.

One example of a new creation was the quantum teleporter, since very long ago, this machine was in lots of minds, since yes, they had quantum computers. This machine would have almost the exact process as the Leash system, but with smaller details changed. It would copy a person's quantum information, disintegrate a person whole, not leaving a trace of body and paste the quantum information in another place. This quantum teleporter still couldn't leave people's minds as they think the consciousness is killed in the process.

Overall, the Leash system was one of the greatest creations in the planet's history. With it, 2 years later, humanity already had flying ships and flying cars, all around the cities, not only that, but the cities and the population had quadrupled, now about 400 billion people live on the planet. The planet had undergone a great change and with so many people, it was getting quite hard for people to find places to live. This started a thought provoking thought for most people and scientists, could they leave this planet to find other places to live.

The scientists created better telescopes that could see millions of stars in insanely high quality, could look into planets, see they chemical structure, find a trace of life to live there. They of course found something, and were getting ready to escape the planet's gravity to find a better place to survive.

And as we know now, the shark monarch woke up at this time. And so, we have catched up with humanity's technology arc.