Having Fun 1

Meanwhile in second island's capital Valla.

The streets exploding from activity, people drinking and dancing in the middle of the capital. Today, was the anniversary of second island's independence day. Valla was the main capital of the second island and it was the only place where you would see this kind of action.

Valla's roads and houses looked a lot like Italy's, old looking and made out of a lot of materials. Bricks on the sides of the houses visible. It had a very beautiful feel to it.

The capital was huge, but it was only a small portion of it that had this kind of Italy old look to their streets and houses, only about a 25 km area of it had it. Mostly the whole capital was extremely futuristic with flying cars and ships, huge sky scrapers with heights measuring at between 800 and 1000 metres, the highest one at 1500 metres it was gigantic, flowing through the sky and higher up. The people here were happily celebrating the planet's new technology.

But in this small 25 km area, all flying things were prohibited and only people that had special permissions and perks could live there. Mainly, the space was used for celebrations and old people living there.

The island had its fair share of problems, mainly small gangs that would quietly destroy Valla's reputation. The police there were also prohibited from having new special technological, futuristic weapons and that would resort to deadly shootings were police were destroyed.

And it was extremely corrupt, as the whole island is also. This environment would result in an extremely profitable place for these so called gangs. One of the biggest of these gangs were called "Lucia's callers", they had multiple bad businesses running, mainly extorting people and getting protection money from the shops. But they also had some help from the government as they were also shipping guns throughout the whole country for governments and other institutions. All of these guns were mainly from the first island, which in the latest years was slowly becoming a huge developing country that made a lot of things the second island would use. Some of these things were guns, but they were secretly distributed not to instantly to the second island, but to gangs. Because they were always in disagreement with the second island.

Lucia's callers were also working in one of the largest of the planet's secrets. You may have noticed the gang's name is very similar to the monarch that refined the system. That was quite intentional by the leaders of the gang. They were helping the monarch slowly destroy the planet's technology and make sure they have a lot of problems. The clone machine was quite bad for the gang so they were currently partaking in destroying these machines.

And so, this takes us to the main character, which was in human form and happily reading the minds of the gang leaders getting ready for the weekly scientist murdering.