The First Day of School! (Part 2)

"So... What's the plan?" Luke glanced over at Miles as he spoke.

Miles was on Instagram, going through his feed. He looked up as he thought about what Luke said.

"Hmmm? How bout we hit up the ock and get me a chopped cheese, a Snapple, and a honey bun, and, and... Yeah, that's it for now."

"Didn't we just have breakfast? What are you, a pig?" Luke took a left as he drove down Bedford Ave.

"Nah, nah. Hear me out. We can eat breakfast in class; as long as it's first period, the teacher can't say shit." Miles passionately retorted.

"But that doesn't explain why you need to have breakfast twice. Dumbass." Luke destroyed Miles' argument without a single shred of mercy.

"Allow it, man! Allow it!" Miles gave up on arguing, not because he was losing, oh-no-no. How can that be?

Miles went back on his phone; scrolling through Instagram until he saw a pic of a thicc ass girl in lingerie. He leaned back against the leather seat as his eyes widened.

"Dayum!! She thicc!" Miles exclaimed in a deep tone.


Ten minutes passed as they got to the local deli near Madison High.

Miles got out of the car and approached the store.

There were many onlookers that turned to look at him as he passed, following his tall figure with their curious eyes. Some jealous sore eyes mix in there too but Miles didn't pay attention to these people, nor the curious looks he felt.


The ornament on the door jingled as he pushed the door forward. Entering the store, he found a lot of familiar faces inside the bustling small deli.

Miles smiled as he called out to his friends, "Mikie! Tarell! Joey! What's good my G's!" He walked towards them as they walked towards him. They formed a little huddle amongst themselves as the four exchanged their special handshake with enthusiasm.

Finishing their brief handshake, Mikie, a dark skin 6-foot tall young man wearing Jordan's on his feet, sagged blue tie-dye rip jeans, and an open red big jacket, with a designer white tee underneath, inquired, "Miles, I thought you was dead, how come you show up now?"

Miles didn't answer him immediately as he called out to the man on the grills, "Boss! One order of chopped cheese!"

The man took a quick glance at Miles before shouting back enthusiastically, "5 minutes, Miles!" He went back to grilling with a newfound smile on his face.

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I'm alive, you dumbass." Miles gave Mikie an irritated look and shook his head lightly. Mikie, Tarell, and Joey just laughed lightly.

They bantered around next to the ATM inside until the boss shouted towards them, "Miles, get your chopped cheese!"

"Shit... gimme a sec!" Miles cursed quietly, then shouted back.

Looking towards his friends, he spoke fast as he ordered them, "Boys, get me a mango Snapple, and a honey bun, also get something for yourselves, quickly shoo~" Miles motioned them to go with his hand.

He waited for them to come back with a dozen different thing, shaking his head he went towards the counter and pulled out a blue hundred-dollar bill. Placing it on the counter, he smiled and took his chopped cheese from the man behind the elevated counter.

"Boss, keep the change, paying for the boys too, have a nice day!" Miles turned around walked towards the door with swagger. Mikie, Tarell, and Joey followed behind him as they stuffed their things inside their backpacks.

Luke was waiting outside the deli inside his car, playing with his phone as music blasted through the speakers of the car.

Miles opened the car door and sat shotgun, "Luke, open the back door."

Luke took a glance at the back, Mikie, Tarell, and Joey were waiting there. He shifted his gaze back towards the front and pressed a button.


The boys soon got in and Luke drove away, heading towards the school.

"Ayo! Get my shit out!" Miles looked towards the three in the back seat and spoke loudly so they could hear him through the music blasting.

Tarell and Joey put their phones on their lap and picked up their bags as they took out a Snapple and a honey bun respectively, tossing it to Miles.

Catching the goods, Miles turned his body around again and stuffed them into his own backpack, and closed it.



The boys got out of the car and started walking up the stairs of the entrance while Miles talked with Luke.

"Miles, you get home on your own, I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock." Luke said as he lowered the volume of the music.

"Yeah, I know, I know... Fuck, I hope they didn't tow my car away." Miles said a little distressed.

"Maybe... maybe not." Luke responded in a lax fashion.

Miles looked at him a little pissed and retorted, "You know if my shit got taken away you'll be my personal driver till I get it back?"

"Heh! Hell no! This is a one-time thing, you could catch an uber from now on!" Luke laughed coldly and turned the tables before Miles could even start his schemes.

Luke pulled out a cig and lit it. Taking a puff, he rolled down his window; putting his hand out. "Hurry... You're already mad late."

"I know, I know." Miles got out of the car and slung his backpack on one shoulder.

Luke quickly drove off, pedal to the metal.

'Fuck... I really hope they didn't take my car.' Miles walked up the stair with unfocused eyes.