Xuemei, A Good Student?

Liuwei massaged his temples in frustration, as he tapped his foot impatiently while waiting. Time ticked by, however, the person he was expecting still had not come. Checking his watch, he realized that he had already been waiting for almost an hour. Clicking his tongue, he wondered what could be taking so long. His eyes began to light up as he thought about it. Did he just miss it? Maybe that girl did indeed fall for him and she is taking so long because she cannot decide what to wear in front of him. Smirking at this thought, Liuwei leaned back onto the couch while crossing his legs confidently. When she walked in, he would definitely lecture her about keeping people waiting so harshly that she would never want him to come back. Glancing at his watch impatiently, he watched the second hand continue ticking. Right at exactly noon, the door opened as a slim figure walked in. When he looked up, Liuwei felt choked while the vein on his forehead started to pulsate. The object of his anger was completely oblivious to her offense. Calmly walking in and sitting across from the man on the couch, Xuemei was dressed in a loose black t-shirt, sweatpants, and glasses. Her still damp hair was down in a messy fashion as if she did not care to do anything with it. Honestly, Christian was rather helpless as well. He took one look at the closet full of Tang Xuemei's old clothes and did not know what to do. All of them were so flashy, he thought he would go blind just looking at them. Most of them did not even cover much either and wearing such skimpy clothes was not an option. Thus, he had to ask to borrow clothes from his brother. The glasses were also an adjustment because he always had 20/20 vision, but Xuemei used to wear contacts. His contacts hadn't come yet with the new prescription, so he just made do with the glasses. Although he hated shopping, Christian decided that he would at least have to go out and buy a couple presentable outfits.

"Miss Tang, what is the meaning of you keeping me waiting so long? My time is also priceless." Controlling his rising temper, Liuwei hissed these words through grit teeth.

"Mr. Gu, have you not heard that coming too early is also rude towards the host? I have my own schedule and plans; thus, you should stick to and arrive at the scheduled time allotted. You were supposed to arrive at 12:00 p.m. today, I should ask you what was the meaning of you arriving so early?"

"Well, in the end, I did arrive too early, however, you kept me waiting for an entire hour with no news."

"I just went through my normal routine. As someone who is recovering her health, I have strict health routines to follow like a cool-down after a workout and a timely lunch." Although this was Christian talking nonsense, he could not very well tell this person the real reason. In truth, growing up he was not always obsessed with schedules, but after growing up he started to get used to this habit from another person…

Inwardly shaking his head, Christian did not continue thinking down this path of his thoughts. He could have showered quickly and come earlier, however, he wanted to make sure this tutor does not continue coming so early and messing with Christian's set plans. Thus, the situation right now.

"Oh? Is that so…" Liuwei was fairly sure that this was a load of nonsense, but he decided to calm down and not talk about it. Sitting properly, he reorganized his suit and examined the girl in front of him.

"So, your father told me that this tutoring session is to catch you up on the last three years of schooling that you have missed in order to pass the college exam. Do you have a goal school?"

"Goal school? Not particularly. I guess whatever the best school I can get into with my scores would be the school I would want to get into. I want to hurry to get in, so I might not get into the best school but I would rather be on the right time track then continue studying to get into the best." Christian really did not give it much thought. Liuwei just pursed his lips but refrained from remarking. He knew that this girl was not taking this seriously. Did she think her parents could just pay her way through a college degree for some weak and useless degree then get hired into their company? Hmph! It's stupid heirs and heiresses like this that cause his father to misunderstand him causing him to suffer in anonymity. Whatever. Liuwei would not say anything. If this girl did not put in the effort during the tutoring, he could just complain and quit with righteous reason. Why should he waste his time tutoring some girl who is not even trying?

After they gave each other a small introduction, Liuwei jumped right into the 10th grade material. Christian also buckled down and listened seriously while taking down notes. While he had already gotten through high school and college, there were definitely things that faded from his memory. Plus, he had never learned about Chinese seriously before and obviously Xuemei had almost no useful information in her memories. All she had were her memories of learning stupid celebrity gossip and about whatever boy she had a crush on at the time. When he filtered through everything, Christian almost wished he could have just woken up with no memories at all, maybe that would have spared him the overwhelming urge to just kill himself and leave this body. All his previous hard studying did not fail him, though, as most of the familiar information was easy for him to pick up once again. Liuwei was surprised to see this girl try so hard, but he did not give up and continued to push her hoping that she would give up at one point.

For another 3 months, the two of them continued meeting every weekend and every other night during the week after Liuwei finished his work. Liuwei grew more and more pleasantly surprised over the girl's serious attitude towards studying and also her surprising intelligence. She almost never needed him to repeat something and would understand and remember after saying things once. Even more to his shock was the complete nonchalance with which she treated him. She would not look at him more than necessary, and she only talked to him to ask questions about where she was confused but nothing more. Never asking anything personal, they both were still almost strangers even after spending so much time together. Actually, it was only so exaggerated because Christian wanted his family to see that he has changed. From the first day Father Tang saw Liuwei's face, he wanted to replace this tutor. However, Christian saw that Liuwei was an amazing tutor and taught things in a way that was efficient and easy to understand. Seeing this, he pleaded with his father to let Liuwei stay and promised he would not interact with him anymore than necessary. He hoped in this way that his family would stop worrying about him due to the old Tang Xuemei's habits. He used to be a boy! A God-honest and completely heterosexual male. How could he suddenly just become boy-crazy? If anything, his family should worry over whether he would actually just live the rest of his life as a lesbian. He knew that prejudice was still very high in Asian countries against same-sex love.

While Christian had his own worries, Liuwei was also questioning his looks for the first time in his life. Every day he would go home and wonder if his looks were really so average. He was never one to flaunt himself or brag, if anything he used to find his outer appearance annoying since girls would never leave him alone if went around without his disguise. However, it was impossible for him to not have a certain pride. It was only now that he was ignored that he realized he was actually so self-centered. He told himself again and again to not let it bother him, because it was completely unimportant whether she liked him or not. But an immature part of him would always feel tempted to just shout at this girl, "are you really not attracted to me?! Not even a little bit?!" This was just his personal feelings, though, and he would nonetheless praise her personality in front of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tang were so happy with the news that they gave all the credit to Liuwei's teaching ability. They constantly paid him more than necessary or sent him home with food. Liuwei would try his best to reject them, but he always ended up taking everything in the end. Only he knew that Xuemei was just an intelligent girl and that his teaching had much less to do with her success than her own IQ and hard work.

At the breakneck pace that Xuemei learned, she was quickly prepared to take the exam. She started studying at the beginning of December and was now ready to take the exam on June 7th and 8th of this year. Liuwei said that he definitely expected great scores from her. The day of the exam, her mother and father hosted a feast for breakfast and the day before they went to the temple to pray and paid for expensive charms. Christian felt like laughing as he saw that his family seemed more stressed about the exam than he was. In his opinion, he knew that he prepared well for the exam so all he had to do was try his best and he should do well. He was never one with performance anxiety, if anything, he performed better under pressure. He ended up taking the exam with the high school he would have attended had he not been in a coma. Most of the students would have normally been surprised and gossiped about his appearance, however, they were all too stressed about the exam. Christian did not think that any of them even noticed his presence. Those long two days passed slowly, but Christian felt confident that his results would be good.

After waiting a little while, he was finally able to check his scores. Even Christian could feel his confidence waver slightly. He wondered if his score would be as good as he hoped. Glancing at the number finally, Christian jumped up from his chair in excitement. 710! He would definitely be able to get into the tier one colleges with this score. Glancing over everything, he realized that his lowest scores were in Chinese and English, however, he was expecting a result like this. A lot of the questions are more subjective and it's extremely difficult to receive a perfect score in these subjects. Excited by the news, he quickly shouted for his parents and brother to come in. He knew they were waiting outside the door for the news anyways. Almost tripping over each other, the silly group of three quickly approached to look at the screen. Seeing the scores reflected, all of them were speechless. Their Xuemei, the one who almost failed out of middle school, she scored so high on the exam? Was she actually a genius? In his good mood, Christian whipped out his phone to call Liuwei. About to tap in the number, he realized that in their entire time together, he had never called or texted his tutor before. Shrugging his shoulders, he thought this was normal and did not hesitate to dial the number. He heard the phone ring once before it clicked showing someone had picked up.

"Hello?" A deep voice echoed across the phone.

"Hello? Is this Mr. Gu Liuwei?"

"This is he. To whom am I speaking?"

"Hahaha, Brother Liuwei, it's Tang Xuemei!" Although they were not particularly close, Christian still called him rather informally.

"Xuemei?" One could hear the hint of surprise in the voice. "What are you calling about?"

"I got my score back!"

"Oh? And?"

"710! Gu laoshi, it's all thanks to your awesome teaching. Well, I guess I can't not give credit to my amazing brain as well!" Laughing happily, Christian felt that nothing would bring his mood down today.

"Well, as expected. Good job. I have some work to do, so I have to go. Have fun celebrating with your family." Liuwei's voice did not change much as he coldly congratulated Xuemei before suddenly hanging up.

"Wait-" Before he could get another word in, Christian heard the other line click off. What. The. Hell?! Couldn't he have said something a little better than that?! Frowning slightly, Christian brought the phone down from his face before convincing himself not to think about it. Smiling once again, he looked over at his family members as they danced around in joy. He could not resist grinning ear to ear either. No matter how old he got, this feeling of success after hard work never got old.