The inverted heart birth mark

I walk away after Lilia's roommate get in to tell her that a villager is looking for her, then Lilia came out and see me from afar, she run towards me and quickly ask me, "why didn't you tell my roommate that you are my brother?"

I just smiled and tell her, "look at my appearance... What will they think if they know that I am your brother? Don't they laught at you?"

It seems she was touch from what I've said, she got a teary eyes and she swept away some dust in my body, and she said with the lump on her throat. "I don't care of what might people say! You are my brother no matter what your appearance is.

Then after that, I pull out the red butterfly hair clip out from my pocket and put it on her shinny long hair, and I said " I saw almost all the girls in the central wearing it, I think you deserve to got one. Then my younger sister suddenly hug me and cry like a baby.

I just remember when I am on first year high school, my sister stole some money from our father. Father know about it right away, he made me and my younger sister kneel against the wall, with a bamboo stick on his hand he said, " who stole the money?" asking both of us.

It seems my little sister was so afraid to talk. Then father said, " okay fine! If no one wants to admit, you two should be beaten!" when father lifted the bamboo stick, I immidiately grab his hand said, "dad, I was the one who did it"

With the long stick, father smacked me repeatedly at my back until I lost consciousness. After I get my consciousness back, I heard father telling me" you have learn to steal from your own house now! What other embarrasing thing will you do in the future? You should be beaten to death you shameless thief!!"

That night, my mother and sis hugged me. Evem my body is full of injuries, I didn't show any tears to my sister for her know that I'm strong enough to protect her. In the middle of the night, I heard my sister crying, I go to her and cover her mouth with my hand, "sis, don't cry anymore, everything happened, I know you use the money to buy a handkerchief, every girls in your class have those."

It's been a while but it seems that it just happened yesterday.

After visiting my sister, I go straight to the construction site where I live, I saw the same lady again and I can't stop the burning pain in my chest, this inverted heart birth mark I have. Lately I've noticed this kind of feeling, it feels like there is a heaviness in my heart all the time it hurts, something, all of a suddenly it aches and then it wit stops.

I'm having the same strange dreams lately, it is like, I am running, together with a lady with a hair clip but her face is blured. Then we stop on a tree near at the back of a shinny fountain. Then there's so many lights figured man grabbing us then my dream stop and I woke up after that.. It happens a night after my inverted heart birth mark ache.

The inverted heart birthmark in my chest with also a strange color, redish and black, it looks like half red and half black, my mom said when She gave birth to me, she saw a flash of light and the nurse also saw that light, the the nurse said "madam, it's an angel!" the nurse get a towel to clean me up and pass me to my mother, then mother saw the inverted heart shape in my chest like it just burn, or like a wound because it looks like fresh.

The first time it aches when I was on grade 6, we are on a field trip and I'm with my best friend that time, when we are at the zoo, we are just looking at the big snakes then suddenly it feels like burning and I'm about to cry that time, then Me and my best buddy go back to the bus and take a rest.

It gets to my thinking that, Is it the lady with a butterfly hair clip does mean anything to my birth mark? But it is like super powers right? And no such thing exist in this world.

on the next day, I decided to see the lady again, but the problem is, I cannot remember her face, all I can remember is the hair clip but it seems almost all the girls in the central has that.

then is saw her again, I knew because of the pain in my chest.