Level Up

Old Tang felt his heart pain, but there was nothing he could do to stop Hei Wang and his group from robbing him.

Old Tang has been exiled from his world, and his strength had been sealed, making him no different from a regular human.

The only strength that he still had that gave him some kind of protection were the artefacts that he had painstakingly collected over his lifetime.

But Hei Wang had easily broken through each and every obstruction that was placed to stop the intruders, and had robbed him right under his eyes.

All Old Tang could do was curse his bad luck for meeting this monster.

Old Tang sighed helplessly.

'At least he does not know about the secret section of my shop where my most valuable items were stored.'

After plundering to his heart's content, Hei Wang took out the old lamp that he had taken from the shop and rubbed it gently.

A black coloured flame rose out of the old lamp as Hei Wang rubbed it and it quickly spread out to burn everything in it's path under Hei Wang's control.

This lamp was a Devil level artefact and contained a tier-2 Devil flame which could burn anything that came in contact with it.

Old Tang had understood Hei Wang's intention as soon as the lamp appeared in his vision. He gritted his teeth as the flame burnt his shop to ashes. Luckily, his secret section was protected by a 5th generation artefact and it had no problem in defending the burning effects of the Devil Flame.

"Brat! Once I return to my world and be released from my seal, I will remember to pay you a visit! Until then I will let you use my items so that you could stay alive." Old Tang's cold voice reverberated throughout the secret section of his old shop.


In his past life, Hei Wang did not stumble over Old Tang's shop even after he had stayed a whole year on North Island. This was because Old Tang had used one of his Rare items to create an illusion that was hard for spirits to see through.

But now that Hei Wang had his Spirit Eyes, he could easily see through this illusion.

He easily broke the illusion down and led the two girls outside the deserted street, and was greeted with a group of spirits that were roaming around.

The next second, a vivid number of weapons attacked Hei Wang and his group. These spirits had seen Hei Wang disappear from here and had been waiting for him with their weapons.

Hei Wang calmly summoned his Devil and ordered it protect Feng Xue'er. As a higher generation life-form, the Devil was almost immune to the attacks from the spirits and Hei Wang did not fear that the Devil would not do its job.

As for the spirits that had Devil Weapons which could even harm the Devils, these spirits were just random residents, how could they have Devil Weapons. Hei Wang even doubted that the Owner of the North Island has such a Weapon.

The only thing that the spirits had advantage over is that a few of them were stronger than the Devil and the Devil could not harm them if they were careful enough.

Hei Wang dodged an incoming spear and used his Spirit Eyes to check out the individual strengths of the spirits that were attacking them.

Most of the spirits that had surrounded them were level 3 or lower and their attacks were extremely impractical. They brandished their weapons in extremely exaggerated ways and most of the time, their attacks were nowhere near their targets.

They were just residents after all. Unlike the Island guard who had been given basic instruction in the art of Weaponry, most residents were complete noobs when it came to fighting.

Feng Xue'er was attacking random parts of the spirits as they kept moving their spirit beads, but once in a while her arrows would be blessed which helped her kill the spirits that were surrounding her.

[ You have killed a higher generation life form!

You have been awarded 100 XP.

Affinity with Morpheus +1.]

Finally, when she had killed two spirits, her accumulated experience broke down the barrier to the next level and Feng Xue'er had reached level 4 which increased her strength by approximately 3 times.

With newfound increase in her strength, Feng Xue'er's attack speed increased drastically, which in turn increased the number of times she could shoot, and thus increased the number of times her blessing had appeared to kill more spirits.

Her crimson bow, which was a Spirit grade Weapon only made it more easier for her.

As for the weakest Hei Wang.....

With his Spirit Eyes that were able to see through any attack, Hei Wang leisurely dodged the immature dance like movements of the spirits, as Feng Xue'er and Little Fish massacred them.

After the fall of tenth Spirit under Hei Wang's group, the spirit's fear of death finally kicked up and overtook the greed for the 10 crystal bounty. They immediately abandoned the notion of capturing Hei Wang and his group and fled without looking back.

"Cowards!" Little Fish laughed and clapped her hands.

As for Feng Xue'er, she felt that it was pity. She felt that she had lost a large amount of precious XP by letting them run away. She had killed a total of 6 spirits. Her first two kills had given her 100 XP for every kill, but the later four had only given 50 Xp each.

She needed a total of 500 XP to reach the 5th level. She had needed 400 XP to reach the fourth level which she had gained from killing two spirits back in Inn and two more right now.

Right now, she had 200 XP and only needed 300 XP more to reach 5th level, but it seems that she would receive less and less Xp for each kill after each increase in level.

"Master, now what? Do we conquer the North Island?"

Hei Wang nodded. There were only 5 months until the Invasion, and owning a Island would let him use the Island's secret weapon which would make it easier for him to defend against the Invasion.

But, conquering an Island was no easy job! After all, his opponent was a higher generation, higher level, higher positioned spirit who had thousands of higher levelled spirits under him.

In order to conquer the island, he would need a proper plan.