The Way Of The Heaven

"Me, I am a visitor from far. I have long heard of the great tales of the north and could not help myself from running here." Hei Wang replied, his face filled with arrogance, narcissism and an appreciating look. He was appreciating Rina's beauty.

"Oh!" Rina noticed Hei Wang's almost playful look, but she ignored it and continued chatting with him. "So, mister is a traveller. You must have been to a lot of places."

"Hmm! Girl you have good eyes! That's right! I have been to a lot of places! If I proclaim that I am the second best traveller, no one would dare to proclaim they are first!" Hei Wang's narcissism was so bright that it hurt Rina's eyes.

"So, mister, tell me. Is it fun travelling?" Rina eyes were filled with expectations. Like a little adventurer ready to face the storm and rain for a split second of thrill.

"Hump! Travelling is the path of the Heaven! What is cultivation before the art of travelling! Only when you travel would you understand how big the world is! Of course, as the number one path since ancient times, the art of travelling had always been the most fun! What is cultivation? Is it any fun? Can I eat it?" Hei Wang spat on the ground. His face was filled with disgust towards cultivation.

Little Rina was taken aback. She had asked him about travelling, but why was this guy cursing the path of cultivation? Did these two even have any connection? She tilted her head in confusion, thinking his words contained some hidden meanings.

"Hmm! Ok mister! I got your words." Rina turned back and returned to Melody. Hugging Melody she continued towards their previous destination.

"Oh! You let her go!" Feng Xue'er was surprised. Is the Beast inside him sleeping at the moment? How else could this Beast let a beautiful girl get away from him?

Hei Wang chuckled. "My little Feng, are you jealous?"

"Hump!" Feng Xue'er snorted in response.

"Don't worry. I won't let my targets get away. It's just that she isn't one of my targets."

"Are you implying that I was your target at one point of time?" Feng Xue'er was confused.

"Haha! You will understand it when the time comes." Hei Wang licked his lips, unrestrainedly burning his eyes on little Feng's lithe body.

Hei Wang then checked into another Inn. The inn keeper was very respectful and even gave them the Inn's best room when he felt their Supreme Spirit Aura.


Two days passed. Hei Wang was able to synthesise another rare crystal from the common ones he had, and he was also able to deactivate the trap he had set in the crystals he had given to Old Tang.

At this moment, Hei Wang had three rare crystals on him. One was from the goblin cave, while the other was synthesised by Old Tang from the 1500 crystals that Old Tang had plundered from Hei Wang.

A rare crystal required 1000 crystals of the same attribute. But that was not the end, the more crystals, the better the quality of the Rare crystal that was produced.

For example, Old Tang had used the 1500 crystals he had taken from Hei Wang to produce a Rare crystal of higher quality. But Old Tang did not know that he would have been given a beating if he had ever used this crystal. This was because, Hei Wang had tempered with the crystals he had given to Old Tang. Not only that, Hei Wang's 1500 crystals had some crystals of other attributes.

Synthesising a Rare Crystal only needed 1000 crystals of same attribute. After this 1000 crystals, If you add crystals from other attributes, even though synthesising a Rare crystal would not fail, the end product would often give unexpected reactions when activated.

In Old Tang's case, if he had ever used this crystal, he would have been blasted by a bomb that could shove him back by a whole kilometer.

Hei Wang took his time, carefully reverse synthesising this Rare crystal and removing the impurities.

Playful tossing the three Rare crystals into air, he took Feng Xue'er and Little Fish for a stroll outside. After their new identities as Supreme Spirits, this was their first time taking a stroll in the streets.

"Master, take me to a fun place!" Little Fish clung to Hei Wang like a cola, sucking blood from his neck.

"A fun place? Then, we will go to a fun place today!" Hei Wang nodded as he walked in a specific direction.

After a long time of travelling, Hei Wang and his group had finally reached their destination and stood in front of a heavily guarded cave. There were 10 Level 5 guards patrolling around the entrance to this cave.

"Halt! Mr Supreme Spirit, May I know why you are here?" A middle aged spirit saw Hei Wang and asked uprightly.

"Me? I want to take a stroll inside this cave." Hei Wang calm reply made the middle aged Spirit's face turn ugly.

"I am extremely sorry, Mr Supreme Spirit! But this cave is off limits even to Lord Supreme Spirit!" The guard hesitatingly shouted his words.

"Feng." Hei Wang looked towards Little Feng who understood his intention. Before the Spirit could react, an arrow pierced through his abdomen, thus effectively destroying his spirit bead and killing him.

"You..." The spirit died with regrets.

"Bastard!..." The other spirits noticed the commotion and pulled out their swords. But they did not charge yet, taking their time and slowly surrounding Hei Wang and his group.

"Hump! Cowards!" Little Fish snorted cutely, still clung to Hei Wang.

"Feng, they are all yours!" Hei Wang summoned his Devil and made it protect little Feng, while he stayed back.

The Spirits took their time in surrounding them. They feared death, and were not creatures who took drastic actions. They had to be steady and cool if they want to reduce their losses. And they were steady and cool at the moment.

Once ready, the Spirits slowly advanced towards the centre where their prey was. If their opponents were not Hei Wang, this might have been the best way to reduce their losses, but too bad their plan backfired.

Feng Xue'er released arrows like a storm, not caring to hit anything, and solely focusing on shooting more arrows.


[ Morpheus blesses your arrow. Your arrow shall unconditionally hit the target and deal a Fatal blow.]


[ You have killed a higher generation life form!

You have been awarded 50 XP.

Affinity with Morpheus +1.]


[ You have killed a higher generation life form!

You have been awarded 50 XP.

Affinity with Morpheus +1.]


[ You have killed a higher generation life form!

You have been awarded 50 XP.

Affinity with Morpheus +1.]

Before the guards realised it, three more Spirits were no longer beside them. Finally noticing Feng Xue'er's strange arrows, they abandoned their slow charge and rushed towards her.

Too bad, a Devil, who they could not harm without a Devil weapon appeared to protect Little Feng. Even though they were not satisfied, the spirits could only let Little Feng kill them one by one.

Spirits feared death more than anything. Because of this, Rulers, like the North Island's Island Master would often enslave their Guards to fully control them. This way, the Guards would never go against their words even in the face of death.

Of course there were different types of enslavment, in which, enslaving using True Names was the best and most difficult.

After all, Some people have no clue about their very own True Names while those who knew would never say it to others who they were not close to. At most, they would only use a part of their true name while being enslaved.

After killing the 10 guards, Little Feng's Level rose to 5 and she still had 100 Xp in abundant. She needed a total of 600 Xp for the next level, but she would only receive 25 Xp for each kill instead of 50.

Her Bloodline curse was cured by the God Crystals, and her Royal Bloodline rose to become Emperor Bloodline which increased her bloodline potential. Her maximum level rose to 27 from 18.

Mortal Bloodline, Noble Bloodline, Royal Bloodline, Emperor Bloodline, Saint Bloodline, Dragon Bloodline, Divine Bloodline. These were the 7 types of bloodlines in increasing order of their potential.

Pulling a torch from the entrance of the cave, Hei Wang entered inside.

At first, there was nothing inside, but as they moved deeper and deeper, more and more splits appeared before them. Hei Wang used his Spirit Vision to easily choose the path he wanted and walked forward without hesitation.

Finally, after a whole hour of walking, 'thumping' sounds entered the ears of the group. Before long, they found more spirit guards patrolling inside.

What's more, these guards were watching the cells inside the cave cautiously.

This place was actually a prison!