Sailor Uniform and Arasā ①

(TN: Arasā アラサー : A woman of around 30)

The boisterous summer vacation is over.

The calendar flips to September. Although the temperature is still quite high, cool winds began to blow in the morning and at dusk, pointing to the end of summer.

Anyway, it was hectic. I was always out during the second half of summer vacation.

I felt deeply moved and went to school while patting myself after finishing my work.

Fuwaaー, I'm yawning, but it can't be helped.

Yesterday, the first time in a long while, I invited Marika-chan, Izumi-chan, and Utako-chan to our house, and with Kaoru, we held a junior high school girl's naked twister tournament. I was so excited that we went on until midnight.

Getting were entangled in a grapple in the middle as 'a game where one can hold and insert my cock by sticking to the specified color' and not 'a game where one put their limbs on the specified color'.

The 14-year-old girls with youthful body screamed and moaned while I exclaimed, "JCs are the best! I'm screwing their pussies all night~!". Whoops, I seems to have just insert it into Utako-chan's pussy.

(TN: JC = Junior high school student)

Looking at us all entangled up, Sayaka-san came in to serve us sweets midway, and showed a behavior that tells that she seems to be having mixed feelings about something, but that night, I decided to embroil myself with the female junior high school students, so she would have to be left out. For now.

All right, I'll call the adult group and do a naked twister too. Young fruits are good, but I can't discard the ripe fruits because of that. I think it's also an exciting idea to ejaculate while being sandwiched between the booty boobies.

As I was thinking about that, school came in sight.

I go through the school gate, filled with students coming to school, then leave my shoes in the shoe locker.

I'm still a bit sleepy, maybe I'll sneak into my hideout. After that, I'll called Sakuya or Shiori, or maybe a 3P even…


I turned to the voice suddenly calling out.

Sakuya's figure stood out, who seems to be in a hurry, and ran right to me.

"Good morning Sakuya. What happened, you're in such a rush."

"Eh, ah, um! Uh, that is…"

Sakuya's demeanor seems a bit strange. She wanted to tell me something, but she can't do it well.

And then, comes Shiori next. She was always quiet, calm, and composed.

"K-Koutaro-kun…! That, ah… did Koutaro-kun tell her to do that…?"

…What is?

"What happened to both of you, you're so flustered. You looked as if you saw something really incredible."

"…Eh, Koutaro-kun don't know… Eh, then, what is…"

"Both Sakuya and Shiori have been like that from a while ago, I can't seemed to get you at all…"

Aside from me who's still wondering what it could be, Sakuya and Shiori have a somewhat perplexed look.

I don't know what it is about, but Sakuya and Shiori pull my uniform and hastily lead me saying, "just come to the classroom…!"

What the hell do you want?

After being pulled to the classroom door, I am finally released.

The corridor in front of the classroom where I am taken is as usual, there seems to be nothing to fuss about in the morning… no.

Getting into the classroom, I notice something strange.

It's still morning before HR. I should be able to hear noisy voices from outside the classroom, as the students inside would be talking to the other classmates who came to school, but now, I can't seem to hear anything.

(TN: HR = Home Room)

Moreover, only my classroom is quiet.

What does this imply…?

I turn around to Sakuya and Shiori, but both of their eyes seems to beckon me to, "enter the classroom for the time being". The classroom beyond this door is too quiet, as if everyone inside are shocked by a really strong impact.

"What the hell… I too realise it's strangely quiet."

Is there something in the classroom? I put my hand on the sliding door.

Feeling somewhat meek, I open up and look inside.

Then immediately closed the door.

Because I saw something I shouldn't see.

Towards the back of the classroom.

I turned to Sakuya and Shiori -gigigi-, moving only my head while doing so. Surely, my eyes are now filled with question marks and exclamation marks. Like in a manga, oversized "!?" must be floating around.

"…What does this mean, Sakuya, Shiori…"

"I don't know… when I arrived in the morning…"

"I thought Koutaro-kun told her to do that, but… it's different…?"

-gokuri-, I gulped and sigh.

The classroom is completely silent. The person who quietly inspired this awkward atmosphere sat silently in the back.

What does it mean…? Why…? In the first place, I am supposed to reach school earlier than her, so how did she arrive here earlier than me…!?

There are many questions, but no answers.

And this time, the door opens from inside the classroom, as if it was mocking me.

-Biku-! my body turns stiff.

She must have noticed me and opened the door. I felt awkward, but I can't help it. I greeted her with a strained face, while she appears behing the classroom door and smiling.

"H-hello… Good morning Sayaka-san… It's been a while…"

"Ara ara, a very good morning to you, Koutaro-san."

It is Sayaka-san who stood there. My mother-in-law.

Always smiling, and 'ara ara, ufufu'-ing. A 28-year-old natural beauty.

She greeted me in a sailor uniform.

…What are you doing, Sayaka-san?

I guees the uniform size is not right, they seems to be making -pattsun- -pattsun- stretching sounds, emphasizing Sayaka-san's rich boobs, and her glamorous looking thighs exposed beneath the short skirts, making them look plumpier and sexier than usually.

However, what kind of woman, a 28-year-old no less, who had even birthed a junior high school daughter, wears a sailor uniform.



"Ah, no, it's nothing. I mean, what are you doing Sayaka-san…?"

I just ask the Sayaka-san in front of me.

The classroom had regained the usual hustle and bustle. All my classmates have their loyalty value raised to 100 by using the remote controller.

I just have to say, "Everybody, this is nothing to fuss about. Don't mind it. Don't ask about it. Settle down… I ask of you…." and they seems to be dealt with.

Everyone at Loyalty 100 listens to me well. They nodded or give glances of acknowledgement with their eyes or what not, and seems to have returned to their usual routine.

So early in the morning, when I came to school, Sayaka-san greeted me in a sailor uniform that neither match her age nor assets, and sat on a seat as a if it was completely natural. That surprised me. I'm really surprised. Surprised I say.

"After all, Koutaro-san seems like young girls… even yesterday, I was the only one left out."

-paku-, Sayaka-san looks so cute with her swelling cheeks.


"I decided to go to the same high school as Koutaro-san! I'm a high school girl now, ufufu."

"Ah… right, that's how… What of the procedure for admittance…?"

"It's fine. I called last night and when I said, 'It's for Koutaro-san,' he replied with a 'Go ahead'. The directors are also members of the Etozawa Network. Ufufu."

…I felt like I just heard an unfamiliar term.

How ridiculous… I felt like I heard something like "Etozawa Network," which somehow seems like a mysterious institution that I'm unaware of, even though it's about me.

"Sayaka-san, what is this… 'Etozawa Network' that you spoke of?"

"It's a committee of personnels who serve Koutaro-san. It was a girls-only gathering before, but as per what I've heard from you, there seems to be more of Koutaro-san's servants than I imagined."

I am the head of this school. The direstors are servants with loyalty value at 100.

The police, and the Houshouin family who rule the local city, they are all my servants as well. And in order to make the play even more appropriate, the right personnels all around had their loyalty value raised to 100 as well.

…Indeed, there are many.

So Sayaka-san seems to have expanded the 'Harem Girls Association' to said 'Etozawa network'. "All the girls are getting along" seems to be the slogan among the harem. My servants also actively exchange information and formed a group to serve me better.

I see…

…It's a completely secret society…

"By the way, how do I look Koutaro-san? It's been 10 years since I've worn uniforms… Ufufu, does it suit me?"

Sayaka-san in a sailor uniform asks me while smiling. Yes, I was just about to give some compliments but, -pattsun- -pattsun- the uniform seems to stretch too much…

Although, it's not like Sayaka-san who smiles and stares at this place doesn't look good, in fact, it's not just that it suits her, she looks freaking good in it.

Gap. A 28-year-old beautiful woman with a child is in a sailor uniform. Because of the gap, there is even a mysterious charm that cannot be replicated by anyone else.

The swaying breasts aren't the right size for the uniform and that looks really obscene, different from the usual Sakaya-san, bringing out an entirely new charm about her.

-gokuri-, I gulp and I breathe in.

Sayaka-san in uniform. I want her to crawl on the floor, flip the skirt up and ravish her while squeezing her from behind. I want to mess up those extraordinary boobs. I want to make her uniform dirty with semen and soil it.

Did she notice my lustful gaze? Sayaka-san sends an inviting gesture to urge me further.

I'm deeply moved… The only way to repay Sayaka-san is to take her into the secret base right now and pound her like there's no tomorrow…!

That was what I thought whenー

"Kya~ we're late~!"

"To-Tomoko… Don't run on the corridor…"

"Ah, sorry Senpai. Ehehe…"

Somewhat familiar noisy voices can be heard from outside the classroom.

Immediately afterward, the sliding door opens and two people in sailor suits entered the classroom.

"Good morning everyone!"

"G-g-good morning everyone… T-t-thank you for having me…"

It was Yamashina Tomoko, aged 24, who came in with a lively voice.


And Hikawa Nanako, aged 25, coming in while shrinking her body with a bright-red face, and trying to hold the hem of her skirt down.


The noisy classroom is wrapped in silence once again.

I held my head quietly.