Tsuzurigi sisters like guns(Hidden Cultural Festival Ⅱ)

After performing vaginal cumshot as an admission ticket to the Kagohara Sisters, I enter the school building while following them who are unsteady on their feet.

It is finally the time for the hidden school festival performance.

Inside the school building, embarrassing posters of girls filled the walls. One with their legs open and showing the stain on their panty, another one have a girl shamefully crawling her tongue on a vibe, another having girls caressing each other's boobs, etc.

Are they all girls from our school? Let's do the same thing as in these posters later.

I walk down the hallway looking at the posters. Naked of course.

At this hidden cultural festival, it seems there is a rule that I must be naked. I am forced to feel like a tribal person and walk along with the girls. It is like a Daimyo Procession.(TN: I don't know why Author compared it to this event. It's not like they walk around naked then. lol)

The Kagohara sisters on both sides are also naked. When I said, "It's unfair for only me to be naked," they started taking off their uniforms. They may actually be sluts.

The Kagohara sisters both possesses bodies with a good style. A flower in both hands, and more flowers in the back, they are my guide for the Cultural festival.

"Ya~n, Koutaro-sama, I can't walk well if you keep rubbing my ass."

"Ah…! Koutaro-sama, I feel too much on the breasts… m-mou…"

Protests arises from both sides when I rubbed their breasts and buttocks while walking with the beautiful twins on both sides.

However, delicious buns and peaches are exposed right here. Anyone can just grab them, so I did just that.

"Even Ai-chan and Yui-chan are touching my cock."

"Well, Koutaro-sama's cock is so strong and hard."

"For a girl, it would be impossible to not be obsessed with Koutaro-sama's cock! So there is no helping it!"

The girls said something selfish.

The twin sisters are curious about my cock that robbed their virginity, and had been rubbing and stroking it since a while ago. They seemed to have completely become erotic girls.

Well, it's the hidden school festival, but I don't know of any place to visit. No, shouldn't I ask the Kagohara sisters to guide me?

"So, where should I go first?"

"Anywhere Koutaro-sama wants to go! So, where to?"

"We can visit all nearby places and go around~. Oh, they're doing shooting in this classroom~."

Shooting? It feels like a summer festival event.

In the classroom Ai-chan pointed to, there is a sign saying, "Welcome Koutaro-kun to the special shooting shop!" …sepcially dedicated to me? I have to go in since I'm mentioned like this.

I open the door for the time being and entered the classroom. Inside, it is colored like a shop from a festival event and there certainly is a shooting corner in the center of the classroom.

The girl who is working behind the counter turns around, recognized my figure and called out, "Welcome!"

She is Tsuzurigi Utako-chan.

"Welcome, Onii-san! To the Onee-chan shooting, please enjoy yourself!"

"Muguー… muguー…"

Does the vinyl tape on the floor indicate where the shooter should stand?

Then the other side should be the shooting target.

I slowly look at the place where the shooting target is suppose to be.


There, a naked Tsuzurigi Shiori is blindfold and biting a gag ball, restrained by leather handcuffs, and have her legs fixed in M-shape.

Target… I guess this is a shooting target, so maybe…

"…Yeah, somehow, I figured it out, the rules for this shooting"

Although there is Shiori with the gag ball, what's more worrisome is her Imouto, Utako-chan, who seems to be preparing something near Shiori.

Utako-chan is smiling in her yukata.

She smiles and makes a vibe goes on and off, then put it in and out of her Onee-chan's secret place.

"Nn~! Nnn~! Muguー…"

Shiori's body goes -bikun-! and shook.

It seems she cum from her Imouto's vibes. Drools are leaking from the gagball, and falls down from her lower mouth.

What are these sisters up to?

"Um, Utako-chan, what are you doing?"

"Playing with Onee-chan?"

Utako-chan answers with a mysterious expression.

Really, you played with Shiori? I thought it was ready, but they were just playing. I see, I can't help joining in too then.

I approach the sisters for the time being, and stare seriously at the appearance of Shiori, who had become a masochist hoe.

…she looks strange, this girl.

For the time being, I ask the Imouto to take off her sister's gagball and blindfold since I want to talk to her. She still didn't stop her work with the vibe though.

Her eyes moistened from the pleasure and her mouth is drooling due to having bitten the gag ball.

"Shiori, the power relationship between you and your Imouto seems to have reversed…"

"Fuuu… Utako-chan is in her rebellious state lately… I get bullied a lot~"

"What are you talking about, Onee-chan? I love Onee-chan, you know that right?"

While saying that, the vibe is turned to "strong" and is put in and out.

Shiori reactes by shaking her big breasts while screaming, "Utako-chan, stop~!"

Utako-chan… When we went to the beach, she was continuously attached to Shiori and wanted to pee.

Speaking of which, at that time, in the hypnotic state, I said something like, "Utako-chan is lewd! And erotic! Erotic!" I wondered if it is because of that.

Utako-chan loves her Onee-san. The direction of her "love" may have went a little bit wrongly.

This may be something I caused.

Eehー, …whatever.

"Whatever. Utako-chan, let me shoot."

"Yes, Onee-chan shooting! Please have fun! Then, please excuse me…"

She returns to outside the counter and speaks to me as a customer.

Then she came by my side, and unwrap the obi of her yukata with a -shuru- -shururi-. What's that for?

Despite me being confused, Utako-chan sticks to me, leaving her yukata in front of the counter.

The lewd Utako-chan isn't wearing anything below.

For a junior high school student, her breasts are fairly developed, and her cute and slimy pussy looks so smooth. She pushes her breasts against my arm.

Then Utako-chan gently reaches for my cock.

"Please aim Onee-chan well with Onii-san's gun, okay?"


An outdated gag.

What an outdated and old-fashioned gag this is. Who thought of this?

Despite me cringing, Utako-chan grasps my cock and exhales a hot breath with an, "N… it's amazing…"

A female junior high school girl's fingers are gently gripping and rubbing my cock.

"U… Utako-chan…"

"Onii-san's dick, it's already trembling… nn… and hot…"

Utako-chan pushes her soft body against me, and my cock is pulsing at her soft touch.

Her act of occasionally licking my nipples is so erotic that I can not think she is a junior high school student.

The classroom is filled with girls who followed me here. Each and everyone of them are beautiful girls.

The beautiful girls, with red faces, stares at my cock and me as we are getting stroked and rubbed.

A 14-years-old female junior high school student is giving a hand-job while many other girls are looking from all around. The excitement makes my cock erect even more.

Shiori, who is the shooting target, sees me getting a hand-job from Utako-chan while my cock is pointing at her body.

Looking at my cock getting rubbed like that, Shiori leaks a voice like a sigh from her mouth, "Fua~ Koutaro-kun's it's so big…"

"N… Koutaro-kun… over here… my body, it can be at anywhere…"

Shiori says that with a cheerful face while seemingly feeling a bit nervous.

She is tied up with leather handcuffs and is forced to spread her legs.

Her cute flesh is turning into a cherry-blossom like colour out of excitement and expectations, while wet and embarrassing soup is already leaking our of her secret place.

The soft and tiny little hands of Utako-chan keeps rubbing me vigorously.

I wonder if she is excited to hold my cock? Hey breath is rough, and the nipple pushing against me are stiff.

No good… I'm going to shoot from a junior high school girl's hand-job.

"Haa… Onii-chan is trembling… It's okay, please shoot a lot of semen out…"

"Huh… Koutaro-kun's face, it looks so naughty…"

The sisters' nasty voices invites me to ejaculate.

A furious desire springs up from my lower abdomen. Pre-cum leaks from the tip of the glans and stains Utako-chan hands.

"Koutaro-kun… Koutaro-kun… nn…! Haa… here, over here…"

"Onii-san… Onii-san… Your cock is so excited… Does it feel good? Lots… please shoot out lots of it…!"

She keeps rubbing my cock with the pre-cum as a lubricant. Now she's using both hands to rub the cock while also playing with the balls.

Meanwhile, the Onee-chan is excited, her eyes trembling.

Shiori in front of me expects semen to be poured all over her body.

Utako-chan besides me is excited by the cock in her hands.

And I am feeling the limit approaching, perhaps because of the exciting atmosphere forming around the sisters.

"C-cum! Uoo!"

"Nn~!! Fwa~!! Ah… a lot came out, it's amazing, and hot…"

"Ah…! Onii-san… it keeps trembling… n…"

My cock is twitching in Utako-chan's hands! It keeps shooting out a lot of semen from the tip.

-buru- -buru-! The white liquid splashed on Shiori's body.

Shiori's body twitches as semen is poured all over her belly, breasts, and her secret place.

Meanwhile, Utako-chan licks my semen on her hand with a sloppy look.

A junior high school girl is licking my semen with such a look on her face.

"N… a lot of came out… Onii-san, did you feel good? My hands…"

Her hands gently strokes my cock with the filthy liquid in them, as if she is squeezing semen out. Even though I had just ejaculated, it immediately becomes hard again.

"Onii-san's cock is still fine. Then let's ejaculate inside Onee-chan with this cock this time."

Saying that, Utako-chan asks for a kiss, "Nー" while holding my cock with an enchanted look.

Because of the height difference, I bend down to bring my lips closer to her.

"Ah, nn… chu…"

We entwine our tongues. I tasted the sweet saliva of the junior high school girl. When we separate our mouth, a thread is pulled between out lips and snapped.

Utako-chan clings to me with her eyes wet and whispers to my ear.

"The jackpot is Onee-chan's womb… Please ejaculate a lot there."

While laughing, -ufufu- she guides my cock to her Onee-chan's pussy.

As if I'm a subject who is hypnotized, I kept being led and my cock is directed by Utako-chan.

Eventually, my cock pushes against Shiori's pussy that is covered with semen. Hey body then trembles with expectation.

"Ah… Koutaro-kun's cock… n… Will you put it in?"

"Onee-chan. Onii-san will now fire a lot in Onee-san's pussy… The target, it's her womb…"

Utako-chan says so with a bewitching smile.

My eyes captures the appearance of her Onee-san turning red in hopes of getting an ejaculation in her vagina.

Then, Onii-san… With Utako-chan's voice as the signal, I thrust my hips.

-zupupu- my cock is completely swallowed. "Hiuuuuu!!!" Shiori raises a moan and a scream immediately.

She rocked her restrains and leather handcuffs, arching her back like a bow. Although I have only just inserted it.

i reach out and grab her rich breasts and rubs the semen I sprayed on them.

"Nn… haa… tsu! Koutaro-kun's cock is in there…! Nn…! Koutaro-kun, full in my vagina, full… tsu! Ejaculate…"

The Onee-chan's voice invites me indecently. While the Imouto is hugging her from the side and licking the semen on her body with her tongue.

"Onee-chan, you're so beautiful… n… Onii-san's semen, the taste of Onii-chan… n… chu…"

"Utako-chan… nn…! Chu… ah… nn…!"

My semen was spilled on the Onee-chan's body. Her Imouto clean it her with her tongue and doesn't leave a single drop. The semen is then transported to the Onee-chan's mouth like a parent bird feeding her chick, and their tongue tangles to taste them.

"Guu… mou…"

"Ah…! Aan~! Cum… I'll cum again…!!"

-doku- -doku-! Semen pours into Shiori's vagina. She was ravished with my cock and her Imouto's tongue, and Shiori reaches her climax.

After the ejaculation is over, I pull out my cock and cloudy liquid spills out of the hole.

I ask Utako-chan, exhaling from the continuous ejaculation.

"How, how about you Utako-chan…? The target, can I hit on you too…?"

In response to my question, Utako-chan laughs with a bewitching smile that doesn't suit her age.

Her pure white ass and flesh flushes from excitement.

As if to show off the wet hole, she spreads it with her fingers and says with a begging voice.

"The target is… there's actually one more… hmm… can Onii-san pour it out with your gun until it hits the jackpot…?"

-kuchu… the nasty female hole invites me as her fingers goes in and out of it. I silently summon the remote controller and press the boost button.

The numb emptiness immediately after an ejaculation is lost, and a wild beast's desire dominates me.

Shiori's love juice and my own semen glimmers in the meat stick with a greater ferocity than before.

Looking at my cock erected with a -gigin-, Utako-chan uttered excitedly, "Ah… amazing…"

Jackpot? Don't worry about that. I'll fire enough to break the target.

Thus, I fired plenty of shots from my gun in Shiori and Utako-chan's vagina as requested.

"T-thank you for your patronage…"

"Nn… so much… Onii-san's cock gun is amazing…"

The shooting targets are spilling my semen from their secret place with a sloppy face. They're definitely lewd, such naughty sisters they are.

Suddenly, a strange thought comes to mind and I asked Utako-chan.

Well, what about clay shooting? And, how do I get points?

Then, she blushes and answers saying, "My brother's cock is perfect… I love you." So cute.

I returned to the audience watching (or more precisely, masturbating while watching) the sex between me and the Tsuzurigi sisters. One of the girls gave me a towel, a sports drink, and so on. Thanks, manager.

As thanks, I put my hand in the manager's panty (which is a bloomer) and fingered her.

"Ah! Nn, it's amazing… Senpai's fingers, it feels so good!" I asks the guide for the next schedule while rubbing the breasts of the girl making such a sweet voice.

"Well, where are we going next? Ai-chan, Yui-chan"

"Yes! Well~ there's a classroom that runs a coffee shop nearby~!"

"I'd like to recommend the cakes there~."

A cake… I'm hungry too and it's just right.

The manager moans, "Aah~!" She apparently feels good. I am wondering what kind of cake I would have, and taking the trembling girl's lips as she embraces me.