Goodbye (Last Ⅲ)

"N… u…"

The vague consciousness gradually awakens.

The first thing that comes to her mind is that she had failed. It is a cool headed judgment.

She checks her situation quickly. She is handcuffed and tied with her rider suit still on. She seems to be in a hotel suite or something like that? She is tied down in a luxurious looking bed in a luxurious looking room.

And at the bed next to her.

She saw them, Bianca and Chelsea, completely naked, getting entangled with Etozawa Koutaro.

"An! Ahh! Koutaro-sama~ it feels good!"

"Nnm! ...really now, Koutaro-sama, my pussy, is it so delicious?"

Chelsea is straddling Koutaro's waist and wagging her waist while making a whine like moan.

She swallows a red-black cock while spreading her horny hole.

Bianca straddles Koutaro's face and moves her hips. She pushes her secret place against the boy's face as if rubbing it, and is snarled by the stretched boy's tongue, and she's making a sweet voice.

The boy who seems to have noticed Agnes regaining consciousness turns to her and calls out.

"Hey there!"

Agnes thought. I failed.

As Agnes-chan woke up, I tried to put down the Kagohara Sisters from above me. They complained, "Fuee~, I want more," but when I said that I want to love Agnes-chan, they got off straight away.

This is a hotel owned by the Houshouin family and a suite on the top floor.

Agnes is tied and laid down in the luxury room.

She is a really beautiful girl.

Hair white like silver, and eyes that are golden.

Surprisingly beautiful appearance, cool look. She is very cute, as if a character from a manga or anime materialized in the real world.

My erection becomes more and more stiff as the thoughts that I will be violating this cute girl with my cock from now on, keeps coming up on my head.

I get off the bed and go to Agnes-chan on the next bed.

It's out of my hobby that she is in a rider suit. Black leather rider suit, like a female spy! Oh, she is a real female spy.

Agnes-chan is silent, looking at me with no emotion in her eyes.

As soon as I reached her side, I put my hand on the zipper of the rider suit and lowered it with a -zeee-. What appeared from underneath is a pure white ceramic-like skin. Surprisingly, her cleavage and boobs, then a gentle belly appears.

Then, when the zipper reaches the crotch, a cute and smooth mound appears.

Rider suit and bare skin.

"…Agnes-chan. That's more than expected. Were you aiming for a rider suit on bare skin combination? Were you aiming for that?"

The cock that was put in the vagina hole of the Kagohara Sisters until recently is erect hard to the point where it seems like a greater erection would be impossible.

I press it against Agnes' belly, as if stroking it with the tip of the glans. It gives a smooth feel.

As I rolled around her navel and flipped apart her rider's suit, her breasts got exposed, revealing a pale, pink nipple.

I slide the glans around, climb up the hill of the little boobs, and tap the nipples with the tip of the cock while enjoying the springy sensation.

My ugly erected cock that is red and black, on the beautiful breasts of a beautiful silver-haired girl.

My cock is getting even more vigorous at the contrast and the appearance of the beautiful girl that will be violated my me from now on.

…But Agnes is just staring at the ceiling with no expression.

There is no response.

"Agnes-chan's tiny boobs feel good~! My cock is also excited! Fuoo…!!"


"Let's look at Agnes-chan's pussy~! The zipper is a hindrance...… and, Agnes-chan's cute crack makes its appearance."


I move the zipper down to Agnes' mound, then take a pair of scissors to cut the rider suit.

Agnes who is tied does not even twitch, she just stays like that.

Her secret crack that looks like a streak is exposed, and there is nothing blocking me now.

A beautiful, hairless, and smooth streak is revealed to my eyes, and Agnes remains unresponsive even though I am looking at it from up close.

"…You know, I'd like a reaction like you're in regret or scared… Hey, was Agnes-chan always like this?"

I ask the Kagohara Sisters who are right by her side. Yui-chan answers, "Agnes-chan is a bit shy~," and Ai-chan says, "She is a quiet child, Agnes-chan."

No, I don't think it's at the level of being shy or quiet.

Agnes, who had been silent until then, opened her mouth.

"…Don't you intend to rape me? If so, do it quickly."

"Well, I'm going to do that… Though, that was so cool, Agnes-chan"

That got me excited for sure. I summon the remote controller.

Let's see what Agnes' parameters are like, I thought that and was surprised at her numbers.


Etozawa Koutaro boost 0/20 special 1/1



Affection…□ 0

Romance…□ 0

Lust… □ 0

Loyalty… □ 0


…What this. The number bars that are displayed are extremely short, or almost nonexistent, and the numbers displayed beside them are all 0.

Did something go wrong? I tried checking the parameters of the Kagohara Sisters, but I found that there was a bar properly, and that each value is close to 100, indicating that everything is normal.

I displayed Agnes' parameters once again, but they're still at 0.

The numbers are missing, or rather, the maximum value is low, extremely low.

I tried to raise the number by operating the remote controller, but it's no good, it only goes up to about 5 each.

While wondering why, I press the hypnosis button on the remote controller.

Light disappears from Agnes's cold eyes, indicating that she has entered hypnotic mode.

When I asked her name, she replied, "my name is Agnes… Just Agnes…"

For some reason, the maximum value of her parameters are extremely low. Then shall I make her like me using hypnosis?

"Agnes-chan, you like Etozawa Koutaro, that is, you really really love me. You love me. Okay?"

"Love … I love… Etozawa Koutaro …?"

…Why is it a question?

Agnes is in hypnotic mode and I am puzzled by her incomprehensible reaction, Agnes continues in a mutter.

"I don't understand the feeling of… love…"

"…You don't know? Well, I want to hear something good about me, you want to cherish me, anything."


There is no reaction.

Apparently, she did not understand the feeling of "love" and could not handle the hypnosis command well. I look at Kagohara Sisters at the unexpected trouble.

Then the Sisters sighed with sad eyes.

"After all… Agnes-chan's emotions…"

"Agnes-chan's heart is crying all the time~. I know~."

"What? What? What do you mean?"

Sisters start to explain to the confused me.

The story of a girl who was educated in that "organization" from an early age, she lost her heart, and had very little emotional ups and downs.

The girls also talks to Agnes in hypnotic mode, but she still can't understand any emotions, she says,

"Important…? Nothing is. I don't mind dying at any time."

"Don't say that, Agnes-chan. Won't it be such a huge loss for the world if a cute girl like Agnes-chan dies? Kagohara Sisters… whom you called Bianca and Charlotte, aren't they your friends? Important people who have been with you since you were a child? "

To my words, Agnes simply rejected with an inorganic voice.

"Everyone looks the same… Like a figurine, a talking figurine…"

I sighed and released hypnosis mode.

What can be done to get to the heart of such a cold girl?

Agnes, whose eyes are back to normal, mutters,

"…for a short time, there was a loss of consciousness… You tried to control my mind, but it didn't work, right?"

"Oh, it didn't work, Agnes-chan. That was so cool, once again."

Agnes turned her neck only and faced the Kagohara Sisters, standing beside me, and called them, "Bianca, Chelsea."

"You've seen it now. This man uses mind control to manipulate the hearts of people. It doesn't seem to work for me… you're brainwashed."

Wake up, she continues.

"Even if you are feeling love, this guy is a sham in the end. I don't know love… but you guys told me about it all the time. Your name means Connect With Love. Are you fine with this?"

Agnes seems to be trying to release the brainwashing I did to the Kagohara Sisters. Somehow, I sounded like a villain.

However, the Kagohara Sisters do not seem upset in Agnes' words, and answered with a smile.

"Koutaro-sama taught us true love~"

"No matter who says what, our feelings for Koutaro-sama will not shake! After all, what I, no, we, what we both feel in our hearts for Koutaro-sama is true love!"

"Ai-chan… Yui-chan…"

Hearing the powerful confession of the Kagohara Sisters, I gently hug them and massage their boobs.

The sisters happily and bashfully approach me.

They thought so highly of me… I feel the same way about them. Anyway, they're impressive.

The Sisters call out to Agnes while I'm rubbing their breasts and their nipples are getting hard.

"Nn… Agnes-chan… I think if you get Koutaro-sama to love you, you'll know how wonderful he is~"

"…An. Hey, Agnes-chan, let's love Koutaro-sama, together? You know, your heart that had always been filled with pain and sorrow, it will feel warmth again… isn't that a very nice thing?"

However, Agnes simply muttered, "…fanatics" to the words of the Sisters.

I took one step closer to Agnes who keeps being like that.

"I'm really sorry for Agnes-chan… But I am troubled too, since the parameters weren't working properly, it would be a real rape…"

And I finally noticed then.

One of Agnes' handcuffs has been undone. She did it herself, during the short time we were talking.

Our eyes meet. She still looked at me with cold eyes, as if she's looking at a figurine.

Hey hand moves quickly.

She swiftly grabs a fruit knife from the fruit plate that was on the bedside table and swings it towards my lower body.

Her sequence of action is almost instantaneous.

But my eyes caught it all like a slow motion video. Like a revolving lantern.

However, I couldn't react. She moves too fast.

I just stay stupidly, like a sitting dick, watching Agnes' hand holding a knife move.

At the same time, when Agnes' handcuffs get undone, I also see the Kagohara Sisters trying to help me, but they can't make it in time.

The knife is swung and aimed at my belt, or at the sloppy erected meat stick to be exact. This trajectory is seriously bad, my cock will be cut off.

But I can't move, my eyes just capture the series of quick movements in slow motion.

And without being able to respond any other way, I saw the knife approaching my cock in slow motion and grab the remote controller tightly.

It was fun until now. I cried like a girl to bid my cock farewell.

…Goodbye, my beloved cock.

It was fun, dear love stick. I feel really sad, but it looks like this is goodbye.

Agnes's knife moves as if it is sucked into my cock.

Without any help coming, I realize my destiny. The farewell is here for my cock.

Goodbye… Goodbye.