" huh. Two chapter in a day? Exciting!!! Hopefully I can post more often!!"
- a certain arrancar
Munsureiyas POV
" owww..." I groan as I rub the back of my neck. I guess I fell off my bed. " wake up, moon! " I hear the familiar voice of my boyfriend, Ichigo Kurosaki, and immediately dress myself. In the beautiful black Kimono he picked out for me, I look so grown Up and sexy. It has two gold-and-white flower petals coming down the side of it, and it only goes down to my calves. I put on my black fishnet leggings. He says to me, " hi, what have you done with My mūnshain? He asks. " buzz off, bozo. It's just me." I reply. " ok. We have training with Kisuke today, so get out of your body. I will let you get a mod soul from Kisuke. I laugh and kiss him on the cheek.
Lukas POV
Yeah, so things are pretty much normal in Soul Society. Except for that wierd spiritual pressure. I decide to ignore it.
Munsureiyas POv
I let out a flash of pain in my head, let it go to Ichigo. He screams at the amount of pain. " aah is you leaned Kyutsu no Itami. ( shared pain. ) I was in a black Shihuksho like a Shinigami, learning to fight like one. Kisuke said, I think it's time, Tessai. " I said, " what for?" He took out a small looking chain, then set it up with my spiritual pressure. I yelled in pain as Tessai performed a bakudo on me. " OWWWWWW " what looked like blood on a small black void in the middle of a vast sea of white, i stood there, admiring the black dress I was in. " Welcome, queen. " to my surprise, a girl who looked EXACTLY LIKE ME stood next to me, her eyes... what were those eyes? The scelera were completely and utterly black, among deep purple irises. " hello my queen, I am your zonpakuto. You must fight me to learn my name. " ok.. I thought. ' how could this get worse?'
Meanwhile outside Munsureiyas body...
" Kisuke, what the hell did you do to her?!" Ichigo asked Kisuke. Kisuke liked up, looking sad and concerned. " you know how when you went to save Rukia, you had to get your Shinigami self back? And you almost turned into a hollow? Well, we are turning her into a new version of a Visored." " WHAT?! YOU CANT DO THAT!!" Ichigo screamed. His eyes were beginning to turn into his hollows eyes. " Ichigo calm down!!" Kisuke yelled, but it was too late. He stood up, a wicked grin across his face he had a Hollow mask forming on his face. " nonono not here..." Tessai, Jinta and Ururu all said in unison. But, before Hichigo could attack Kisuke, spiritual pressure began to rain down on them. " this.. this spiritual pressure! It's Munsureiya's!! " said Jinta. But she looked different. She stood up, her face began to change. Her eyes were so beautiful and mesmerizing, Kisuke almost got pulled in. " Kisuke no!!" Yelled Ururu, looking drastically for her cannon. But Kisuke looked away, lucky that he hadn't been pulled in. Her eyes were just like Hichigo's but the irises were a deep shade of purple. " I'm surprised, Kisuke, that she was able to surpress me this long." Said a twisted voice. It sounded like hers but, higher pitched and more like Hichigo's. Then the sweet scent came across. ' if course! Her Zanpakuto must have the ability to control peoples mind if they smelled the scent, or looked in her eyes. " Everyone! Don't breath in that sweet scent! She can control you with it! " Kisuke shouted. But Jinta was not so easily convinced. " so what? I can handle a little smell!" He said, causing Kisuke to stutter. " no! Really! Don't!!" He warned. But Jinta looked different. His pupils became huge. And then they dilated. "What do you need queen?" Asked Jinta, no long having any sanity. " kill them." She simply stated.
Please comment! I love feedback on my story!