One sleepless night.

When Sam opened her eyes, she saw that she was inside a thatched hut. She raised her head to look at her wound which was now patched up. There was a tribal woman sitting next to her. When she realized that the Princess was awake, she immediately ran out and brought with her two other tribal men who bowed to her.

"Where is the Prince?" was the first thing Sam asked.

"His majesty is well and resting nearby your highness," they said with their heads still bowed. The Princess sighed with relief.

"Please raise your heads and tell me what have you applied to my wound that it burns thus?" she asked them.

" It is an herb to prevent infection, your highness."

"Alright, now tell me where I am"

"You are in the Eastern border of Degarthy, we are the Degarthian tribals."

"I see." I hope the rebels won't reach here, or I would be endangering all of them. She thought to herself.

Just then the chief of the tribals arrived, and the others made way for him. The chief was a talkative old man who showered her with praises.

"We recognized you from the family crest on your sword, you are indeed the brave daughter of King Korbe." Sam thought that this old man could join her fan club.

"You risked your life, to fight the rebels. Every year a portion of our warriors die fighting them," the old man sighed,

"What!" Sam exclaimed, "You mean the rebels have attacked your village.?"

"Yes, your highness. They come here when they run out of resources. Since we are affiliated to the King we shall continue fighting them until death."

Sam's heart sank. What was she doing all this time? Here were people who were suffering, her own countrymen, while she spent her sweet time in the sea. Her father the King was going too easy on the rebels. His policy of avoiding bloodshed at all costs was now coming with a price.

It was a tiring day and she could not think clearly. The wound in her leg burnt, and she sank bank to where she lay and soon fell asleep.

Prince Edgar who learned that she had regained consciousness came to check up on her and found her fast asleep. He looked at her sleeping face and smiled to himself. What a reckless person!

God only knows what she would do upon waking up.

Ever since she had arrived he had had no time to rest. What a delicate face she had now! Sleeping like a tiger cub! He looked at her patched up wound. What if she had lost her leg? She would look like a proper pirate!

"Your highness!" Somebody called him from behind and the Prince turned.

"Here's the map you asked for."The tribesmen handed him over a map that Edgar took and walked out.

Meanwhile, the Royal Palace of Hebelone was in an uproar, some of the wounded soldiers who came back had informed his majesty about their defeat. The royals came into an understanding that among Prince Edgar and Princess Samantha only one had made it out alive. The king seemed devastated. He refused supper and went to bed with a heavy heart.

Princess Nataliya was in tears. She couldn't sleep the whole night. She too had heard that only one of them was alive. She did not know who she wanted it to be. Her Prince or her sister? Princess Nataliya herself was surprised that deep down she wanted little Sam to be alright. Her little Sam who was her childhood companion, whom she loved to dress up in pretty clothes. Her Sam who grew up to be a tomboy whose one weakness was her sister, who would go to any lengths to protect her and make her happy.

As for the Prince she had barely talked to him once or twice. He was the Prince charming she had dreamt of. He was yet to be part of her life. Her little Sam was a pirate who had overcome many a danger in the ocean. Maybe she would make it out of this one alive. Thinking all these thoughts she consoled herself to sleep.