What happened in Sythia 2

Sam was in a fix, she tried to think clearly. Somebody had eloped. She did not know how to deal with that kind of situation.

Why did Klara elope? Did she desire a union that was socially unacceptable? Like with a married man? Or a hundred and one-year-old geezer? A hundred and one-year-old geezer who was a pirate? Sam tried various possibilities until she came in contact with one of the Earl's relatives. That the person was Klara's aunt. Seeing the Princess the plump Lady who seemed to be in her sixties turned crimson with shame.

"Please tell me with whom did Klara run away?" Sam asked her politely.

" Your, highness that she did with..... a soldier" the aunt burst into sobs, and Sam was very much surprised. The situation seemed almost comical to Sam.

" This soldier, how old is he? "Sam asked just to make sure.

" 29 I heard them say," said the aunt.

Sam rolled her eyes.

Soldiers were indeed a class much below an Earl. And Sam concluded it to be the reason why their relationship was seen as a catastrophe. But the situation according to Sam was not as pathetic as she had imagined it to be. Nevertheless, she felt sorry for Klara, who had been brave and not forsaken her love. Klara wanted to follow her heart, and that's what she did.

Sam thought her interference was not necessary. Klara was a mature young lady old enough to make her own decisions.

Sam turned to go back to her room when there was another commotion outside the house. Several horses seemed to be drawing near. The search party had given up already? Now that's a good sign. Sam thought.

But Sam was in for a surprise, as the maids informed her that miss Klara had been recovered, and her lover has been taken in custody. Sam was shocked to hear this. She now moved closer to the courtyard and the sight she saw pained her.

Klara was being brought back by force. She was brought back by the search team led by the Earl himself. Sam watched the figures dismount their horses. She saw Klara who was protesting and crying being dragged to her chamber by two servants. And as the search party entered the house, Sam saw among them Prince Edgar, who was now shaking his hands with the Earl.

"It's most unfortunate that my daughter should cause a ruckus today of all days. But with your majesty's help, we could quickly locate the criminal who had dared to marry my daughter." the Earl was saying and Edgar nodded.

Sam could not believe what she heard. The Prince had assisted the Earl in capturing the eloped lovers? She could still hear Klara's helpless wail.

"Why did you not leave them alone?" she asked going up to him.

"It would be better if we discussed this outside," Edgar suggested.

He knew an argument was on its way. And he wanted to be out of everybody's earshot.

Sam hated that he was so cool about this.

"Why did you assist the Earl in catching them?" she asked again.

"Sam, do you not realize that the Earl's daughter is a foolish person, shunning her responsibilities and running away with a lover!"

"But she wished to marry him, it was the Earl's fault for not giving permission."

Edgar gave a mocking laugh.

" You have always done things as you liked Sam. Your father tolerates your every whim, and lets you roam about as if you were not responsible for your own country. How would you understand the feeling of responsibility and duty!"

Sam was angered by his words.

Edgar continued,

" You think it is alright to follow your heart, but do you not know that being in a position of power where you are responsible for the lives and livelihood of several people, you will have to make personal sacrifices for the greater good of all? The Earl's daughter should have made a decision keeping the people of her province in her mind."

"We are responsible for our country's future, and for the legacy of our ancestors." He continued "So, someone like you who spends all her life enjoying the ocean with a bunch of pirates, will not understand what duty means."

Sam does not know what to say. She feels miserable hearing those words of accusation from him. It's like as if Edgar read out loud all the thoughts that had for some time been surfacing in her own mind. But Sam is still overcome by doubt when she asks him,

"To what extent do we sacrifice for the sake of duty?"

"Everything" he says.

"Even love?" she asks him.

"Yes," he says.

"Did you get engaged to my sister out of love or duty?"Sam asks him and Edgar remains silent.

Sam stares at him with disbelief.

She does not say anything more.

Sam makes her way quickly back to the house leaving him in the garden where they were holding their conversation. She walks fast even though her leg hurts. The sobs of Klara were still fresh in her memories. Added to all this, the new revelation that her sister was going to have a loveless marriage made Sam more miserable. That night Sam retires to bed with a thousand unanswered questions.