The official announcement

The next day Sam got up early in the morning and washed her hair. She brushed it neatly to one side and wore the Burgundy uniform of the Hebelone army and a Kepi of the same color.She took the sword she had polished the previous night and wore it in its sheath by her belt. She then made her way out of the east wing and into the assembly ground for soldiers. Royals and military officers of all ranks had assembled there waiting for her.

Sam went near the stage where the flag of Hebelone was hoisted and a senior court official read out loud the order of the King.

"By the order of his majesty King Korbe, princess Samantha Korbe is being assigned the duty of preparing the army of Hebelone for war to exterminate the rebels who have been disrupting the peace of the country. His majesty will not turn a deaf ear to the cries of his people and will keep his promise to deliver the suffering civilians from their plight."

There were the sounds of Trombones and drums in the air and Sam was given an insignia which she wore near her collar. With this, no one would be able to question her authority. She then received the seal of the Superior Marshal of the Hebelonian army, which would now become her official rank.

But not everyone was happy with Sam's appointment. There were whispers among some of the army officers expressing their dissatisfaction. The ministers watched the younger princess's rise in rank with a critical eye.

Princess Nataliya saw Sam in her military suit and thought she looked a lot different from her usual self. Was that person really her fun-loving, vagabond younger sister?

After the ceremony everyone dispersed and Sam sat near steps of the stage inspecting her seal.

"That's a lot of responsibility."

Sam looked up and saw prince Edgar standing near her.She greeted him.

"From now on you should be extra careful, the ministers would be waiting for you to make a mistake to remove you from your position." said Edgar sitting down beside her.

"You are right, your highness." She said looking at her seal.

"If you need my help regarding anything..."

"I know that you are on my side. You supported me while I was in prison.I'll look forward to your support in the future." said Sam. "Also, I think my father is planning to order you to command the troops after you become crown prince, you better be prepared prince Edgar."

Edgar got up to leave and Sam got up also.

"You should not take anything for granted. What if I do not become the crown prince?"he said this and left her.

Sam looked at his departing figure. What was the prince talking about? Was he planning to go back to his country? No. That was impossible. He was perhaps asking her to prepare for the worst and not slack away in her personal training.Sam drew a deep breath and put the Superior Marshal's seal in her pocket.She had to plan everything step by step.This was her chance to prove herself in front of her countrymen.