"Oh....I'm sorry of accusing you"I said the sorry extremely softly. I wasn't used to apologising. A smile grew on her face and she put her hand to her ear and said,"what's that?what did you say?"she teased.
I clenched my jaw,"I said sorry..."I mumbled. "What?Huh? I didn't catch that"she teased further. "Sorry!Geez you don't have to ask for it.."I almost yelled. Then I realised,I needed a bath I was covered in blood and my feet hurt. I looked at myself in the broken shards of glass on the floor and turned to Diana,"Um I need a bath..where ever you are taking me there is a bathroom right?With a shower?"I asked.
"There is a shower. But FYI,you don't need to shower. If you take off that pendant I gave you,You will get cleaned automatically and get changed into a new set of clothes like magic because it is magic. Your pendant suppresses your magic,if you take it off your powers will work."she said pointing at the necklace around my neck
"Oh ok but I prefer to shower the normal way,of you don't mind"I muttered. "Aight"she said and in seconds we were somewhere else.In a castle.