A Lovestruck Idiot

Whistling a frivolous, a suspicious looking figure swaggered through the entrance of Golden Dragon Corporation. He was tall and well-built. His thin lips curved lightly revealing an attractive smile, electrifying, as he made his way in through the large gates.

"Hello? Yes, baby.."

The resonance of his baritone was easy on the ears, extremely pleasant, heads turned immediately at his arrival. His arrival was nothing grand yet intrigued a lot of curious gazes towards him.

The guards at the vast Golden Dragon Corporation's gates were startled by the man's laid back attitude as well as his casual outfit that was nowhere suitable to his surroundings.

"Security Officer Xu, who is this strange looking man? Why did they ask us to let him inside?", leaning closer to a middle-aged man in security uniform, the brown eyed man whispered.

"How will I know what these bosses of ours are thinking? We better not rack your brains and simply obey their orders..", Old Xu shot him a look as he said.

"Hmm.. You're right!", the younger guard instantly clamped his mouth shut.

They eyed this flirtatious stranger with dubious gazes who was engrossed in his conversation on the phone. However, the guards dare not stop him. Especially after receiving special orders from their superiors.

"Who is this stranger? How can he enter inside just like that.. Is this a community park?!"

"You're right! What is the security doing?"

"Hmm.. Didn't you see that? Uncle Xu didn't say anything, he didn't even rebuke him when he gallantly strolled inside like he owned this place.."

The young and older male employees of Golden Dragon glared daggers at this unfamiliar sculpture of a man, obviously jealous of his good looks like he was an alien with three eyes out to invade their territory.

"Who is he? Look at his handsome face, he looks just like that famous actor from that drama.."

"Hmm.. But isn't his eyes different than that actor's? I think he looks better than him!"

"Of course, he is better than him.. He's so hot!!"

"Ah~ I want to date him! Do you think he has a girlfriend?!"

"Huh? Didn't you hear him? He definitely has a girlfriend.."

"I don't care even if he has a girlfriend.. He is so hot and good-looking, it'll be a shame if he doesn't have girlfriends!"

While the younger females were seen drooling at the mere sight of the stranger's handsomely carved face.

"I miss you too Lisa.."

Throwing a generous wink at the female with big breasts who was staring at him, the man said smoothly making her blush like a freshly plucked tomato.

"Haha.. huh? Yes, Celia sorry.."

Shaking his head at the blunder, the man in a gray hoodie with a cool denim jacket over it, turned around the corner that lead to the elevators as he stuck his pink tongue out. His dark eyes turned to crescents as he smiled.

"I miss you too Celia.."

Without a second thought, he shamelessly blurted out in a sickly sweet manner with absolutely no feeling of remorse for calling out the wrong name earlier.

"Hmm.. Baby, I'll call you later bye!"

Suddenly, the man's bewitching pair of obsidian eyes widened visibly with a sharp glint in them that was simply impossible to not notice. Like a ferocious tiger having spotted it's prey from afar, he hurriedly hung up.

"Not bad! Zichen, luck is definitely on your side today!"

Unhurriedly slipping the mobile phone inside his pocket, Long Zichen mumbled to himself with an impish gleam dancing in his dark pools.

The man's throat instantly ran dry as he got closer to his destination. He was literally drooling over the tempting sight before him - an indestructibly beautiful young woman!

The unidentified woman's supple skin against her black pencil skirt was as fair as jade, smooth and flawless. Her bust fit white blouse was sheer and silky in texture. Her chestnut brown hair, luscious and wavy were tied into a tight bun. Her oh-so-sexy figure was enough to break hearts of multiple men in a row. Her appearance akin to a venomous snake, beguiling yet fatal.

The shiny black stilettos on her small, fair feet that looked softer than cotton added a perfect touch of height and sensuality to her already voluptuous figure making Long Zichen's heart thump in the right rythm but irregular pace.

The man was afraid that he was having a stroke as he rubbed his chest like a lovestruck idiot!

Meanwhile, Song Jia's elegant dark brows pushed up lightly as she frowned, after sensing a presence following behind her. She ignores the nagging feeling at the back of her head and presses her lips together without ceasing her steps.

Holding a thick tanned folder in her hands with neatly trimmed and clean nails, Song Jia adjusted her black rimmed spectacles and pressed the elevator button. Soon the soft 'ding' sounded as the elevator arrived.

Maintaining her usual flawless poise and calm composure, Song Jia sauntered through the elevator doors, her steps steady and unhurried.


Muttering a curse under his breathe, Long Zichen dashed after Song Jia to catch her. His large hand coursed through the half closed elevator door and the man felt his heart skipped a palpable beat. Again, and again till his eyes were glued to Song Jia's face.

Swallowing hard, Long Zichen's expression changed to that of bafflement as his gaze intently studied each and every feature on Song Jia. Her cerulean blue eyes as cold as ice indifferently returned his glance, hiding behind the transparent veil of her spectacles.

Song Jia's plump and rosy lips, devoid of any artificial color pressed in a thin line as she coldly stared at the man. There was no hint of fear or adoration, unlike most girls that Long Zichen had seen in his life. Thin locks framed Song Jia's small, and clean face, defining it perfectly. Her neck was slender, almost swan like. The small collar of her blouse exposed a fair amount of her milky skin, enticingly.