Lack of Invitation, Rising Revenge

9:00 AM

The erratic beeps of Falco's alarm clock which literally was her I-Phone SE on a Knights vs Dragons mood, struck her precious dream of herself and TurboLibra14 aka Matthew "Zera" Rickers, relaxing on the beach together while contently gazing at the bright sun down, the playful shadows of Pegatrix and Thiyamat tumbling over in ruesome fights, determined to win over each other in a Gyrevolt vs Dragoma battle.

"Oh come on! That was my last bet with Zera!" Falco complained as she whined in disappointment, tugging at the curtains to let the sun do it's habitual service of lighting up the room, giving the 23 year old teen to glow like a radiant flower.

A loud knock on the door startled Falco out of her skin, the sheer curiosity of cracking the door a tad bit, caused herself to flip backwards in astounding shock.

"C'mon! We have to drive to Paris! 5 hours and you don't want to be late!" The loud shrieker was Falco's mom. She had a soft spot for her daughter since Falco was born pre-mature, but rambled on in soft raves about wasting time and money on Dragoma.


A hobby of Falco turned into a Youtube Part time job. Hurrah, she IS CORRECT.

"Ok, ok. I'm coming! I don't need to record your shrieks all the way to the tournament. Geez, it's like permanent brain damage." Falco cockily retaliated with the roll of her eyes, striding into the kitchen to grab herself some milk and a yummy bowl of CRUNCH cereal. She came back to the dining table to find her brother, Samuel, and his wife, Esther seated at the dining table, packed and ready.

"Did you comb your hair?" Esther quirked her undoubtful face at Falco, sarcasm flying overboard.

Falco wearily searched for words as she was caught red handed. Rubbing the back of her head in guilt, she nervously laughed with a soft smile, "I, well..... Not your definition of being neat but yeaaahhhhhhh I gotta go. Not working out for me."

That did the trick.

"Bubu..... Me zucked again on Youuuutuuuube....." Sam whined in his mousey voice, feeling ardent to the point that anything posted anti-semetic will result to being blocked or removal of hate content on either Facebook or Youtube.

Esther simply plopped a kiss on his forehead, "Think twice before posting. They anyway gonna get you."

Falco efficiently came back with her jet black strands swishing around like wind chimes. With everything ready, she went back to double check. Packed in her tiny tool box was a G - deck case containing 3 combos:

Blade Rexcalius Aero - Feather Star (Attack Magna Tag combo)

Archsage Valkaria Vision - Lance Rumble (Defense Magna Tag combo)

Predator Thiyamat Stellar - Light Riptide' (Stamina Magna Tag combo)

Along with a generic LR Magna Tag launcher plus a Master Kit belt clip, was an extra LR launcher, light torquise blue tamer gloves (the one that's finger free), and lastly a blue tamer headband decorated with three blue heart shaped gems while smaller silver hearts framed the major design.

She also grabbed up her Dragoma Panini Sticker book, along with an empty copy in regards of extra sales at the convention. Packed in a separate box where she received her Ensky puzzles from, were loads of duplicate stickers she did not need for her sticker book.

"Got my clothes, Gomas, pres- Presents!" Falco deliberately held onto her head as she remembered her presents for her amazing man and G- partner, TurboLibra14 aka Zera. As fast as a hawk, she rummaged through her messy room, frolicking about through numerous boxes until she found a Brand New in Box Sonic Triglave Wave - Under Screech, her tiny box full of Geomon Cards and a separate envelope filled with the Kanton stickers of Switzerland and a separate sticker sheet filled with cute animals.

"Whew, finally that's over." Falco wistfully sighed in relief as she fell backwards against her bed in comfort. Her adrenaline fizzed through her body in excitement. She could not wait to ace the tournament together with the only Potatopaw she loved.


Speaking of Potatopaw, Zera dozed off into a pericular odd dream, a sudden vision that would eventually be turned into a Dragoma Prophecy. One of the staff members behind the shadows disappeared behind the backstage and came back with a mysterious box. She smiled and announced his name with generosity, "Arf!"


A small white fluffy Chinese crested powder puff dog towered over his face, efficiently getting doggy drool over his cheeks.

"Holy Cheese muffins! Rudi, how many times have I told you to not to wake me up like that." Zera groggily yawned as he placed on his glasses, his blurred out vision focusing crystal clear on his only best friend he relied to.

Marco "Yuri" Seidlitz aka Draconic Art.

With his dirty blonde hair fluffed forward like a disragged puppet, Zera's confident but cool headed friend always famed his street attire, whether dressed in rowdy beanie hoodies and drag fading jeans along with the hipster Converse sneakers or the rather riddled adult turned selfish teen, flanked with TRIPP leather jackets and gothic wear, those stark dreadful boots sure to deliver the Chinese powder crescent canine into a mad barking spree.

A gold dragon pendant neatly hung around his neck, the chain decored in repetitive calligraphy or what the two tidily referred to as "Dragomooriya"

Arms crossed while his shoulder leaned on the doorframe of Zera's room, Marco sheepishly smiled with his playful "Nyaghh!" and casually strode in with a Nike shoebox in his hands. "This just arrived in! You can't believe what we got!"

Rudi immediately left the room.

Zera hummed in thought, finding Draco to be that drastically spastic to international gifts.

"Oh! Who's it from? I bet it's the tamer that lives in the same city as Falco!" TL14 sat up crosslegged on his bed, inviting Marco to place the box in front of him. "Oh! I got it! It's from the generous NoahTV!"

"I bet he's going to come over for our tournament on Friday!" DraconicArt glamoured in pure joy as he absentmindedly chewed on his Knight Sigurd layer he won from the recent Blackwater G - revival tournament.

"Ok, is it recording?" Zera cautiously reminded as he laced his fingers on the cover. Marco nodded vigorously and held up Zera's Samsung Galaxy S4, the screen currently zoomed on the Nike logo.

"3,2,1..... Dragoma Rush!" With the lid whooshing open like a feather, they both squealed in delight. Zera carefully picked up a white heavy paper envelope filled with numerous Dragomas, currently labeled for DraconicArt. "Looks like your gomas finally arrived...!"

Marco squealed non stop like a child.

"Let's check out my presents." Zera snapped Marco's attention to a whole load of Dragomas and a brand new Diamond Raverus.

The unboxing video was posted on the Blackwater Guardians What's App group, notifying Falco about their childish behaviour.

It was not long before footsteps thumped up the stairs.

Silence spiraled around Zera's room, as his mother popped around the doorframe, gawking a stern glance at his obnoxious celebration. "I told you once Zera, don't make me say it again. Your pancakes are waiting downstairs."

"Oh, ummmmm, Marco? I gotta go. Continue unboxing your present. Gotta quickly finish up this message before I leave." Zera calmly typed up a quick reply to a WDO member before leaving his phone besides his Acer laptop on his wooden desk.

His conversation with his mom long faded away as Marco absentmindedly sat on Potatopaw's bed, deepening his thoughts on Zera. They have been best friends for almost 4 years straight. Though they entered heated arguments over unfair rules for various Dragoma tournaments, they still claimed their friendship to go un broken by both of their dark pasts.

Wearily glancing over to the other side of the room, it appeared to be different the last time he visited. The major iconic furniture which happens to be the two trendy clothing cubbards made out of wood and polished steel (topped with two Playmobile Pirate ships) along with his smaller bookshelf got recently sold. His bed stayed the same place, sporting Tyson and his friends on the pillow and duvet covers. Endless clear cases of Dragomas of all generations were neatly stacked at the corner while a tower of stadiums lopsided against the gray plastic trash can.

A white tower fan stood beside the window sporting Sir Galahad as a window tint art, throwing several drawings from the desk to the abyss.

Any moment, Zera would come back from breakfast, announcing the very special news he discussed with his parents.

Potatopaw's clock ticked in harmony beside his orange and black DUDEN textbook, signaling the Legendary Dragon tamer to tip toe over to the beeping Galaxy S4.

Bingo. Screen unlocked without any password inputs, Marco secreted himself from the door, snuggling himself between the plastic trash can and the foot of his bed.

It was a simple WDO message by Light I:

'Bonjour. I speak little english. Anyone speak french? Sapphire allowed us to make our very own Dragoma World Championship which begin Nov. 2nd on friday. Any G - tuber with 10,000 subscriber or more, receive a Sapphire press pass. Please say your real name, youtube name, and link to your youtube channel. Merci.'

Posted 9 minutes ago, DraconicArt hummed in thought, glancing now and then towards the door. Still Zera did not arrive with a full cuddle surface.

Smiling wickedly towards the idea of joining in, Marco staggered upon realization that the message was already answered by his hot headed friend.

'Omg, that's amazing!!!! *.*

I would love to attend the Dragoma World Championships together with Falco2762! Also, I wish DraconicArt came along too! I already have my combos planned out. Is Zankye coming along too? I would LOVE to meet him! This is going to be the Best tournament ever!'

Perhaps, Zera was too engrossed on using his mother's phone to reply to Light I.

Marco relaxed as he waited for replies. The trees outside the window swayed in graceful swings, birds chirping across the street. The sweet smell of victory. The dark demise of revenge.

The Galaxy S4 beeped again, welcoming him with a new reply from Ryuk Shinigami, france's top female G - tuber next to Light.

'Alright, we discussed about who is attending the Championships. I already submitted our contestants and gave each one of them a link to the Kid Expo website. Sure, Falco2762 is eligible to compete in the tournament but about DraconicArt, I'm afraid he does not have enough subscribers to join. Remember, to arrive 2 o clock at the event. It start 3 o'clock. Best of luck.'

Blinking in shell shocked silence, Marco was speechless. It was this pericular line in that message that caused his heart to twist in anger and revenge.

"about DraconicArt, I'm afraid he does not have enough subscribers to join."

"does not have enough subscribers"

"does not have enough subscribers"

"does not have enough subscribers"

DraconicArt almost felt like snapping Zera's phone in half. Controlling his anger was like struggling through his dark past against his parents.

"Not enough subscribers!?" Marco cautiously controlled himself not to blow up like last time, when they both argued over the official WDO rules along with a Dragoma design that was rudely stolen. It was as if another deity took over poor DraconicArt, causing him to angrily crush Zera's phone with his only brutal combo. It was not an ordinary Dragoma. Bloody Luinra 13 Jolt. It looked different from the other gomas out there. It was well displayed as an evolved form of L4. Too proud. Too hidious. Too mighty. The black dragon heads of L4 growled with hunger, bloodthirsty fangs in preying another opponent apart. Not only the Dragoma but the tamer too.

The Galaxy S4 clattered against the wood flooring, the screen exposed with the display bezel and complicated microchips. Sparking in difficulty, Zera's smartphone hummed to death.

Heretic Luinra Spike - Chain Redemption.

"We'll see you damn well like it, TL14." With his Dragoma retrieved back to hands, Marco stormed out of the hallway and climbed downstairs. On the way, an old but very playful dwarf gray dachshund dog approached him with a pink rubber weight, yapping for his attention.

"You wanna play, huh?" DraconicArt steamed in anger, snatching up the toy while ripping it apart against Luinra's dragon blades. Pink silicone fluttered to the floor as Draco heartlessly kicked it against the carpeted floor. "Have fun with your stupid toy, retarded mutt."

Fiete whined despondently with a broken heart then dashed into the kitchen, barking ominously for their attention.

"What was that?" Elena cautiously peeked out of the window to find purple storm clouds gathering above Haselunne, the weather app currently flunked over their confusion.

"This is not looking good." Zera immediately ditched the S5 and dashed out of the house to find DraconicArt climbing in his 2012 blizzard pearl Toyota Auris. "Marco! Wait! You forgot about your Dragomas...."

Tears trickled down Zera's cheeks as one last gruesome stare by the heartless dragon tamer.

"Please come back......"

DraconicArt in return, flicked him off through the open driver's window and screeched off in clouds of silence.