Run all you like, you can't escape Fate....

Falco felt as if snow arrived in Paris. With the GPS directing them via nearest route to Issy Lex Molineaux, she pondered in deep concern towards Potatopaw. Wherever he was, she hoped that whatever vehicle they drove to reach the very hotel would not obscure in an hour rush traffic.

"GPS cuckoo again. Turn right from the weird fork and head straight down." Esther loudly directed Xane as they finally heard the GPS announce that their destination was already there as if it magically appeared in front of them.

The 7 story Ibis Budget Paris Quest hotel seated at the very heart of Issy Lex Molineaux, cornered right of a vast extended plaza, sporting a fountain in the middle. Trams exchanged passengers at the rear of the plaza while people and pigeons frolicked about on the stony pathway. It was 11 in the evening and it called for some checking in and unpacking before hitting the beds.

"Thanks Navi." Falco smooched as she placed a light but snickering kiss on the device's screen and placed the Tom Tom zipped back up in a grey No No! case.

"Bubu! So tired!" Sam stretched out his lethargy words as he fell back to sleep against Esther's shoulder. The brown haired econ student chuckled in amusement and slapped him awake. "You silly."

She then plopped a smart kiss on his cheek, drenching the heated situation.

Both Falco and Nagi volunteered to approach the front desk in the lobby until they both jumped out of their skins.

The screeching black cat, hairs on ends, and the eerie stare convinced them about temporary manager pauses.

"Shall we go take a seat?" Falco's mom suggested, nodding directly at the studious lounge chairs, tourist brochure rack, and the endless spider webs that served the latest Halloween decoration.

A massive black tarantula (fake of course!) stood patiently in the middle, appearing to seem as if it wanted to wrap silk around it's next victim hostage to the lounge chair nearest it's web.

"On second thought, I'd rather not." the black haired tamer jostled out her fear and stayed focused on the front desk receptionist.

Classy. He was well dressed to look even more spooky than the spider. Face it, all hotels have their regulations on luxury attire. Including this guy who seemed curiously intrigued to serve his guests.

"Welcome to Ibis Budget! How may I help you?"

That smile was tooo white. So white..... It's even whiter than this page.

Nagi wrapped her hand around Falco's squirming mouth as muffles were all they could hear. "5 guests, 2 rooms, no service please. We can handle things ourselves. Place parking on the house."

"Ringing it up." the manager replied as he rang up the key cards and even printed out a form regarding the 4 digit key code to the panel of the underground garage. To clear things up, he even took out a stamp and slammed it against the signature line, the black outlines to a cheerful ghost guided Nagi to nerve rack against the scary decors and ruefully scribble her name across the requested line.

"Please.... no haunted acquaintances while we stay." Falco slightly irked at the sight of the manager giving out a faint wicked smile while he swiftly snatched the clipboard and daintily whisked away as he had all of his time to handle about.

"What was that about?" Nagi shivered uncomfortably as they both appeared outside, guiding the golden van in front of the massive garage door smothered maroon.

The black haired girl simply shrugged and punched in the 4 digit code, allowing the door to open horizontally while the vehicle trudged ahead into a downward slope.

After numerous tries (and causing Xane to ruckus over mom's parking spot suggestions) the Town and Country favoured it's own parking spot as if the van had a mind of it's own.

Spacey enough, Sam almost collided against a blue Megane. Hadn't Esther saved his clumsy exit.

"You Shkoopid." Esther taunted playfully as she slinged his backpack around his back.

That earned Sam to pout sadly even if he didn't mean it.

"Got the Keycards?" Xane stepped out, allowing them to grab their luggage from the rear.

"Got mine." Falco replied cheerfully as she grabbed her blue Voyelle roller bag, neon green gym full of tamer clothes and finally her orange Colossus Stadium.

"What are we waiting for? Let's move!" Esther joyfully clipped on her smile as a painful climb up the stairs returned them to the lobby.

With Falco's dad causally greeting the front desk manager, time aluded to a short silence as they all upscaled the elevator, the doors pinging open while a friendly female french voice announced their current floor number.

Floor 5.

"Ok, you people get in while I go down to get the GPS." The main head of Falco's family handed the keycard to mom before he sped walked over to the elevators once again.

"Hold on, I'll be talking that." Sam playfully snatched the Nintendo Switch from Falco's hands, her utter complaint of spending time with Brawl Out was not over. Still they both were hyped up for December 7th, the final master title of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate deemed to reign supreme across the world.

"Ah well!" Falco shrugged without consent offense and trudged into Room 509 while Sam and Esther got 510 at the end of the hallway.

Whipping out her Colossus stadium and gomas, she didn't care to unpack her stuff like normal traveling people would and immediately focused on practicing with her combos.

Nagi, slightly annoyed at the sight of constant plastic collisions and Overdrive Finishes, highly ignored the sounds of battling beauty and immediately issued herself in making several hummus salmon sandwiches with the help of the CLA sandwich maker.

Minutes later, Sam and Esther barged in with a wistful face, the odor of freshly made sandwiches waited in line for them. Since the Hotel offering breakfast cut the 'budget' too much, Falco's family always had the smart habit of bringing food along. It was the best option they could ever hope for, thus it always turned out a success.

"And Overdrive Finish!" Falco excitedly jumped up and down in the top bunk bed, her mom severely concerned about the cloud stuffing quality in each mattress.

"Ay! Come down already and join us!" Growing agitated against Falco's jovial yells, the raven haired tamer finally calmed down as if she was offered a Happy Meal and carefully climbed down from the top bunk to grab a fresh warm slice.

"Where is he now? Did you message him yet?" Esther curiously brought up the mention of Zera, Falco already on her phone to check any new messages he sent.

'Just arrived at the hotel! :)

Boy I feel extremely fatigued from my sorrow with Marco. He's a complete Jerk and I couldn't offer myself taking him along to Paris.

Anyway, I couldn't bring my Black Tournament stadium to practice with, so I guess we have a little time to dash around with our combos on your Colossus stadium! Did you read all of the official rules and regulations of the tournament? Make sure you do. Also, I brought Galahad along! How cool is that?

See you soon! Love you, honey!'

Seconds fluttered by as Falco shut the wake button on her I-Phone SE off, her heart beating in sheer jubilance that her partner was able to attend the major tourney.

"Yes! He's coming!" Falco whooped in joyous jumps as if the fifth floor served as a sun baked trampoline. Her mom was too busy scrutinizing on dad's arrival while both Sam and Esther lounged back in their room, deciding to have their own personal time. With all of her hopes, she wished Zera's word to be kept true... hadn't a certain someone backed himself secretly into the hotel too.


They did the same exact preparations as Falco's family did. The maroon Ford Tourneo suffered no injuries by the slate cold, sandwiching it self two cars away from the golden Town and Country. With the Rickers family climbing the torturous steps up to the lobby, as far it sounded too oblivious, they were actually staying in the SAME FLOOR as the Talonclaws. Unaware of the notion of this incident, Melanie and Theresa laughed ahead, the sound of rolling luggage on carpet got them traversing down the end of the hall, where they could finally spell freedom without orders and basically do and go wherever they wanted to. His aunt and uncle also had a separate room (since 5 was too squishy for 3 beds) - geez, that is a large family.

With Xane coming back up in the elevator, the sound of the doors caught Zera's attention as both families hugged each other strong greetings.

Meanwhile in room 509, Falco whipped to attention and immediately disputed herself down the bunk bed like a speeding mouse. Door opened, Zera's eyes widened in surprise as Falco rushed over and clasped him in a tight bear hug, swinging him left and right like a Libra scale.

"Zera! I'm so splendid to see you here! Did everything go well!?" Falco spluttered her words out as if she couldn't take a single breath.

"Galahad! Help!" the purple unicorn tamer squeaked in distress as Falco plopped him back to his feet, slightly unaware of his short pleading whines.

"Oh sorry, I thought you needed someone to company with." Falco laughed in hysterical trepidation, helping up her partner while his Galahad layer necklace glistened under the light. It's unique feature of centrifugal metallic spheres extracted from several fidget spinners rolled in which ever direction they pleased from each of it's three collision protrusions or 'horns'. His sister one time was too greedy and demanded some money in order to purchase the spinners from her. Even Falco found it slightly unfair for siblings to be gawking over money and material. Last but not least, the outer plate of the ring embodied a deep digital purple while the center golden shield exhibited the Trinity Rings.

"Yep Yep, this is Quasar Galahad. My very own 3D printed Dragoma that possesses a unique feature." Zera volunteered to take it off and hand the charm over to his girlfriend. Falco wisped up a breath of awe, tilting the layer in all directions until the spheres complied to cooperate with gravity. She was too engrossed into every detail the printer provided, even the back engraved the Sapphire teeth technology.

"Of course, I do have the rest of the parts in my G-locker. A red Tri disk along with the Estrella frame and Tachyon strike driver." Zera calmly grabbed the layer as Falco returned it to him, her wistful dream of creating Falchion Nagariel Azure - Mist Roar (Divine Drive) come true....

"Zera, shall we go and take a look around?" Elena piped up with crossed arms, patiently waiting with luggage leaning around her.

"Oh! Sure! Can Falco come along?" Zera kindly asked as his mother nodded in agreement. A smile later stretched across his face as he silently whooped in excitement. Falco did the same, ordering him to stay put until she came back with the orange Colossus stadium gripped in her hands.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Falco signaled as the three of them speed walked over to room 529, his mother volunteering to open the door with the card inserted into the padlock. A green sensor beeped twice before allowing themselves inside.

It looked exactly like room 509, with the acceptance of the bathroom possessing an automatic ceiling click light.

"This is not bad." Zera's mom set down her purse and luggage, taking in the breathtaking view of the Paris streets before shutting the window.

"Exchange gifts?" Falco smiled as she held up the MANOR shopping bag containing the contents of Dragoma related items. Of course Zera did the same. Zipping open his black and leather brown luggage, his purple solar system shirt protected his Acer laptop while stringing out chargers to both devices. Buried beneath his heap of clothes and a Gyrevolt pencil case containing toiletries, there laid a medium metallic make-up/ photography case which contained another plastic case holding all of his combos and G - Deck Case. "You start."

"Alright." Zera placed his red digital blade launcher and blue LR aside, his instincts noticing Falco recording this small moment. His voice suddenly dropped to a cautious whisper, "Wait! Don't show the combos!"

Falco immediately captured the wall.

"Annnd, here we have it!" Zera presented the gomas laid down on the double bed, Falco paused her recording to suddenly halt at the sight of such raries.

A mint condition Sapphire Spark FX blue and canary yellow Cosmic Tianma stood first in line, while a custom limited edition Shield Genbu sat in the middle, it's translucent yellow track and tip blessed by ZafiraGT. Standing last in line was a rather worn out Neather Kurthnaga Assualt without stickers, the paint marks heavily scathed after many rough battles. Falco knew there was something suspicious about this presentation.

"Where's my Sapphire Diamond Raverus? Did he go flying over the White House?" Falco joked in sheer dreaded silence, Zera laughed at the same time he knew her serious love over Raverus.

"Ehmmm, I accidentally gave it to Steffen during a Blackwater Guardians follow up match. I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind." Zera expected his girlfriend to ramble in tears over a green bird dragoma but instead maintained her cheerful expression and flapped her hand instead.

"Ah, no worries. I can try to get it on my own! After all, the Battle of the Brands video with Raverus is not soo hasty, so I really appreciate your kindness for these presents because I love you."

"Awww ~....." A short hug ensued before Falco presented her gifts. Excitement enlightened his hyped up self as Zera plucked out a rare Dragoma released from the Wave 1 line.

"Holy Macaroni Cheese Muffins! A Sapphire Sonic Triglave Wave - Under Screech!? Where did you get this from!?" his voice stuttered into repetitive astonishment.

Falco shrugged casually while inspecting the cookie Luinra and a Sapphire gold axe Knight Sigurd, fascinated by the clicks, "Hey, don't tell me where I got it from. It's the only thing you were longing for."

"Oh Falco!" Another deep hug ensued before Zera focused on his next present. A Sapphire Leptir Hydrax Quake - Growl Hunter' because Marco had to be dunce and borrow the Hunter' strike driver Zera previously owned. Raising his eyebrows at puzzling thoughts on how it was packaged - all three parts separated into one rolled up baggy thanks to the dividing staples. "Oh, just what I needed. Another Hunter' driver!"

The third present was a box of Geomon cards Falco collected throughout middle school. Years later she vowed to sell it on ebay for a 100, but coherently failed in her area. So, she decided to step it up and pass it on to her only boyfriend.

"The box! I can't resist! It's too cute!!!" Zera shrieked in sheer compassionate seizures - cows, flowers, the Brand of the Exalt, and finally the Lenny face caught his heart into an upstate manner of yet another hug.

"How many times are you gonna hug me lol?" Falco scoffed in laughter while Zera trepidated whines of apology to her.

The last present was an greeting card envelope containing the same stickers from the box and a set of Swiss canton flag stickers.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Ok, please don't kill me." Falco caught her breath once Zera let go of her, his odd habit of squeezing his eyes shut and smiling gave away a re union of kawaii feelings plundering through her heart.

A tiny kiss to the cheeks ended it all before a quick mention of practice battles on the colossus stadium started their routine of preparations for the tourney.

"Wow! This stadium is sooooo huge!" Zera exclaimed out loud as he fingered the tornado slope ridge and even measured the oval shaped Colosseum track.

"24 francs of dope Battle Royales!" Falco proudly acclaimed, whipping out her LR ripcord launcher with the Master Kit belt clip attached to it. Zera did the same except it was on his Dual Threat Launcher. With both Neather Kurthnaga Aero -Fang Hunter and Predator Thiyamat Stellar - Light Riptide' bombarded the stadium floor, they both announced the countdown.

"3, 2, 1! Dragoma- !"

"-Abort because we're currently going out for dinner." Standing at the doorframe was Elena, her stern glare signaling tiny trouble.

"Oh hi mom. I didn't realize we were going outside." Zera innocently collected his combos and launchers and piled them away back in his luggage.

"Oh boy I do feel hungry." Falco's wistful thought awakened her light growling stomach. She did the same, gathering her gomas into the colossus stadium before slipping on her fog grey Fjallraven Kanken Mini backpack and patiently waited for her boyfriend to do the same.

"Comb your hair for goodness sake. You look like a hedgehog out of hibernation!" Zera's mom continued to crossly gawk at him, slinging up her purse before resuming her hawk glare on her son.

"Sorry." Zera mumbled despondently, trudging over to his Gyrevolt pencil case to grab his comb and clumsily brushed his mop brown hair into Bieber's signature bowl cut style.

"Aw, don't feel such a sorry No-no! Everyone in the world isn't perfect including me! I almost vaguely brush my hair everyday. See? No wrinkles!" Falco happily piped up behind him and wrapped her arms behind a yelping Zera. Comb clattered to the dark wooden floor, he meekly screwed up his face into annoyance and bent down to retrieve the groom tool. The black haired girl tamer continued to peak up her thoughts, "Say it or face it....."

Falco's grin stretched wide into extendable snickers, "You do use the same comb for Rudi and Fiete, do youuuuuu???"

"Uhm....." Feeling heated to the embarrassment he just hit, Zera's cheeks flared a strawberry color before hastily shearing off the doggo hairs between each plastic needle. "Let's say that never happened!"

"Aw, you're so silly!" Falco laughed as she tumbled over Zera, wrestling him in a romantic manner to drown out his embarrassment.

Falco's dad suddenly cleared his throat at the door, "You two are late for our feast! Hurry along!"

Both tamers fell to the floor, efficiently cocooned in the white standard hotel duvet covers.

Coughing out several goose feathers, Falco and Zera smiled in laughter as they both held hands, walking down the slush filled streets of Issy Lex Molineaux. Lights guided thier way towards a tiny plaza filled with benches, a kids playground, and a line of lime green E-Bikes for rent, neatly filed in front of an Asian cuisine. Melanie and Theresa offered the group to dine out at the Asian cuisine, sweetly delighted to savour over Indian and Thai dishes. It was thanks to Sam's idea to go Italian and that's how seats of 12 people at one table surprised the Pizza Pavarotti waiter, encouraging his guests to vendor down the laminated menu. Only Sam, Esther, Falco, and Zera decided to get the heaviest and mouth-watering foods anyone could imagine. Two huge plates of oozing 4 cheese pasta and pizzas arrived in, the waiter farewelling them with a wink. The elders, including Melanie and Theresa, decided to go light, a flurring frenzy of chicken alfredo salads and light blizzard desserts. Zera almost died stuffing 7 slices and decided to hand over the remaining two to Sam, who volunteered to finish off anything. Falco felt on the same page as her boyfriend, leaning noticeably against Melanie while summoning more orbs in KvD Heroes with her SE.

After an hour of crowd talk, both families spun around in disbelief when they heard that Falco's dad saved the day, communing his wallet to good use.

It was time to walk back to the hotel, both tamers feeling drugged after eating a whole plate of pizza and pasta.

After Falco waved goodbye and closed her hotel door, Zera meekly tip toed back to room 529. Door creaking open like a wailing dog, his quiet instincts told him to stay quiet. His parents were already in bed, sound asleep.

Checking his father's phone, he quickly re-read all of the rules and regulations to the Dragoma World Championships. He even re-alocated his recent message of worry to DraconicArt, but the selfish blonde haired tamer decided to ignore the whole communication.

Softly heaving a sigh through his nose, Zera made sure to brush his teeth and slip into his sleeping attire, a classic shirt of Garrett and the gang along with repeated Galadeus patterns on the leggings. Before clambering up the ladder and comfortably kneeling on the mattress to his bunk bed. He made himself sure not to create bump or spring squeak sounds for that would stir his parents up into annoyed confusion. Feeling uncomfortable while growing drowsy, Zera kept in the growls while he took off his glasses and neatly folded them beside the pillow.

Exhausting out one last sigh, he gave out a little prayer to Zeraiya, wishing that everything would go well through the tournament and even obtain a safe and happy dream.

And that's when Zera slipped off to a deep slumber, his ears active enough to several street gangs outside holler in loquacious french, kicking cans lit on fire, and smashing bottles down the empty cobblestone streets of Paris.

Trying his best to ignore the nightlife activity past 12, Zera began to concentrate on a foggy image that whooshed into a lucid graphic reality.........


One second flashbacks flickered through the mind of an 11-year old Zera Rickers as he felt loneliness grasp the trepidation of his beating heart. The brisk Dreamcatcher shrouded in a dark aura, captivated by the owner that spelled him at 7. His purple Genbu Fortress Prostadium held up by a snobby foster home boy, laughing in deep mockery as he dropped it, flames and sparks snaking around PVC plastic. Tied to a chair, and stuffed mouth with a pillow while getting sexually harassed by a group of teenage boys. Shadow figures with piercing red orbs gathered around his bed, glaring at him from the walls and ceilings above. His wail for blackening out the flashbacks grew louder and louder until.......

Eyes snapped open while hyperventilating at the darkest room he has ever attuned to. Mumbling out chokes of tiny whines, it felt heavily musty with dust and dark green mold sticking to the dull painted walls, almost chipping off as an abandoned room.

"Hello?" Strapped to a chair all alone, sat Zera Rickers, fidgeting around in hopes of the belt buckles to snap apart under his strength. Giving up after a few tries, he continued to whine in the middle of the shadowed walls. "Is anyone there? Mama? Papa? I wanna go home! I don't want to meet Babich again!"

Suddenly, repetitive camera flashes flickered out of darkness. Eyes wincing from the painful shot, Zera regained his courage and bravely opened them again. Quick second glimpses of shadow figures morphed into the friends he loved, vanished away from surrounding him.

From the corner of his eye, he managed to spot out a pink object hooked up to a machine, silently humming in the background. The eerie tension shaking him in astonished fear like walking through the haunted themepark grounds of Spreepark.

Continuing to whine softly, a voice magically moved the air spiraling around him, the low toned howls from the invisible figures greeting him with their master.

Stepping out of the shadows, Present!Zera could not believe the stunning visitor. Past!Zera wearily eyed his new doctor before holding his deep breath of shuddering fear. Honey blonde Rantaro hair curled forward into a draping mess. Vicious eyes intently studying the experimented lab rat Zera became to him. To Present!Zera's surprise, this was DraconicArt aka Dr. Seidlitz, dressed hideously in a white psychiatric uniform patterned in blood, clad with several needles adorning his chest pocket and a rusted silver Delyran Spermatoherrhoa Ring dating from 1894, the razor bladed shark teeth encircling the greater rim of the tool while a smaller filed wire hovered in the middle, hungry fixtures to any private member.

"Who? Who..... are you?!" Traumatized at the sight of his friend replaced with the evil Babich, Zera maintained his whines as they slowed down, chocking back tears. "I wanna go home! I don't want to be dumped like trash in this place!"

"Aw, the little boy lost his way home!~" Marco seductively purred in absolute mockery, gliding his hand across the little boy's chin. Jerking to evade the doctor's pleasuring gestures, Zera curled his lips into more shuddering cries, "Please! Let go of me! I just only want to go back to Mama and Papa! Fiete! Krummel! Where are you!?"

"Those wretched mutts? I can't believe you glamour over their stinking fur. If you want them to be more stylish, perhaps a fashion pet show should entertain yourself." Marco hissed in aggression, pulling a curtain in view. Zera sneezed back dust as the doctor proudly presented three doggo corpses suspended in rusted chains from the ceiling. Upon recognizing the two (save for the third one Past!Zera was entirely not fond of), the young naïve boy could not believe it. His beloved doggos, Fiete, Krummel, and Rudi, slowly revolved, skeletons bare of any life. Three squeaking rats poked out between the ribs, scrambling up the chains and into the fixtures ahead.

"Krummel! Fiete!" Zera dramatically cried in tears, the sweet melody of physical and mental torture entering Seidlitz's ears. The boy immediately snarled back, "Why did you do this to them!?"

"Good question." Marco stood up and towered over the trembling boy. He continued to poison him with jealous mockery, re gaining the demonic luinra possessing the doctor inside him. The machine behind Draco started whirring to life like a mad invention, emblazoning Galahad into blue static mayhem.

"Aries!" Young!Zera cried out in tremor, fully unaware that this was Future!Zera's 3D printed dragoma. Feeling utterly shaken at the sight of the purple and charcoal black unicorn Cho-Z dragoma getting it's power and G- power gauged out of the crest.

"This is to accommodate revenge on a secret tournament that you never helped me sign up for. Everyday, you create the most disturbing and unfair rules that always degrade me into multiple losses! You're a worthless piece of shit tamer who thinks that everyone in your Blackwater Guardians team idolizes you, including the ridiculous amount of subscribers you lately keep up to, managing their minds with your garbage Dragoma content. You think you're the world's greatest G - tuber to power so many talents with bullshit customizations and 'genius' combos. Look at you! You're gonna be a fat unworthy tamer in a few years, who has no understanding of others. Not even your parents or your future girlfriend are going to care for the way you act and behave in front of others, including me. You will start to hate me but I will never start to hate you. Infact, I just want your dying apology as much I want to win!"

The aggressive snarl caught Zera to look away.

Marco's eyes seeped into a reptilian monster, slime withering down his grotesque cheek while hissing out an unpleasant odor that smelled of rotting doggos.

"Don't worry. No matter how much I knock over bowling pins, this pin seems pleasingly a spare." Smiling wickedly upon his proud speech, Seidlitz aggressively tears Zera's green 55 shirt and loaded up a clear needle tube filled with powdery liquid Aripripazole and Fluvoxamin, slowly injecting the pharma drug through the boy's bare and bruised arm.

Tears heavily poured out as the 11 year old boy had to suffer mentally and physically through his torturous pain. Never before did a grotesque nightmare occur to himself.

"Feel better, my good toy~? This should ease up our pleasurable moment." With the luinra tamer being the hideous pedophile he was, he began to play around and finger across Zera's waistline, causing the little boy to squeak in excruciating pain. "Feels soft like Fiete's rubber toy~."

"Wanna make me happy? I'll make you happy. Shhh...." Zera calmed down into frightening whimpers as Seidlitz held up the forbidden tool and clasped the poor boy's private member.

"Don't follow pain. Follow love. It's the most beautiful moment in the world." The sickening Luinor doctor purred at heart, as he firmly clamped on the tool, the teeth growing smaller and smaller until a powerful and desperate moan tore through the room. Blood dripped like a rusted sink between Zera's traumatized legs, pooling across the dull floor.

The exertion of force was prudently major that Marco decided to spare the boy from plundering into his death right away.

Marco softly but wickedly laughed as the silver teeth sheathed and the forbidden tool eased away from the wrinkled erotic organ. Zera still had time to live, but for how long, even for a brutish nightmare.

"Please! Stop it!" Zera whined as shadow figures morphed after his best friends: Satombcrafter (Timo), Lucca5225, NL LibraTamer (Yannick), Sagittariofan77 (Steffen), NoahTV and lastly his precious girl, Falco2762 lurked on the blood curling walls, noisily crunching on doggo corpses, the intense red eyes piercing deep within Zera's soul.

"My Gods, the fun isn't over yet! You seem exhausted from a hangover! I suspect you need to be sent to a deep slumber." Marco immediately held up a Pentagram Dream Catcher, the same one Young!Zera saw at the Voodoo witch's house. Hoping to spell him into sleep, Zera resisted and tightly shut his eyes from the chaotic pressure. A traumatic scream exploded from his throat, filling deep within the room, the Blackwater Guardian shadows howling along.

The air around him whooshed as the figures vanished out of sight. Zera's heart trembled faster than lightning. Sparks behind the doctor ignited as records of Galahad's data was finally complete.

Seidlitz smirked darkly and decided to give a tamer make up on the poor brown haired boy. Dipping his hand in apple cider vinegar and cyrcline, he aggressively flicked the white substance on Zera's reddened face.

Squeezing his eyes shut at the thought of the doctor beating him to a bloody pulp, droplets of cider made way through his throat, creating short hellfires through his helpless scream.

"Fuckin baby can't keep his mouth shut." A cream colored Rhino plush with soft closed eyes kept by Zera when he was just 3, was forced into his mouth, saliva and blood dripping down the boy's jaws. Seidlitz laughed maniacally as he softly slapped his cheeks before slashing scars across both sides with Heretic Luinra. Zera, feeling entirely helpless against this monster, whined in great depression, his heart locked in place with the numerous torture he was receiving.

The brown haired boy continued to whine through the stuffed plush animal before Marco immediately tugged it forcefully from his mouth. Teeth aching and bleeding from the sudden jerk. Coughing uncomfortably, he gagged at the sight of black leeches crawling over his body.

"Is this what your call friendship? Caring over others than me?" Seidlitz grew furiously hungry over his jealousy and started to aggressively rave over Zera's recovery from his dark past. "You're an unselfish unworthy whore who thinks everything is fair and unfair according to me. Everyday, I try to become the best of who I am yet you always make fun of me and refuse to parley an apology from my stance!"

Zera flinched in shock as the gray plastic trashcan that sat in the corner of his room was suddenly kicked over, maggots feasting at the bottom of the bin. The lid clattered over the dull floor, leaving kicks of dust in it's adolescent wake. "You never share my channel, you rank me 2nd in the list, though your 'sparkling' girlfriend makes a nuisance out of you! You always fail to understand my apology and instead brush it off like it never happened! Wait. What's the hideous greeting you commence for your fans? 'Hallo leute! Zera alias TurboLibra14 here und ich bin eine ungehorsamer Idiot, der glaubt, das Dragoma habe mich vor der Dunkelheit gerettet.' Don't fucking disobey me, you son of a bitch! I'll kill you the moment you know it!"

In the milli-second of hesitation where he decided whether he had bit hard enough or to continue the dirty deed, Seidlitz wheeled him around, and forcefully gripped Zera's jaws, one hand yanking down on his bottom jaw, the other pulling up on the top. Prying them apart, Zera's eyes leaked more tears as pain exploded through his mouth. He would have been screaming from the pain in his back but only the edges of the circle of burnt skin could feel anything. Jaw nearly popping at the seams, Zera thrashed, trying desperately to kick at his attacker but weeks without proper nourishment left him unable to land a hit.


Hands still latched beside his head, Zera fell limp in the elder's hold. *!*


"GALAHAD!" Present!Zera jolted upwards, sweating bullets from the mind stress his brain had to go through. His inferior screams woke up his parents, covers rustling in disturbance. Side lamp softly clicked on, Jeralt peeked over the top bunk bed.

Whining through the pillow covering his face while laying down fetal position, Zera tried to shamingly hide the disability he suffers from.

"Be justly aware that I cannot handle screams in tight spaces. My goodness, Zera. Get a hold of yourself!" Elena heaved a heavy sigh while his father glared at him with an expected trouble expression.

The covers rustled as Zera despondently whined and muttered out an apology, "Sorry Mama. Sorry Papa."

"Sorry doesn't bring anything. No wonder we came here to Paris for your stupid tournament. You could have gone with that Falco girl all by yourself. I don't want to even expect your nonsense victory in this foolish game."

Sighing depressively, his father did not even bother to say goodnight as he laid back in bed, resuming slumber.

High tide depression struck the Galahad tamer as tears slowly poured from his eyes, trying his best to hide the constant sniffles choking back.

'It's all my fault. How could they do this to me? I wasn't crazy. I was never very rebellious. The most rebellious thing I had done in all my life was my parent's point of view in spending money! I at least got an apprenticeship for a job next year! So what if I wanted to control what I saw? So what if I threw up half of it? It's my choice to compete in the World Championships! I could do whatever I wanted to do! My parents didn't understand though. . .They never would.... because they didn't care.'