Determination (Pride)

Zera through twice before efficiently spilling his rainbow guts over the team. The results of trekking through the lumened tunnels of the Grotto made him flinch towards every white hollow crystal resemble one of naughty Luinra's dark spikes. Alicya and Romain babbled over their childhood adventures, reciting the moment they nervously met at the toystore one Crinean evening. Arthur gawked silently towards Alex's idiotic suggestions such as "Carry me around" and "Help! Mai vouice isz breyking!" Jose and Igor competitively resolved their issue with collaboration, seeking in new methods to attract an audience better on G tube.

Only Falco remained, syncing her walk with Zera's clumsy steps, smiles beaming of embarrassment and suppressed blushes flaring both of their heating cheeks.

"How are you holding up, potatopaw?" Talonclaw jeered her kindness ushered on his heart, Rickers feeling untenable at the slightest moment.

"We don't dragon hunt everyday. But if we do, I'll make sure to cuff Marco's wrists red handed. It's the only way to grab his attention from hungering after me."

Rickers continued to trek with the team, Talonclaw undeniably accepting the brown haired tamer lost in his own thoughts.

Falco simply dug her hands in her blue tamer jacket, conceived through her tranquil solving solutions. Her fingers idly felt W3's Atomic as if the trackball served a handy fidget spinner.

As if to lighten up his dueling thoughts, she cleverly looped her arm around his shoulders, locking him into sync with her steps.

"Check. But if we do, make sure to gag Marco and make him hold up a sign that declares his vile sanity. Such as 'Help! I'm a freakishly possessed weirdo who hungers after a brownie fudgehead victim to his messed up potentials!' I doubt we're gonna reach that level. Let me know when it's showtime."

Rickers allured his stunned expression, minutes ticking by as if Falco was crazy. "Taliyra, his army compromises of 24 little kids he spelled into and potentially made them look like robotic servants! What if their Dragoma combos smoke us history? What then?"

Loud excruciating aspires resounded as Talonclaw stepped back, calmly releasing her boyfriend's grip. Her tone immediately hushed into a cautious whisper, "Uh, low level tone, pretty please? My Naga senses are..... sensitive."

A doubtful glance by Rickers.

"If you know what I mean." Taliyra blushed in embarrassment, signaling a close call to wrap her hearing with leafy sea oars out of lunar green origami.

"Ale le le le le, how in Tibarn?" The EVG G - tubers halted as DracoLight merely sundered over entrance to the Tenaki Tenzura staff room, a great swathe of crystal lights illuminating and pulsing around the frame of the tunnel.

"Bingo. Our pitstop to Dragoma advice." Romain beckoned the team as he started to clamber up the cold stony steps, a wisping mixture of faint blue and white cascading their bizarre surroundings. "C'mon. I reckon we're gonna get an autograph session.... and a sub."

"Geez, Tenaki Tenzura and Sapphire really placed their hearteous effort to group huddle underground. I can already read Zera's exuberant expression on the next part." Ryuk chuckled, carefully watching Rickers hop step by step in irregular movements.

"Leave him be. He's always like that whenever Dragoma food is served at the dinner table. Never getting round and out of his head." Taliyra added in agreement, shouldering his muffled jargon and wide attentive gaze towards the heavenous light showering from the top of the tunnel.

"Escaping a chaos riddled building and settling underground in a flash. Must be that dark breath fluxing from dragon boy. Positive that he's the cause to the underground business." Jose wearily reasoned out his opinion, where they all halted in front of a concealed steel door branded with a WDO logo. "Then again what about my dad? He must be worried sick without me! Our flight back to Fera is 2 hours away and I already feel arnacked as it already is!"

DracoLight sucked through his teeth, signaling a high five and wink to Valkos for using his signature complaint motto.

That's when Rickers suddenly felt turmoiled over his parents. "Mama und Papa! Ouuuhhhhhh! Now that I think if it, I'm gonna miss them if we don't find an escape route after Yuri's oni extraction! Great, another problematic issue to resolve!"

Hands immediately clutched his shoulders as Falco suppressed a deep and calm breath. Rickers slowly imitated the stress relieving gesture. "We're all safe as a team. Got it? You, me, Storm, Light, Ryuk, Romain -"

"Ok Miss Taliyra, we know our role calls when dragoma class starts. For now, we need to consult our expertise gang of spinning tops here. Now or never." Romain stepped back from the fog hissing door, the others lightly complaining on how irritating and complex Seidlitz constructed the Grotto.

It was a huge labyrinth crafted out of cold cut salt crystals and string of lights chained on every perimeter and surrounding. The exuberant and lavish colors from lunar blue to idea yellow faded in a monotone pattern, mirroring to how the Evergrande G - tubers mooded up into.

A simple knock on the green pixel tiles from the WDO logo stirred the room alive like a violent earthquake.

"Holy Storm, I can't take this anymore!" Light obsessively sprang upon Arthur, his startled yells in french and shielding vision treaded him a step backwards closer to death.

Heart leaping in rapid gulps, Ryuk deployed her Dual Threat launcher, hooking the end of the handle around a metallic ring jutted from the side of the tunnel and used herself to shift adjacent on the other end of the wall.

Seeps of crystal dust powdered above Jousselin and Lescornez, both DJ's potentially dangling over the steps. Breathing out gaping shock, DracoLight hugged Arthur's head with irregular whines as the jet black haired Regulus tamer cautiously froze from trembling hard.

The rumble to the Grotto dispersed with a dying wisp, the team dunked out their static expression on the unexplainable moment as if Marco's world was suddenly appetizing for more tamers underground.

"How did your Dual Threat launcher transform into a life saving dungeon device?" Cyprus quizzically pondered as Shinigami flustered out in honest reasoning.

"Well, you know what they say. A tamers's mind with tools is a well experienced genius. A girl genius."

Her obtrusive wink riddled Rickers into unfair complaints.

"Hey! I also work with tools! Monday though Sunday, I everyday stump across piece by piece until I sandwich it into a perfect illegal combo. How do you explain I crafted my Maximum Garuda Blade Typhoon in under 30 minutes? Huh!?" Zera sarcastically pulled out a playful face as Shinigami smirked cleverly for the whole team.

"How do you explain a piece of string as a life saving device? Extended threads with extended minds. I tend to create the most simple tools out of Dragoma parts. I title it the String Theory. A Garuda is not gonna save these two without any justifying grip. Care to explain, Mr. mod genius?"

"Ok, Ok Ok! I see where you're coming from! If Garuda were really alive, he would fly us out of this very mess we landed in!"

"Or your dragon boy has." Jose snickered as Cyprus agreed with him. "Good one, bro."

"My dragon boy!? Tell that to -"

"Japan's #1 adult Tamer!" an Americanized voice echoed out of nowhere as the team transfixed their intriguing gaze on a grown asian man wearing nothing but a simple black WDO polo, beige slackers and jet black boots. His astounding speed gripped Storm's gray jacket before full tensioned force drew the two towards the open door.

Everything in the room was yet undiscovered to everyone's decoy, their attention stifling on the newcomer and two exhausted DJ's from tramutization.

Only Ryuk suffered her only chance with her excellent makeshift tool. The string later snapped into two, the accidental release of her launcher tumbled and cracked in deep echoes down the stairs and pitted into the abyss below.

"Damn it! I always hate it when I lose my personal belongings! Zera....." a growl emitted from her throat as she balled her fists and seductively glared at the brown haired boy.

Rickers seized his hysterical laughs as he wiped a tear, "Tough luck with your string theory next time!"

"Hrrrmmm..." To the corner of her eye, she targeted the remaining string that swayed along with the light bellowing wind, a signal to her mind that the black grappling handle still had tactical use behind it. Shrugging, she tentatively eased the handle from the wall suspended ring and pocketed it for safe keeping.

"T - T - T - Tamer Ken?" Zera faltered out his silenced gaze on the only saviour of the Tenaki Team.

Titled Tamer #1 at volunteering in drastic tournaments and hosting G tube episodes about the latest Dragoma products like Zankye, Tamer Ken traveled across decisive landmarks, deeming to raise popular awareness about the spinning top game that revolutionized the world since 2000.

Now that he's been invited to Sienne to host the main World Championship League, he started to flunk his speech as if he just returned from the dentist. "Um, who did you say you exactly were again? Zera, right?"

He tentatively goggled an inquisitive eye at Taliyra, who simply suppressed a smile in return.

"- And Falco?"

Talonclaw's doubtful look caused him to mentally scrutinize at her username sprawled across her unique shirt, compromising of the Arcane Emblem, Ragnarok Blade, LR Grip, and two Naga tribal dragons guarding the pristine crest.

The soft wind howled through the tunnels as silence matured the awkward moment.

"Oh, I saw you guys back there, too."

Cue collective snickers and smiles from the rest of the Evergrande team.

Rickers immediately wallowed into hysterical joy as if he was begging one last life from his hands.

"Tamer Ken? I'm so honored to meet you! I can't believe you came all the way to Paris to -"

"Get flushed away underneath the grounds of Kid Expo. Situation seems wrecked if you ask me. My sole purpose was to host the finals of the World Championships. Looks like a nasty baddie out there kidnapped our precious youth participants and transformed them into a contracted dragoma slaves. Tough luck but we're gonna reach that dastard before luck rains down on us."

"How does everyone here know about my friend!?" Rickers complained in superficial awe, flinging his extended arms outward while staring at everyone in dismayed arousment.

Not uttering a single word, everyone held up their smartphones in return.

"Correction. Possessed friend." Tamer Ken dragged his elaboration (and the team) towards a studious room with gloss floor titling. Identical Draceanea plants hung in a majestic twirl around the ceiling. Portraits and banners from the booth were plastered around every inch of the room, the faux camera blitz effects giving the brown haired tamer a hard time to adjust to his surroundings. 16 stylish chairs (8 for the team and 6 for the TT staff) were placed around a rectangular marble white conference table along with a fancy blue rug below the steel supports. A white projector hung from the middle of the ceiling, directionally facing a white SMART board. A glass shelving showcase of Dragomas, launchers, and other goodies were displayed against a wall, Falco glamouring all over them in spiteful awe. Ridiculously grabbing her attention to join the team, they could only grip dead silence on the only man behind the Dragoma manga scene.

"REI MORITA - SAN!" The EVG team (along with David, the danish volunteer, the Coro Coro guy, and Kagei Aguri - Tenaki Tenzura's female staff director) gripped the foreboding Zera Rickers and forcefully held him back away from the spinning top god himself.

"Hehe." Morita merely smiled buck tooth, a blue scarf adorning his neck while attired against the underground winter. His thick 'engrish' accent greeted a "Herro."

Jose idiotically dispatched himself to his I-Pad, looking up the creator behind the Dragoma mangas.

"Oh my god, Morita! It's such a deep honor to meet you! I have an audience of 20,000 subscribers on Youtube, a collection of over 300 Dragomas from all three generations including XB, almost 5 million channel views and I want to present to you! Quasar -"

"Hey, settle down there blabbermouth." Romain helpfully guided the squealing chumpkin to his seat. Oh boy, Rickers' immatured and heartbroken joy could almost ear rape everyone's minds. "You can talk more of your personal space unicorn to Mr. Morita. For now, we have company and an important meeting to draw forth. Ken?"

"Right." The black haired japanese adult tamer snapped on the projector, the white SMART Board neatly displaying the map of Kid Expo Hall 7.

Almost every color coded section of the Hall identicated with every group of 5 - 7 square shaped booths including the Jumbotron Zero Gravity showcase and the Dragoma XB Booth. All of everything once full of abundant kids and yells withered away from purple spikes the size of 10 Prostadiums. Unbelievable to how Seidlitz can conjure monstrous breath attacks and ravishly derail a year's worth of memorable entertainment.

David resumed to stroking his plush tiger, secreting information through his phone.

With Storm noticing a call, he curiously answered with a timid "Hello?"

"Ive been tasked to assign you, Storm, along with your enthusiastic ruby haired friend as official DJ's of the World Championship. As volunteer, I -"

With sudden attentive snap of his fingers, Jousselin idly gripped David's gaze while the volunteer continued dispatching nonsensical instructions. The gray haired DJ simply returned an incredulous look. An expression obvious enough to show that his lad was instructing at the wrong time of the mission.

"Right, sorry." David inhaled his embarrassing blush as he discarded the plush tiger underneath the table and pretended to company with the staff.

The rest of the team patiently waited for Ken to present their thoughts before moving into his expert elaboration. One that is straightforward and not so sketchy like last time where he almost flunked over the Liner driver 3 times.

"We happen to personally monitor and track your friend through WDO, G tube, everywhere. Not professional spies but in your case... we are."

A wink from Ken caused Shinigami to stagger in disturbance. Romain noticed her sheer movement as he stabilized her twitching, especially her cat eyes.

" - Your friend, Matthew 'Zera' Rickers. Who happens to go by the name of Marco 'Yuri' Seidlitz is apparently the chosen vessel of an imaganeered creature Branded Rebellion from another world. Perhaps it was potentially a youth favoured creature that Seidlitz personally adored, cherishing his life with his bombastic imagination. Yet, this dark dragon thing managed to pour rebellion and revenge in the very core of his heart."

The frightening image of Luinra statically posed behind Marco's uplifting body at the Hall appeared on the board.

"Ale le le le le le le! Tibarn crool! That's DraconicArt!?" Alex flinched into trembling dismay as he perfectly curled up against Arthur's legs, the gray haired DJ resounding another idiotic sigh.

"Tamer Ken, what if his army is powerful enough to prevent 8 strong and experienced tamers in one rush? I expect those little kids to potential greater spirit than that." Zera kindly pointed to the screen, his voice of concern guiding the team to relate the same disease passed down to the youth participants.

"Rickers, stop scaring yourself against an image. You bravely faced him on earth, why not the cool catacombs underground?" Falco reasoned in high trodding sympathy, the team shrugging in agreement.

A simple knuckled fist bang against the table proved his childish anger to impulse even more, "I already was fed with Beyspirit fueled from Rajaion! Now that Galahad is sucked away and both of them are now....."

Reaching into his pocket, he brought out his broken combos resulted into a 'Shattered Overdrive Finish', the Bearing driver to Rajaion aimlessly rolling around it's polythene disc. "Vanished.... - How am I supposed to aid your mission now, team? I guess I have to spectate all contracted matches if I want to face that gooey dragon in the end!"

"Relax chap. It's not the end of the world. You'll experience that soon. For now, let's intake more of Tamer Ken's advice before we depart for his sickening army." Romain beamed out his killer smile as Rickers bit back trepidated whining.

A simple throat clear from an ever patient Morita - san solved Zera's temper down. About to squeal in gasping excitement again, a clamped hand on his babyish mouth by Falco signaled Tamer Ken to continue.

" - Thanks team. What was the very purpose and existence of Demon Luinra 6 - Chain Redemption? I'll tour you in the facts about this devilish goma. It disguises a purple Luinra L4 yet it looks more menacing and wicked as before. Yeah, Yeah, Brutal and Bloody are the low tier words for a dragon that beastly. If you want a scary dragon like that one, feel free to cosplay as Luinra on Halloween. Give out a good scare to our other fellow G - tubers."

Collective snickers and soft laughs resounded from the team and staff.

"No thank you! Rexcalius for me!" DracoLight neatly announced underneath the table, his hidden presence notifying Storm an absent seat.

"Luinra's purpose?" Tamer Ken's eyes took a wide arc around the room, transfixing his gaze on every tamer and staff member present. "To diminish the Evergrande G - tubers and trap the bastard child of Zeraiya into everlasting friendship. Mainly your innocence and dying apology. Or should I say.... Tentratudo."

"Tentratudo?" Ryuk cautiously hacked the word as if she recognized it from somewhere plain.

"Short for 3 Dragomooriyan words. Tenebris. Draco. Aegritudo. or DDS. Dark Dragon Sickness. Possessing the Shadow Ra core, it's what the nasty lizard inside you -"

"Me?" Rickers childishly impulsed a thumb point to himself.

"Yes you, Child of Zeraiya. A supernatural core that manifested from a distorted breeding ground. A power to call all tamers and shift around with their G - spirit. A simple ability to ravish and exterminate the very game you cherished for years. The idle mobility to your heart of blading will soon wither away if Luinra get's hold of the light core. What's the opposite of -"

"Storm!? Is Light!" Alex sheepishly grinned as popped up from his seat, Arthur's disturbed impulse to gently push the redhead back down with an uncaring gesture.

"Would the cores affect all of us or just Zera here?" Cyprus bravely volunteered to question Ken's backdrop knowledge behind the enemy's frontlines. The japanese tamer exhaled in difficulty, his mind processing to conclude reasonable answers.

"That's quite a handful in what we are currently dealing with here. I'd say if Luinra gains access to both the Unity and Shadow Ra cores, it's a no go for all of us to continue taming. One way or another. Raw info but it's got to do. Now that you know what you're standing up against."

A concluding clap from Ken signaled the SMART Board to display 24 youth kids, all of their profile silhouetted to hide their identity and Tamer Tag.

"Yes it's time! Wah- hoo!" Zera's inner child spirited him up towards heaven as David, the Coro Coro guy and Kagei began to bring out a stack of carbon fiber paper printed with an image of Garrett Star springing up towards the viewer of the picture, his beaming smile providing endless memories of the bombastic event while gripping a miniature model of the Sienne Tower in his right hand and Genesis Galahad V3 Elite - Vortex Reboot in his left hand.

"That's right! Autograph time from Morita - san!" the Coro Coro guy's thin and nosy engrish accent flamed Rickers even more. It looked as if the brown haired tamer was sprawling across the floor in endless squeals.

"Th-hank yhou." Hiro gestured to Kagei as the two JP representatives of Tenaki Tenzura sat down between the god idol of Dragoma, gripping a black permanent marker to scribble the team member names either by biological or GT username.

"You're such a charm to the whole franchise. We'll never see Garrett and his gang without your wonderful creation." Igor commented as he gripped his autograph, [Pour Cyprus] scribbled in Caps.

"Ah, thank you so much." Morita nodded in pacing smiles, Coro Coro gaping as if he were here to catch a bubble.

"Found 3rd gen of Dragoma suspicious. But then my channel skyrocketed like thunder thanks to you." Jose's handshake flustered Morita into many gratitude. [Pour Zankye] scribbled in Caps again.

"My man Romain and I draguz hunting after every newly bey created just from the staff. Group picture?" With Kagei helpfully snapping the memory, Ryuk Shinigami adored every letter of his hand writing, [Pour Alycia] scribbled above G3.

"A true legend indeed." Dragonful nodded in sheer satisfaction, his eyes intently beaming over the words [Pour Romain] hovering over Garrett.

"I guess it's my turn now. Hiro? How can I ever thank for your wonderful work on Dragoma?" Storm clasped hands with Hiro and the remaining crew, David snickering from behind. [Pour Arthur] brightened the DJ's crystal blue eyes, enlightened to even receive a signed W3 from Tamer Ken himself and a helpful french sub from David.

"Your turn, Lescornez." Jousselin announced in an uncaring tone as Alex idiotically bumped his head underneath the table, "Ow a la la la. My head! -"

"- is breaking. Serves you right for cowardly snuggling beside my feet." Storm muttered, unwrapping his sub and conveniently ripped off the corner as he'd like to perform the same to his idiotic friend's head.

"Aha! Wings of glory to Rei Morita! Yeah!" Alex exuberantly danced around a mini session before admiring [Pour DracoLight] in red caps.

"My moment has finally come." Rickers drastically exhaled in awe, striding over with several documents in hand.

"You feel so happy." Kagei exclaimed, Zera creating a small noise of whimpering victory to agree with her.

"You brought me somesing?" Rei exhaled in soft laughter as he scribbled [Pour Zera] across the autograph.

"Oh yes! A drawing featuring my own character along with Khalahad! And also pictures and gimmicks relating to Quasar Galahad."

Three neat sheets of printed paper sprawled across the table, Morita neatly filing them away in consideration of cameoing the fan made goma into the anime and producing the actual Dragoma itself. "All right. We see about your Dragoma soon."

"Yahoo!" Fist pumping to all of his glory, Rickers finally achieved his memorable tie with his autistic love for the spinning top game itself.

Next in line was Falco, tentatively watching Morita grab the last autograph sheet.

David stifled up an important question, "Uh, where you from?"


"Switzerland...." David pondered for a moment before striking up another important question, "Tu parle français?"



The Coro Coro guy instinctively asked her, "Uh, what's your name?"

"Oh sorry sorry!" David struck up his mistake and gladly presented the release form, Taliyra's GT name scribbled across the back.

"Weah you fom?" Kagei curiously raised her voice as if timbering through bamboo.

"Pleura." Talonclaw drew forth her inspid blush.

"Pree uuurah." Kagei dragged the country's name as if it was new to her.

Morita's calligraphy skills smoothly danced across her autograph, [Pour Falco] in black caps scribbled neatly above V3.

The three of them exchanged words of japanese before they faced Falco's Burst Panini Sticker Album, front inner cover displayed with the small survey.

"Oly wan." Kagei targeted the perpetual mistake followed by Coro Coro's repeated order, "Sorry. Ory wan. Ory Wan."

Taliyra suppressed a warm beatish exit, stabbed in heart to experience her sudden loss in the second autograph session.

"Hey dragon girl -" Romain strode over to Taliyra where she bit back an disturbed correction.

"It's Miss Taliyra to you, two winged lizard breath." her over treaden sorrow suddenly converted into a smirk, her light hearted remarks of playful statements blushing the blonde tamer into hysterical nods.

"Fanciying so far with that accurate description of Wyvenra! Lovin it!" Dragonful chapped up his killer smile as he joined Shinigami on the other end with a playful meow.

Ryuk flung several G - Deck cases into the air out of sudden shock, inferior damage either to her small heart or to the goma cases avalanched to the floor. Her tone suddenly dropped to an urgent hiss, "Romain, I told you many times not to creep up on my like that!"

His bombastic laugh resounded with hands clasped to his hips. A definite sign of purple flamed friendship.

"I take it your establishing plans on your new string theory?"

Shinigami inhaled double sarcasm flying overboard. Eyes closed, she placed out a hand as if to stop her friend from doing anything obtrusive. "A refined invention to save our sorry asses from this ungodly crystal cave. 24 tamers plus a dragon maniac. Does that serve our purpose very well? I think yes."

"Tamer Ken? Who's our first opponent gonna be? I hate break sweats during a follow up round." Zera tentatively questioned while closely tagging Falco with a supervised gaze. She apparently hopped from Dragoma sets to other Burst novelties such as puzzles, blankets, kids shoes, and a Garette Star backpack.

Tamer Ken exasperated a difficult sigh, running a hand through his jet black hair, "Japan's national champion of course. Kurei. Won 30 consecutive matches before rallying Sienne. Knight Sigurd Armour - Star Zeta is his killer combo. An unknown type to best combat against defense types."

Romain and Alicya both locked their smirk expressions before resuming their attention on Ken.

"And remember one thing. Don't fall famished in the middle of your mission. A plate of whatever bad dragon Luinra's gonna feed you, it's gonna be deadly. I repeat. DEAD - LY."

"Food poisoning!? Oh la la!" DracoLight dramatically fainted after his improvised fear of calling in too early.

"Anyway, since I lost a million pancakes against Seidlitz, I reckon victory over the rest of my amazing wombo combo team! Evergrande G - tubers? Were ready to super speed!" Zera Rickers fist pumped a spectacular pose that could sure dazzle his sparkling fans at any second.

"Correction. Hyper Vitesse." Tamer Ken winked as the Evergrande G - tubers officially departed for the first eerie tunnel concerning the clever Oni.

Silence ensued the room into a dampened state as the Tenaki Tenzura staff exchanged words in french and japanese, entitling trust and compassion to guide the group into step by step achievement.

For Falco precisely missed her scan on every Dragoma knicknack perched on the display shelf, a very odd but peculiar object hung out, secreted behind the Garrett Star backpack. Not even the staff could entirely target and dislocate the item.

Expecting a relaxing break after a stressed out lecture on their enemy, Tamer Ken noticed a bleak flash emit from one of the World Championship banners. Craning closer with a scrutinized gaze, his sole investigation on the guest tamer posed for the banner, a light emitting diode began to flicker and dance across the teenager's eyes.

"What in WDO's name?" a hairline whisper of intrigue and suspense toned down his tightening fear as Ken and the rest of the staff faced tiny dual spectacle lens reflecting from his petrified face.

A startling discovery.

Who had ever known that Luinra Marco Seidlitz was monitoring the whole meeting session after all?