Chapter 15: Caught him Again

She woke up with a better morning. She just had a gut feeling she was late. Would Maddie have already left? No... That would be too embarrassing, even for him. If she wasn't wrong, these potential partners knew he was going to come with his wife. From the research she'd done, the CEO of Wong Dynasties, their potentials, was an old man who had a firm belief in the institution of marriage. Maddie brought her, was just to increase his odds. She knew it was weird of him just asking her over so casually to accompany him.

As she quickly rushed to the bathroom, she heard the door being unlocked and assumed it was Maddie.

"We only have 20minutes to leave, Jaiye." He said quickly through the door.

Twenty minutes was enough. She hopes.

She got out of the shower and immediately started drying her hair trying to figure out what she'd wear. She quickly rushed to her belongings, pulled out her flat iron and placed it on the floor beside her.

She opted to wear a white bodysuit with a v-neck and a body-hugging grey skirt. She paired it with a long grey trench coat and high black heels with her expensive Michael Kors bag.

She went to the dresser quickly glancing at the time seeing she had barely ten minutes left. She quickly straightened her hair and held it in a high ponytail and did a natural look.

Maddie came in leisurely from the balcony talking on the phone and quickly assessed her attire. He gestured towards the door. She guesses it was time for them to leave. She took a deep breath grabbed her bag and met him outside the room where he was waiting for his hand held out for her. It's just for publicity, Jiaye, don't get any ideas. She repeated this mantra over and over in her head until they got to the car.

The meeting wrapped up pretty fast. Turns out they made a good impression as a couple, together on every front. Plus the old man was quite friendly. She liked him a bit. He insisted on taking them to one of his favorite spots in the city saying they couldn't leave before going there.

It was a beautiful hotel. With the soft humming of people's chatter and some slow music playing in the background.

A table had already been reserved for them and they found some of the other begins already seated and enjoying their drinks.

"Sit, sit." Mr. Wong eagerly ushered them to seat and took his right beside her.

"You should try the Kao Niew Mamuang, it's um... Sticky rice with mango." he tried using his hands to explain. She wasn't a fan of trying out new food, but she guessed he knew what he was saying.

She could feel Maddie tense beside her, she looked at him peculiarly but his eyes were fixated on the menu.

"I hope it's good. I guess I'll try that. What would you recommend for my husband?" She added a sickly sweet smile as she turned to look at Mr. Wong. She noticed his expression tighten a bit then he immediately relaxed his facial muscles and glanced at the menu,

" Mr. Ji, do you like hot food?" He glanced at Maddie, his accent had gotten a bit thicker but she just brushed it aside.

"If you can guarantee that its the best I'll ever have, I'm willing to try whatever you suggest, " he replied

"He should have the Tom Yum Goong,"

One of the executives shouted from the far end of the table. There was a murmur of agreement around the table as everyone looked at Maddie.

"Hot and Sour prawn." Mr. Wong added when he noticed the hesitance.


"Great!" Mr. Wong beamed next to her signaled a waitress giving their orders.

"I've ordered some wine too as we wait for our meal to be prepared if you don't mind." He told them when the waitress left.

Well, needless to say, less than 30minutes later she was on her fourth glass as she waited for the food to be brought. She might have been tipsy but she could have sworn she felt someone's hand on her thigh. When she looked up curiously at Mr. Wong, his focus wasn't even on her. She must have been feeling her things. Not even a second later it was back. Startled, she abruptly pulled her chair back and stood. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her inquisitively. Oops, maybe she overreacted. She smiled politely and said something about going to the powder room then quickly walked away.

Jiaye slowly rinsed her hands as she stared at her reflection. She still looked like a respectable wife. Good. Wong couldn't actually be doing something fishy right? He believed in the institution of marriage, didn't he? She wasn't quite sure anymore. She might have been overreacting. She let the water run over her hands a bit longer as she gathered herself then walked back out hoping the night would just end already.

As she slowly approached the table, she saw Maddie had taken her seat. She tried, but failed, to hide her relief from her face then slid into his seat.

"I just needed to discuss some business with Mr. Wong. Hope you don't mind switching seats, babe?" he told her gently squeezing her hands.

He leaned in and whispered, "even if it's a business deal, don't tolerate bullshit from anyone okay?" he kissed her cheek softly then relaxed back onto his seat and turned and told Mr. Wong something. She couldn't hear him. She felt like everything was happening on mute around me. Is he just acting? Her heart was beating wildly in her chest and that's the only thing she could hear. she shakily reached out for a glass of water, hoping it would cool her down a bit.

The food was brought shortly after. Her food looked more like a salad than food. Would she really be satisfied? Oh well, just in case she'd have some more when we went back to the hotel.

When they entered she immediately threw herself to the bed. She needed a nice good soothing bath.

"Hey, Maddie, do you think I could get bath oils if I called hotel service?"

"Yes, you can get anything you want, wifey."

She could get used to this. Maybe she should be tagging along to his trips from now on.

She rolled over and watched him throw off his shirt. His back was very well defined. Her inner goddess was drooling at the sight.

He turned and caught her staring. She immediately averted her gaze and rolled back to her previous position.

"All that's left is to sign a few contracts and finalize on things here. You can go back tomorrow and oversee the company for me?"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Hmmm... Why?"

He sat on the other side of the bed as he removed his shoes.

"I just find it weird you entrusting the company to me."

"I'm not handing it over to you. You're just going to make sure people ain't slacking before I come back."

She raised her eyebrow at him but begrudgingly agreed. Seems like her fairytale was coming to an end soon.

"I've already ordered for you your bath necessities. They'll be up in a few." as if on cue, there was a curt knock followed by, "room service."

She slowly got up and went over and grabbed them. She slipped him a twenty dollar bill and watched as his face brightened.

She kicked off her shoes and went to the bathroom directly. This was going to be relaxing.

Next morning she woke up a bit early and decided to go on a tour of the city before leaving. She'd booked her flight for 9 pm and have already finished up with her packing the previous night.

She went around the city buying all sorts of things and chatting up the locals.

By the time she was sitting down for lunch, she felt like her legs would give out under her. She had a bunch of bags from different stalls, all sorts of snacks and souvenirs.

She quickly ate her lunch, relaxed a bit and enjoyed the view and decided it was about time she went back and started preparing to leave. Jaiye glances at her wristwatch and saw it was a few minutes to 3 pm. She still had ample time.

She took a leisurely walk back to the hotel and immediately went up to her room ignoring the offers to be assisted.

She slowly unlocked. The door knowing Maddie wouldn't be back yet but still, something wasn't feeling right. She kicked off her shoes, placed her bags by the door and went further in hearing the shower running.

Hm, he must already be back. She went over to her suitcase and started squeezing in the goods she'd bought and smiled triumphantly when she was done. Suddenly a moan pierced through the silence of the room making her alert immediately. Her heart dropped in her chest as she drew in closer to the bathroom. Literally, praying and hoping he was just jerking off.

Another moan pierced through and she was definitely sure that there was a woman with him. House Cleaning maybe? She was practically grasping at straws here, she knew. But a girl in love couldn't help but hope right?

She quietly pushed the bathroom open intending to just peep, confirm it was room service and close the door but what she saw made her blood run cold. It was none other than little miss secretary hands on the wall and Maddie pumping into her like a crazed animal. Her heart dropped. She knew for a fact the secretary saw her but she just slowly backed away. She could literally feel her heart tearing. Tears were beginning to fall uncontrollably. Shakily, she removed his black card, the room key, and his stupid family ring and tossed them on the bed. She took out the red lipstick in her bag and angrily wore on the plain white bed cover, I'M DONE!!!.

Tears blurring her view but she couldn't think. She was on autopilot. She grabbed her suitcase and quickly rushed out banging the door as hard as she could on her way out angrily shoving her tears.

Again, she ignored the people calling out her name and immediately rushed out hailing the first taxi and instructing the driver to take her to the airport.