Chapter 66: Was He Too Greedy?

Kate looked at the man behind Tristan. He was tall and thin, and his face was bloody. His features could not be identified.

She put her hand to her mouth.

The man opened his mouth, and the voice was heartbreakingly familiar to her, "Fox, you endangered society, killed innocent people. You are the devil in this world."

"It is time for you to pay for it."

Tristan ignored him and bent his head to kiss her finger.

There was an inaudible sound. Was it the sound of pulling the trigger?

Kate cried out in fear, "No, please don't."

"Tristan, Jimmy, don't…" Kate cried vaguely and suddenly opened her eyes.

It was all dark around her.

She fumbled for the switch of the bedside light. There was nothing on the bed beside her. There was no familiar scent in the air.

She woke up fully and realized it was all just a dream.