Chapter 21: I Hope You Like It

Brianna found cooking very therapeutic, especially baking. She also baked two cakes, one looking like an angry dragon and the other a gentle fairy hidden in a little forest.

When Scott arrived at the dining room, he noticed the cakes first. He was impressed at first, then he looked a bit annoyed and said with a sneer. "A very angry dragon. What is it going to do with the frightened fairy?"

Brianna didn't expect Scott to interpret her thoughts. Worried, she tried to justify herself instantly, "Oh, I just had a weird dream about them last night. It doesn't mean anything."

"Did I say it's supposed to mean anything?" Scott retorted, his eyes fixed upon hers.

"Ha. No. Well, it's meant to be eaten for sure." Brianna replied with a cheeky smile.

Brianna sliced the head of the dragon, put it on a plate, and passed it to Scott. "I hope you like it." She grinned.