Like A Little Girl

It's already been a few hours since the raid of the Heftpound was conducted. The Coalition had lost a little over half its members when the surprise attack of the Heftpound landed. Even the triplets have been forced to detention for a much-needed rest. Though there was, nonetheless, some good news, which was that they had saved 3,329 lives this day, at the cost of 114 lives. Lives that had handed themselves over for the Coalition.

Right now, the Coalition is properly known around the world. Some are praising their work for being able to handle a situation with such a quick response time. Some are praising them for solely being there. Others though have criticized them for being unable to take down the monster that took away not only billions of dollars' worth of property but also hundreds of lives. Including those who Chu Yang considered his own. Though it was true, the world now knew about the existence of the Coalition and its rankers, it wasn't the type of attention he would have liked.

Chu Yang's face was growing more ominous as time passed. The familiar hall had now turned solemn, as what was left of the Coalition couldn't even fill half of the hall. He clenched his fist tight while wondering whether he was fit to be standing here, in front of these people.

"At this moment in time, we have lost! The men and women who fought to try and remove that beast out of our homeland had bravely sacrificed their lives to save many more! Lives that have already numbered in the thousands!"

Chu Yang looked at the downcast men and women who had lost just as much as he did, it wasn't his cross to bear alone. If there was even a finger that needed to be pointed at here, it would be on that monster and not him. This seemed to make Chu Yang feel even more hatred towards the Heftpound as he produced more ice around him.

"Had the beast been left alone to do it's bidding, we would have lost the whole city of Linghua."

Chu Yang's replenished mana storage made him susceptible to producing ice when his emotions were out of control, just as he was doing so now. The stage he was on was practically half ice now, with the people backing away from the stage to not get frozen over by the rampaging ice. When he observed them backing away, Chu Yang controlled the ice to make it move back, away from them.

"The beast still lives on! The Heftpound is something we were already informed about by an informer three weeks ago. Though it was not entirely our fault, I cannot help but think that there was more we could have done had we taken this more seriously."

The whole room had understood what Chu Yang was saying. They had all received the message from Oculus that not only gave details regarding the system, it also disclosed information on the different types of abdicates that they might encounter. It was naive to say in hindsight that they made a mistake of not fully understanding the danger it could bring but there was no time like the present to correct that mistake.

"Right now, we have been informed by the President that the Coalition will be assisted by the USM and the whole of Cina's support. They've recognized the dangerous entity presently known as an 'abdicate' and have given the Coalition a much-needed push to finally bring that thing down. Now, it is your turn! Is there anyone here who has an idea what we can do about that beast?"

Chu Yang looked around the hall. It's been three months since the Coalition has been instituted but it wasn't exactly a focus of the government. After all, the use of rankers was still not clearly expressed until just this afternoon. If they were to fight back against those things without having to use weapons of mass destruction, they would need to support these rankers.


"How about asking the Oculus for help?" The silence didn't detract from the courageous Coalition soldier as he continued to explain just what exactly he was thinking.

"The Oculus had been the one to divulge out information regarding the damn things! Perhaps they already have a plan to fight back?"  He looked towards the stage where the thinking Head Commander held his head high to the sky. His black eyes seemed to have a layer of haziness over them that made him feel he shouldn't say anymore to distract the Head Commander.

"We can't do that." The soldier was shocked about the decision, after all, it was the best shot they have.

If having to invite the expert how to do it won't accomplish anything then what can a few amateurs like them do? He wasn't isolated in that train of thought as most of the Coalition agreed with that plan as well. But the Head Commander's next words made them realize just how much they misunderstood.

"We can't contact them. It's not that we don't want to, we don't know how."

The Oculus came and went without displaying any signs of caring about a reply. They forwarded information through unknown means, even to their most talented information technology specialist. This made the whole plan not have any base to work upon.

"What if we just topple it down with a nuclear missile? That should resolve it right?"

A few slaps to the forehead can be heard from around the hall. Needless to say, executing that would most likely eliminate the thing, but that would take them down with it. There's also the probability of if now even working. It's clearly unsafe to blast an unknown phenomenon with deadly nuclear reactions when you aren't even sure it would work.

"Sir! I've analyzed a way to force that thing out. Though it won't necessarily kill the damn thing, we can at least push it back towards that hole, right?"

Gin lifted his hands while thinking he had found a way to throw that thing back to where it came from. Though it would be equivalent to just kicking it away from their doors, it was however more proper than allowing it stay and potentially cause more trouble.

It's also not safe to blast an unknown phenomenon with deadly nuclear reactions when you aren't even sure it would work.

The hall was silent as only Gin was allowed to speak. This caused the man's anxiety to pop up as his face flushed while the words he was about to communicate were stuck in his throat.

"Eh, uh, Ehem. Wha-what if we, you know, ram it up with a giant pillar of ice and then plug the hole?"

The man finally got to declare his plans but the way he said it issued it less confidence than it needed. Though the essential idea was still passed on. Chu Yang closed his eyes to simulate the plan in his head. He thought about the height of the legs as well as the weight of the whole thing, how much ice he needed to fling that thing back up to the hole and finding a way to secure that portal. All those present problems of their own, and though the idea was elementary, it's not exactly something they can do right away.

"Too many variables, too many things to prepare."

"But we don't really have any other plan, do we?"

The idea of his plan being rejected made Gin feel unrecognized, causing him to blurt out the words. He immediately felt regretful, though, as the words might have sounded arrogant. Thankfully the Head Commander seemed to have come up with the same conclusion he did as well because he merely bobbed his head.

"That's a valid response."

Chu Yang left the hall after bidding farewell to the men and women of the Coalition. He felt his head hurt after having to use so much mana in one event. This would not have happened if he was able to practice more.

'Sigh. I should get back to training.'

He had been fascinated with the talent he was given when he received the system four months ago. The ability to control ice was incredibly impressive in his head that he overdid it the same day he received the system. He got a sore body the next day due to over utilizing his ability. Had he pushed himself a little more, he might have probably gotten a major injury if not dying immediately. He was wondering if he would face that painful situation again when he tries pushing that abdicate back to where it came from.

He sat down on his comfortable desk chair while placing one of his hands over his eyes. He felt so tired he thought he might just sleep through the night if he did nothing to stop it. He pressed on the phone on the side and picked it up.

"Amanda, do you mind preparing me a cup of coffee?"

"Coming right away sir."

Chu Yang massaged his forehead while taking out a piece of paper. He subsequently picked up a pen from the cup on his right where he places a few writing tools. He scribbled something down and leaned back to grasp the whole picture. It was then that a hand knocked on the door and a tray with a cup of coffee was placed on top of it. There was additionally a slice of chocolate cake with a glass of milk beside it.

"Sir." Amanda placed the tray down on to the desk and she took a small glance at the paper in front of the Head Commander. She then let out a little laugh that she desperately tried to hide. Though it barely lasted for half a second.

"Pfft." The focused Chu Yang finally realized that someone else was here with him when he heard a soft chuckle from across his desk. He discovered an expressionless Amanda place the tray over his desk while turning away to go back to her own work.

"Hey, Amanda."

Amanda's body couldn't help but flinch at the thought that she might have been caught by the boss when she was laughing at his 'art'. Though she quickly hid that feeling behind an expressionless face that she was used to carrying around. She turned to his direction and tilted her head slightly to the side.

"What do you think?"

"Don't be an artist sir, you're doing well as the Head Commander." Her lips couldn't help but twitch erratically as her eyes glazed over the paper that was directly being presented to her personally.

It was just a poorly drawn circle with what seemed to be a tree trunk under it while a stick man with the word 'Ice Pillar' written above his head is placing it's two hands, or rather, what might be it's arms on the ground.

"I'm planning on forwarding it to the higher-ups to put together more ideas from them. I'm not planning on quitting yet, though, but I thank you for the compliment." A foolish smile was plastered on the Head Commander's face which made Amanda's efforts of trying to conceal her smile go to waste as she laughed out loud. This only made the Chu Yang look more proud, though, so she excused herself after finding the strength to hold back her laugh.

"Sir! A message from the Oculus!"

Chu Yang was taking a photo of the drawing with his personal phone when the door suddenly opened without a knock. He was so surprised he knocked over the cup of coffee he was drinking on to the drawing.

"No!!!" Chu Yang hurriedly picked up the cup while pulling the drawing away. He then looked at the now 'ruined' portrait that would have provided him an easier time to explain the plan to the President.

"Why don't you kno- What did you say?"

"Sir, it's the Oculus. They sent a message."

Chu Yang had thrown away the paper towards the desk without the previous care he had given it beforehand. His hand trembled for a moment when he took the remote and turned on the monitor on the left side of the office, one directly connected to the database of the Coalition meaning it can show whatever he desired to see.


-Plan Ice-Stick-


A little girl's cry was heard throughout the base, one that captured the attention of the whole Coalition as they headed towards the direction it came from.

'The Head Commander's Office!'

"Sir! What happened?"

Amanda opened the door only to see two men inside. One was the overly excited Head Commander who was looking towards the monitor on the right side of the office while the other was a surprised officer whose face seemed to be stunned speechless. She was about to ask once more when she heard the cry again.


It was from him...