Is That A Threat?

Noah wakes up looking around to see no one beside him, he hears the shower, "she's awake; I should leave before she gets out." But just as he was on his way out Belen steps out of the bathroom dressed up ready for work, "where are you going?" she glances at him sharply. Surprised Noah jumps a little, "o-oh I was on my way out to get ready, oh, weren't you taking a shower?"

"It was my sink. I left the water running, anyways let's go." Noah nods, "but what about my clothes? I'm wearing the same as yesterday…" She examines him from head to toe. And walks to her closet across from Noah and pulls out a suit, and tosses it to him, "here wear this."

He's astonished, "where did you get this, I mean how, no why?"

Belen stares blankly at him, "I've meant to give it to you, when I saw it I knew it'd suit you, so take it, hurry and get changed!"

Noah can't hide his pleased smile when he walks out to change in the guest room.

As he's changing, "why is she so quiet? Should I ask her about yesterday night? With her father and the fact that she mentioned marriage? No I shouldn't I mean she wasn't drunk, but then what could it be?"

A few minutes later, Noah comes out obediently, "Sorry, I'll contact the driver right now." She slaps his phone off his hands, "I don't want a driver today, drive me to work, I don't feel like seeing someone else this morning." He's surprised but nods.

They arrive at the mall, exactly at 7:30 am as always, but this time Belen's footsteps are like steel ringing through the whole mall awaiting its encounter. Her facial expression colder than usual, her eyes distant, and is somehow bothered by every detail when she stops at every department asking the nervous employees question after question.

"Fired!" and again, "you're fired! Get out immediately!" and once again, "get out of my sight! Fired!"

Finally, Belen tries to calm her composure, turns around and glaring at the employees, and the head of the departments but they immediately look down as if to avoid getting scolded, "if you can't manage to hire employees who speak at least two languages perfectly, do you know what that makes me look like? Each employee not only represents me but also represents this mall! Etiquette, Speech, Language, and eye contact are important! If you are so nervous or scared to sell me anything within my mall, that goes to show how unprepared you all are! Listen! And obey! The head of the department is the one who writes and signs your checks, but I am the one who writes and signs their checks! So the head of the departments, I expect better from now on, train the employees! An exceptional employee is someone who can speak three languages, and the head of the departments is supposed to know at least three right?"

The heads of the department reply in unison, "yes madam President!"

She rolls her eyes at them as she continues walking away and she stops, "did you not hear me?! Stay and train your employees before I decide to stay and train you all! If you make me lose my patience, I won't hesitate to fire all the head of the departments! Understood!"

"YES MADAM PRESIDENT!!!" they bow without hesitation as she left the scene.


Meanwhile, in the elevator, Noah realizes the camera again and looks at Belen's side profile understanding "she's unusually annoyed today than any other day."

The doors open, she walks out confidently as the receptionist and security team greet them. Of course, only Noah replies to them with a cheery smile.

While Belen, on the other hand, ignores them entirely and directly walks into her office. As Noah shuts the door to her office, he looks over at Belen sitting on her desk. "Madam President is something the matter?"

Her sullen expression reveals her frustration, "why do you ask?"

He bravely continues, "It's just you fired eight employees at once, and well you…"

"I fired them because they were no good, useless, and did not meet my expectations!... enough about them, what is today's agenda?"

Noah takes out a clipboard and looks through it, "At 10 am you have a meeting with the board of directors and investors, at 1 pm you have a meeting with the President of Serena Music Company, at 5 pm you have a private meeting with Gustavo the chef from Italy, and at 7 pm you have a dinner date with me."

He smiles, "Don't worry I'm not asking for an explanation about last night, it's just I need to inform you of the deal I was able to make before you go overseas to attend the social gatherings." She lays back on her chair, displeased, "Ugh! Why can't you tell me about it now? Wait! Social gathering? How many this time?"

He lays three beautifully yet different designed envelopes, each with a different seal on them.

Belen curiously picks them up and quickly opens them. And she slams them on her desk, "Damn! I have three social gatherings and a private gathering to attend next week. I can't do this if I go I won't be back for three days…" this gives her a minor headache just thinking about it.

Noah comments, "do you wish for me to be your escort Madam President?"

Without hesitation, "No! You'll stay here while I'm out! You'll manage everything until I come back?"

Noah obediently nods, "yes, Madam! Then shall we head to the meeting room? To prep for the general meeting with the directors and investors?"


Noah enters Belen's office discreetly.

"Did you finish cleaning up after the meeting?"

He chuckles, "are you calling the Director's trash?"

"Why can't I? am I wrong? Anyways any significant comments I need to hear about from them?" Her strict tone displays her uncaring attitude towards their comments but she still likes to listen to what they have to say behind her back, it somehow amuses her.

Noah shakes his head, "well the meeting ended earlier than expected, and I'd say the directors probably felt your anger in your tone, so they decided not to make trouble for you today, as for the investors they are happy as always."

"mhmm, why did it take you long to clean up after them?" she suspiciously looks at Noah.

He smirks, "was it that obvious?"

"Of course, how much money did those Directors give you this time?" she asks as if it were a routine.


Belen snickers, "cheap bastards, they honestly think that's enough money to buy you into giving them information about me?"

Noah tiredly responds, "I don't like accepting their money so that you know! When can I stop?"

She giggles, "Come on its pretty fun messing with them, plus we've been depositing those checks into a fake account so that we can get them red-handed."

Noah curiously asks because he honestly does not understand her motive, "but why do you deal with such disgusting old directors, they look down on your ability and…"

She interrupts him gesturing, "it's fine as long as the investors are on my side."

Noah worriedly says, "because you chose them! but you weren't able to choose the Directors, they still…"

She stares at him with a dull expression, "they still have hope for my father's return… hmm, that's what they think. I won't allow that to happen, which is why I decided to choose our investors than the directors, because of tricks like bribing my secretary. oh well, we still need a few more evidence before we can hand them over to the police so please Noah continues to sell them fake information."


Iris was calling, but as she continued, her calls went straight to voice mail. It only adds fuel to her rage as she marches inside the mall and asks the receptionist,

"may I speak with Belen Astares?!"

"I'm sorry ma'am but do you have an appointment scheduled to see her?"

Offended she scoffs in disbelief "Ha excuse me!! Do you know who I am?! I am her older sister! Iris Astares!! Now let me see Belen!"

"Do you have ID ma'am?"

Iris arrogantly comments in disdain pulling out her ID, "of course I do! But I am her sister!"

The receptionist confirms, "I see, you are Iris Astarez, may I ask, do you have an appointment to see Madam President today?"

She scoffs, " Are you kidding me?! I don't need an appointment to see my little sister!"

The receptionist tries to stop her when she calls security, but Iris has left into the elevator, taking her up to the top level.

Just as Iris forcefully made her way to the elevator, the security team upstairs notice her.

"Who is that? Isn't that Madam Presidents sister? But what is she doing here? Should we let her pass? Why don't one of us ask the President…"

Everyone somehow goes silent because of their fear of the Madam President.

They murmur among themselves, "What are you crazy?! I don't want to get fired! Didn't you hear this morning she fired like 15 employees and almost fired all of the head of the departments! I'm not going to her den!"

The head of security gives up, "Fine then we must contact Secretary Noah!"


Meanwhile, Noah is in the lounge of the second floor, preparing a salad for Belen. When he receives a phone call, "hmm from the security team?"


"Secretary Noah! We have a problem!" they sound worried and anxious.

"What happened? Is something the matter?"

"yes! Somehow Madam President's sister is in the elevator on her way to the top floor, but we don't know what to do! She forced her way in the elevator, but we don't know what to do, Secretary Noah! Should we shut down the elevator?"

Noah panics and rushes out of the lounge running to the nearest stairway, "don't! just let her be, I'll contact the President."

"Yes, Secretary Noah Thank you!"

As Noah hung up, he hurriedly rushes up the stairs but calls Belen. "Pick up! Pick up! Ah yes, Belen its Noah, listen I need you to- elevator- come-to- office." Unfortunately, the call got cut off.

"Damn it's because of this stairway it cuts off all communication!"


Belen is in her office.

"hmm hello, Noah?! Why did he hang up so suddenly? Did he sound rushed? Could it be he wants me to meet him at the elevator?"

She puts on her blazer and removes her glasses. She walks out of her office until she freezes.

Animosity ensues her whole body at the sight of Iris walking out of the elevator.

Iris noticing her presence, decides to put on a façade "Ahh Belen!" she pretends to be friendly while going for a hug, but Belen immediately strikes her hand away from touching her.

With a serious expression, Belen asks, "what are you doing here?"

Just as her eyebrows furrow in a temper, Iris secretly smirks, "Aw don't be like that Belen! I miss you! I didn't get a chance to greet you yesterday. You know when you met father…"

Belen's expression stills grasping her intent, "security! Escort Iris out of the building, actually out of the gates! Immediately!"

The security team rush to her but before they can. Iris is flustered feeling embarrassed and irritated that she grabs the iced coffee next to her that is on the receptionist table and throws it on Belen. As she did this, everyone froze as if time had stopped. Iris pretends to be reasonable, "oh my bad Belen I did that because as your older sister, you deserve to learn some manners!"

Belen's side profile is covered in ice coffee seeping down into her clothes; she gestures security away, "NO INTERRUPTIONS!" She glares at Iris with ill intent.

"Ha you spoiled brat I bet now you feel embarrassed! Now I've caught your attention, haven't I? Now you'll have no choice but to listen to me! That'll be easy! Father is scared of you, but I'm not!"

Belen aggressively pulls Iris inside her office and shuts the door. She throws Iris to the ground.

She can't help but be surprised, "Hey! Belen, you can't treat me like this! I'm your big sister!" she says getting up from the ground, but Belen marches like a wild animal ready to attack and slaps her face.

Silence follows, Iris in shock is processing what just happened and explodes into trying hit her back, but Belen grabs Iris's wrist and twists it to her back pulling her hair as her neck bend when she pushes her against the wall.

"You bitch!" Iris scowls at Belen impatiently.

"Pfft! That should be my line! So what do you want, Iris? Surely you thought wrong by thinking you can tell me what to do using petty tricks and your elementary fighting! So tell me quickly what is it that you want from me now?" She alarms.

"What I want? The money, of course, no better yet this company! Why do you have it?! What did you do for my dad to deliberately hand over the company to you? Did you steal it from him? I'll go right ahead and spill this to the media! Better yet I can tell everyone here, and there are cameras, so everyone will soon know just who you are! You damn bitch!"

Belen walks closer to Iris like a snake ready to kill with a threatening presence, "you know the glory of having this all to myself? Something you can't even begin to imagine. Everyone works for me…! Do you understand now? Or do you want me to simplify it? Since your stupidity level is that of a fourth-grader, I wouldn't be surprised if you did not understand. Does it look like I have cameras in my office?

Iris confronts her, "you think I'm scared of you?"

Belen laughs, "then what would make you afraid of me? Will it be revealing your son to the public? Hmm, or better yet calling father to let him know you're in my office threatening me? Or should I turn you in to the police for entering without my consent?"

Iris stubbornly retaliates, "I can do the same with you! I can run an investigation about how you managed to steal fathers company and reveal who you are to the public! I can see the headlines trending on the media platform!"

Belen moves away holding in her laugh, but Iris thinks she is crying.

"You are stupid, indeed! I can't! Seriously stop trying to treat me like a child, why don't you ask father yourself? He gave me the company without hesitation, and I did not steal anything, I only inherited what was rightfully mine."

"Rightfully yours? Don't make me laugh! Ever since Mabel left! the company was supposed to be mine!"

Belen slaps Iris grabbing her jaw with such force glaring into her soul, "Don't forget the mistakes you made in the first place! When Mabel left, it was easy to cover up her disappearance, but you?! You brought disgrace and torture to my dad! You have no right to this company! Father chose me because I have the qualifications! And you don't!"

Iris pushes away from Belen's grip with displeasure, "I know you never liked me Iris, and I don't like you either! But for your sake, get out of here now before I decide to throw you out by force you do know media follows the Astares family everywhere? Would you like it if father knew what you've been doing while you were pretending to work?"

Iris expression widens in shock, "you wouldn't know!"

"Leave Iris! Unless you want me to reveal everything to father, since he happens to believe somehow that you work, when in reality you do such vulgar things, hmm I wonder what father would do?"

Iris can't help but give in when she walks to the door and looks back at Belen with anger in her eyes, "I'll leave quietly this time, but don't think you'll be able to do the same with mother."

As she said this Belen's eyes widen in shock, but as she was about to stop her, Noah quickly opens the door and bumps into her. Iris bites her lip in anger and pushes Noah out of her way.

He surprisingly moves away without a care but turns back to enter the office and shuts the door noticing Belen's wet clothes. He rushes to her with a towel, but she brushes him aside, "it's fine, Is there a change of clothes in the bathroom?"

Noah wants to ask many questions, but he must remain calm for her sake and instead tries to help her.

Belen takes off her blazer, revealing her slender body and voluptuous breast when she pulls her hair to the side heading to the bathroom in her office.

Noah quickly grabs her blazer and sniffs it, "Coffee? The receptionist did say Iris threw her drink at Madam Presidents face." He sighs "might as well take this to get dry cleaned."


In Fox Cinematic Theater, Leena Fox is busy in her office working while at the same time talking to wedding planners over the phone. She stops the phones from ringing when she gets a buzzer notice. "Madam Leena, your brother Sir Everest is here to see you."

Leena groans "very well let him in."

Everest enters her office brightly, "hey big sis! So why did you call me here? I hope it wasn't a trick to make me work?"

Leena is thrilled to see her little brother yet at the same time tired from her busy schedule, "Listen, Everest, dad is currently busy, so he somehow entrusted me to deliver this message to you though I don't know how'll you'll take this but…" she hesitates to stare at Everest.

"Well? What is it? Just tell me!"

She can't help but sigh, "father has arranged a marriage for you. He wants you to meet with the women who'll become your fiancé."

Everest emphasizes the word "marriage!?"

He furiously shouts like a child throwing a tantrum, "NO! I won't get married! I won't go through that ordeal again! Never!"

Leena tries to be understanding as she comforts him with a smile holding his hands and looking up at him.

She does her best to respond as gently as possible "Look Everest I know you don't want to remember that day… but this is for the sake of the company, at least that is what father told me, currently our status is deteriorating, and somehow we need more money to survive in this business I don't know who this woman is but according to what father told me, if you marry her then our Theaters will prosper, and we may be able to expand them overseas… please meet with the women and get to know her."

Everest lashes out at Leena, "What about me?" He says with a glint of sadness in his eyes, "What about how I feel?"

"Everest I know it may seem like that just happened yesterday, but wake up! Its been two years since that incident! You have to move on anyways if this woman is truly as wealthy as father says she is and influential then perhaps she won't mind marrying you in name…"

Everest sits down unable to believe a word, "I can't accept this, so I'm like a sacrificial lamb now? For the sake of this company?" He pauses to think.

"And what if I say no?"

"Everest think about yourself! Once I get married, I won't be here! I'll become a housewife. I'll be helping my husband run his company! If not you then who? Mother? She can't run this company you know that! Father and I can't trust her, that is why it must be you!"

Seeing Leena cry somehow convinces Everest as he reluctantly agrees, "fine, I'm only doing this for you, but I'm only going to meet her, and that is it! I'll see where it goes from there."

Leena wipes away her tears with a smile, "perfect! That's my favorite little brother!" she cheerfully hugs him.

Everest pushes her off, pouting, "I'm your only brother."

"I forgot to tell you, and we have two social gatherings to attend next week."

Everest makes a disdain look, "are you kidding me! I'm NOT going!"

"Nah uh! You are going! You made a promise to me last year that you'd be my escort this year! Plus you'll be able to see your marriage partner if she's that important I'm sure she'll be attending these social gatherings."

He protests like a child, "Man! I hate these social get-togethers!"

Like a mother, Leena strictly shoots a glare at him "Not another word! You are going! Here is a catalog! Pick out any suit you like so we can reserve it at once before you leave!"

He looks through the catalog in a tablet his sister handed to him when he sits down concentrating to pick a suit "I've never seen this kind of catalog before… it's so easy to view."

Leena excitedly sits next to him to see, "Ah you mean the website, it's from A Star Mall! Unfortunately, I don't have the time to shop their personally but! I do love shopping online! It even gives you the options of a certain type of fabrics they use!"