The Social Gossip Part 1

"Inhale… exhale I need to ready myself before they arrive," says Belen closing her eyes, sitting in front of an empty vanity within a hotel in Paris, France, to attend a social gathering. Soon after, she'll have to get a flight to Singapore to attend the last two social meetings.

A loud knock interrupts her meditation, making a sour expression because she knows who those rowdy bunch of knocks belong. She sighs again as if getting ready to face war.

At opening the door, she forces a smile upon her face, "Hi everyone! You're all here!"

There are two make-up artists, two hairdressers. And the designer who personally made her dress along with his two assistants.

"A rowdy bunch," she whispers under her breath.

Referring to her trustworthy team to make her lavish dresses for any event, do her make-up with precision and hairstylists who can get on the same page with her perceptional view though they are a loud together in harmony.

They're professionals yet comfortable to have around. She can keep her privacy, but their level of energy is a little too much to handle. The best she can do is smile, respectively, for them as a "thank you."

Upon entering her room, the make-up artists right away set up their corner, which is the desk in front of the vanity mirror. The hairstylists set up their trolly. Finally the designer brings in a carefully covered dress wrapped in a protector and walks into the large closet with his two assistants carrying each a suitcase which have accessories and the other different kind of high heels.

Belen's forced smile turns genuine after their professional display, "Well worth," she whispers again under her breath.

She walks back to sit down before the vanity mirror as the make-up artists begin showing her picture examples, she quickly glances at them approving. Next, the hairstylists show her example pictures of her hair, and again she quickly agrees. Right away, everyone gets busy beautifying Belen for her first social event of the day.

Meanwhile, Everest and Leena are at Singapore checking in with the receptionist at their hotel.

Leena gestures Everest to follow her into the elevator, "we're on the third floor."

"Why did we have to come a day earlier? What am I going to do all day in a place I've never been to?" he whines.

She grins, "come on Everest, stop acting like a child, I have to be here for my fiancé, and well…"

"I'm the third wheel?" he sighs.

They get out of the elevator and stop at room 302, and enter.

"Wait, this is it?" he asks, confused.

"I've got to share a room with you?! Why couldn't I get a room of my own? Are we that poor?"

Leena glares, "hey! Don't go on trying to curse! We're sharing a room because that is the only way I can refrain you from fooling around, maybe this way you won't be bringing in strange women."

He sighs, revealing his disappointment, "man, this is why I did not want to come, this is even worse, what am I supposed to do then?"

Hearing his whining irritates her, "oh my goodness! Shut up, stop whining! Fine! I won't bring you next year, so for now, please just shut up! Go out and play in the pool or something!!"

Everest can't hide his grin hearing his sister angry, "alright, I'm going, by the way, it's the first time I've seen you this mad, calm down, or else brother-in-law won't want to marry you" he teases as they both break out in laughter.


Belen's make-up done, hairstyle finished, but gets a phone call from Noah, "Hey, I'm getting ready. Is it something urgent??"

"No, actually, I was curious to know what you were doing?"

"I'm getting ready to put on my dress. I'm about to head out to the gathering."

"Well, I was just checking in have a great time."

Realizing he's on his way to A Star alone, she encourages him, "Don't be nervous; you'll be fine."

He smiles, "Alright then, I've got to let you go, goodbye."

After hanging up, she can't hide her pleasant smile, talking to Noah, she chuckles.

The first social gathering is in a brightly lit hall, its exterior enchanting castle-like appearance, and lavish royalty-like interior fit for only the best of the best in the world of business. This first social gathering is the grandest, yet only the most influential, successful business leaders in the world are invited to attend. This is a small amount, and what makes this social gathering private is the fact that no "plus one," phones, and or photography are allowed inside the enchanting hall — filled with shinning wealthy gold and silvers attending to make connections, contracts, partnerships.

These business leaders are, unlike any, trustworthy, exceptional, and promising. Getting a deal with one of them would be like striking a gold mine.

Everyone invited is required to hand in their invitation to be scanned and allowed entry. If anyone's caught taking a picture, recording of any sort will immediately be apprehended and blacklisted never again to attend such a private gathering.

Their entertainment consist of famous highly recognized musicians, renowned magician, and live orchestra for dancing. There's even a specific time all guests must arrive and what time doors will be closing, unable to allow anyone from entering. The strictest yet most private social gathering emerges once every four years.

That'll be Belen's first time attending the private social gathering. She's expecting to form great business partners for A Star as the Madam President.

Women are wearing ball gowns, light gowns, others trying to be modest by wearing suits.

Men are simply penguins walking around in tuxedo suits, and their colors stand out in a very plain formal background. Belen enters the hall. Everyone is astounded!

She enters wearing a high tight ponytail, tall deep blue heels and a midnight sky dress that glitters like the starry midnight sky hugging her body like a glove, displaying her gorgeous hourglass curves, diamond earrings, a sapphire moon necklace, sapphire bracelet and a silver almond diamond ring on each hand, while caring a silver branded clutch purse.

Women of all ages murmur among themselves while the men ignore her presence.

"Oh dear, I thought it was strange seeing so many photographers here than the usual!"

"Yes, I heard a celebrity was among the many guests!"

"Just because she has media on her side, thinking she can have anything she wants?"

"What a rude woman to come dressed in a bodysuit so tight you can see everything."

"I like it, no one came dressed like that, so of course she'll stand out."

"Whatever the case, it's a shame a celebrity is attending this time, how disappointing, certainly the world is becoming easy."

"Yes, apparently, everyone is born with a silver spoon and passing it on to their children."

Belen's sipping her glass of wine while observing everyone present, I see no one is trying to approach me. I guess that's normal, pity I thought since this was a grand private gathering, it'd be different from the usual, but I think I got my hopes up. I'll take my leave early than waiting around for these cows.

Classical live music in the background while chattering of the guests stands out. Belen's aloofness has others prying their dark eyes like a lion watching and judging her every footstep.

She ignores their gaze with her beaming confidence as if untouched by their oppression like a glass still shinning after being smudged by other's fingerprints.

She continuously checks her phone for any calls from Noah, but nothing.

The night continues, and no one has thus tried approaching her when she sighs in annoyance, standing in front of the orchestra musicians admiring their playing.

She whispers under her breath, "Salut d'Amour…"

A young tall Brazilian man with blonde hair and blue eyes approaches her, "Não muitos prestar atenção à música aqui, mas você è a primeira pessoa a admirar os músicos" he gently smiles surprising her.

She smiles, "Eu quero que eles saibam que eles são apreciados tambèm. Afinal, nem todos prestavam atenção em mim quando eu brincava."

His eyes widen at her swift response, "Seu Portugûes é perfeito, você tomoa aulas?"

She chuckles, "Eu realmente estudei por conta própria, então a minha pronúncial pode ser um pouco fora."

The man introduces himself, "Pleased to meet you. I am Joao Carlos Montes, the President of Zeroxene Mobile Incorporation."

Belen smirks, shaking his hand, "I'm Belen Astares, President of A Star Mall. It's great to meet you, Sir Montes."

Like a strike of lightning, they became the center of attention.

Joao Carlos Montes, the President of Zeroxene Mobile Incorporations, age 33, became CEO at the age of 18 when he became President, Zeroxene became the world's number one preferred Mobile line. Nobody knows his secret to his success, but he's a key figure in the business world continually moving about from place to place. It's his 4th time attending the private gathering. Usually, he does not attend any, but because this gathering is essential for crucial figures like himself, he decided to participate out of curiosity.

He examines her comfortability the way she's speaking to him without a hint of anxiety or false praising like what he's usually used. Interesting this woman is the first to treat me like an average person, yet her gaze makes me feel as if I'm lower than her, I guess age does matter, so young, full of charm.

"I was wondering why everyone kept mentioning a celebrity attending. I never thought I'd have the honor of meeting the famous Astares's current President."

He's getting on my nerves! "Oh my goodness! is that what I look like in the eyes of others? I'm no celebrity, my talents have gotten me to where I am today, I'm thankful for the media to have me as their doll for the camera."

"Nonetheless, I'd love to have dinner with you if possible."

She smirks, "sorry, I have an important matter to attend overseas tonight."

"Ah, is that so, then why don't we talk about our partnership at your office this summer? I have a seminar near your office. I'll stop by."

"Yes no problem, I look forward to meeting you this summer."

"Then, if you'll excuse me, there are too many guests I wish to meet."

"Yes, of course, time is precious, better spending it with someone beneficial."

"Indeed, I wish to spend a great deal of time forming our partnership this summer."

After he left, she went away to the balcony when five other men and women approach her quickly, talking to her all surprising friendly Belen by their sudden interest in her. There were people interested in forming a partnership with her from the start. But because of the tension in the room, they went along with the crowd and chose to ignore her. As they saw the famous Joao Carlos Montes with her, they got motivated to talk with her.

Belen is currently on a first-class flight to Singapore, where her last two social gatherings are.

I'm exhausted, this gathering specifically was the hardest, but the next two will be the most annoying. I wonder what Noah is doing back home. I can't call him now because of the time difference. Oh well, this flight will be a bit long. I should try to sleep before I land.

As she closed her eyes a dream of her past, appears, Edilberto is on the driver's seat, she's on the passenger seat locked within a compact car, tears fall from her father cheeks, unable to look her way, "Belen your mom is having an affair… she wants to get a divorce…"

She looks down, not knowing whether to be mad at her mother or blame her father, whose fault is it? Who is she to turn her anger to? Her father is crying before her eyes, like the victim. Or her mother, who never cared about her.

Another dream her mother shouts with tears in her eyes, "You and your dad were already planning to abandon me?! I'm not going to let that happen!"

The young version of Belen's self claims, "then why don't you take me with you?"

Her mom makes a disdainful expression as if filled with disgust, "because, I'm afraid you'll kill me one night in my sleep."

Her perception shatters like glass hearing her father's cold resounding voice creeping like a whisper, "You can have her. I regret having a daughter like her. She means nothing to me if she can't handle this much."

Her mom is shouting back, "I don't want her; she listens to you; she'd always love you more than me."

Her sister Iris shouts, "I wish you were never born! Ever since you came into the picture, dad never paid any attention to me!"

She looks up to a tall figure who happens to be her older sister giving her the cold shoulder.

"I'm scared!" she cries in the corner of darkness when a sweet soft voice creeps into her ears, "Belen? Why are you crying?"

She looks up with a sullen expression, "who… are you…?"

She looks up to see a black figure stretching its hand to help her when a glint of hope. She unexpectedly slaps it away, "no! You're not him. He's dead. He can't come back to life. He cared for me."

She abruptly opens her eyes, shedding a couple of tears as she silently looks out the window of the airplane, staring off into the clouds of the dawn of a new morning. Quietly expressionless, she wipes away her tears and sweat when she reaches for her phone and notices, five missed calls and three text messages, all from Noah.

Unknowingly a genuine smile forms upon her face as if erasing the horrible nightmares, wishing she could have called them nightmares when, in reality, they were all memories of her past.


"Noah…! Secretary Noah!"

he snaps out of his daze and answers the heads of the departments, "Yes?"

"Were you not listening to us at all, Secretary Noah?"

"I'm waiting for an important call from Madam President, excuse me what was it you were all saying?"

As they continued to explain, Noah can't help but worry after Belen's text, "Don't worry." I wish you'd call me.


Belen has already checked into her hotel and is going through the same process with her team as they carefully prepare her for the next two social gatherings that will take place that same day. It'll take place in the afternoon and the last one taking place in the evening till midnight.

But ever since this morning on the airplane Belen's like an emotionless doll, pretty but lifeless with blank eyes and expression. She's doing a great job wearing a façade because of a forcing mechanism. She's gotten used to wearing a smile for others than herself. Just because she has something going on or is worried, she does not like to show it, talk about it or have it affect her surroundings. Instead of keeping it hidden within herself, letting it consume her happiness.


Before entering the hall of the social gathering, she gives herself a minute to clear her mind, focus on her objective, and puts on her armor of defense. With an exhale, she elegantly walks in confidently, alluring her remarkable beauty to everyone present. This social gathering is for newcomers. You don't necessarily have to be a top-tier billionaire like the first private gathering, but you have to be part of a wealthy family at least or at least have a prosperous income to attend. Here photography is allowed, phone calls and recording of any kind are permitted. This place is different. Filled with excellent starters in the business world. But snobby tag along that don't even belong but love to ride on their partners' wealth and glory. Gossip is everyone's weapon, and those who love to crumble on other dreams like venomous snakes love attending these social gatherings.

Others can't help but center their attention on Belen's pastel sky blue dress, manifesting her purity while exposing nothing but her hourglass curves and professional, determined eyes examining everyone in the hall. No one can deny Belen's beauty and rank in the business world since many know the fact that she attended the private gathering so many wishes to visit, so of course, she's the center of attention after yesterday's attendance marking her social status higher than anyone else in the hall.

"Ha, did you see that? Talk about a snobby bitch!"

"That's right. I guess it's easy for just anyone to invite."

"that slut most likely slept with the organizers to be invited."

"So what it's not as if she started that company on her own, it belonged to her father in the beginning."

"I know, right! I heard from my daddy that her father was planning on retiring, and so gave it all to her."

"What about her older sisters?"

"I heard the oldest one went to study abroad, and her other sister decided to live a normal life."

"Wow, what a humble sister! Why couldn't she have become the CEO than her little sister."

"Her father is the complete opposite! I remember first meeting her father. He honestly left a deep impression on my dad and me."

"Yeah, I met him once too! He'd always give me little gifts but always bragged about his daughter to my dad."

"Seriously, I don't see what's the point of taking her father's glory by attending that private gathering when it should've been her father."

Yet again, these ridiculous rumors center the Astares family, by trying to cast out Belen Astares as the enemy. But no matter how many women and men envy her, many begin to crowd her forming a group as they each take turns speaking to her. Of course, to draw them in, she flaunts her hair and smile, though, by someone else's perspective, its misunderstood as flirting.

"Come on, Leena. We're going to be late, well I don't care. But if I don't hurry you up, then you'll blame me either way."


He groans annoyingly, "come on! I want to get this over! Besides, we have another one in two hours! I want to get there and leave!"

"We're not going to leave until you meet your future bride-to-be."

"huh? Forget that! We don't even know her name!"

"Wait… dad didn't tell you her name?" she asks, astonished.

He confusedly asks, "don't tell me… you idiot, you don't know who she is either?!"

"I thought you knew!"

"shut up, stop yelling at me. You're the one who promised dad I'd meet her, not I!"

"Whatever I guess you'll just have to meet every woman there then, what are you looking at, let's go."

Everest can't hide his surprised expression, "aren't you going to get married soon?"

"Yes, what is it? Spit it out!"

He sighs, "would a woman who's about to be married wear something as revealing as that?" he says, pointing to her dress, revealing her chest, bare shoulders, and slender back.

Leena shakes her head, pinching his arm,

"Ouch! What the heck!" he twitches.

She forces a smile mixed with rage, "shut up before I do anything worse!"

He cowards, "Fine, yeesh!"


But as they arrived, Belen was gone, nowhere to be found, well it's not as if they knew what they were looking for. Nonetheless, they both came after almost every guest were gone, and only a handful was left still chattering.

Everest asks, "No one is here anymore. It's late! Should we go to the other one already?"

Leena sighs expressing her disappointment, "Yes, I'm afraid you're right, I guess no one here really knows who we are, let us go."


Meanwhile, Belen is back at her hotel as her team is again changing her make-up, hair, and dress because she'll be attending the last gathering.

No one significant came, they were all beginners and fans who approached, interesting since last year the beginners never tried contacting me. But rumors are getting out of hand, well it doesn't matter. I'm used to them. Their harsh comments don't mean anything to me. They think they can pierce through me using words. Ignoring them is for the best. Even if I try to correct them, it'd be a waste of breath on my part. Sometimes I wish they'd all stop using them as a reference to me, but I guess at the mention of Astares, everyone thinks about not only me but those damn fools as my family.

"and done! Look at you, Miss Astares, you look magnificent!! Dare I say so myself! Just like an angelic goddess with a bit of a devilish aura with that figure of yours! Surely no one will dare look away from your stunning presence!"

She stands in front of a tall mirror, wearing a silky white gown with fine peach linen, two slits on each side of her legs revealing her alluring high peach colored heels, and her voluptuous chest barely exposed in a diamond shape, her hair braided up as if she were wearing a crown of flowers. Light makeup to make her as natural as possible, pulling together their ultimate goal, angel-like Belen Astares. "I love it…" she mumbles loud enough for everyone to hear.

Would anyone believe me to be an angel? Do I deserve this much? I doubt it'll exist in my future. She faintly smiles.

While she's on her way to the social gathering, Everest and Leena arrived amazed to see so many people in the hall compared to the first gathering. Chattering, clicking of cups as cheers, DJ music in the background, if anything, this social gathering is more like a party for those of young blood, a large pool, and a jacuzzi.

They both separate while Leena reunites with a familiar face. And Everest plays a detective trying to figure out who his future bride-to-be is when he overhears women.

"Oh, my goodness, is that Everest Fox?"

"Is he? But he looks different?"

"Well, after what happened to him, of course, he'd change!"

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't heard? He's supposed to be married?."

"What happened? He's not wearing a ring! Is he taken?"

"Nope! It turns out his fiancé stood him up at the altar."

"Hahaha! Are you serious?!"

"aww, I feel bad for him."

"But that's not the pitiful part."

"I heard from a close friend that his ex-fiance is getting married this year."

Gasping in unison, "No, kidding!" "That's horrible!" "Aww, now I feel worse! He's so hot!" "Yeah but his ex-fiance is a famous Korean actress, what was her name again?"

"Han Sun-Young!" "Who is she marrying?" "umm, I think it was trending on social media, the prime minister's son."

After hearing them, he walks away into a secluded area outside, staring down into the beautiful lights that shine at night, the city.

He takes out a silver ring from his pocket and takes out the rings pair caressing them on the palm of his hands as if they were quarters. But he stares at the engravings intimately with a sadden expression.

"Almost… I was almost there," he says in a melancholy tone looking up to the sky.

At that moment, a vast commotion began stirring up everyone inside, making him curious to see what it is. He puts the rings back inside his pocket. And turns around to head inside, but a vast crowd blocks his view.

Belen Astares enters the hall shining brightly under the lights like a feathered dove that has descended from the night sky.