Still The Same

It's late at night Iris is hanging out with a group of friends out at a club in Inglewood relaxing by a table drinking shot after shot in celebratory of nothing.

Their youthful skins are pressing against one another, dancing, shouting, drinking the delicious flavorless alcohol numbing the sense of their tongues along with the DJ's controlling music seeping into the crowds dancing to their heart's content.

One of Iris's friend's comments, "Hey, what's up with this Belen chick?"

"Yeah, this girl has been trending on every social media platform. It's annoying!"

"that's Iris's sister."

They all gasp in unison, "What?!" laughing behind her back.

"Nah, stop kidding with us!"

"don't give me that bull! Iris looks nothing like her."

"are you sure you ain't making this up?"

"umm, guys! It's her sister. Trust me. I've even met her too. She's an Astares."

"Hahaha yeah, sure, well, then why doesn't she invite her here so we can see."

Iris comes back to sit down at her table, breathing heavily from dancing with a smile on her face, "Hey, what are ya'll doing over here drinking? Let's go dance! Oh! Wait! Let me get a shot first!" Everyone's staring at Iris as if she were a rare animal in a zoo caged, "why is everyone staring at me? Did I do something weird again?"

"Iris is it true this girl Belen Astares is your sister?"

Her smile disappears, "…yes she is, why?" her change of tone makes the group feel awkward. But Iris rolls her eyes at them while taking another shot of vodka leaving.

She becomes so immersed into the beat of the music, the taste of vodka running down her throat, feeling the pit in her stomach jumbling around.

"Argh always about that stupid bitch! She's been all over the news, trending. I don't get why dad cares so much! Just hearing her name annoys the hell out of me! Its as if the whole world revolves around her fucking life!"

Unfortunately, she begins to lose herself as the alcohol affects her brain and body, making her lose her step bumping into someone, but as she saw who she hit into her eyes widen in shock, "C-Cameron?"

The man she bumped into is a short man with black hair. Puberty pimples cover his face, white skin dressed in dark clothing. This man is the least person Iris hoped to bump into, when he arrogantly smirks, "Iris? What are you doing here? I'm surprised you're daddy lets you into these places!"

Iris's speechless, the urge to fight back is in the tip of her tongue, but as she opened her mouth, nothing came out, only mumbles, fear in her eyes.

Cameron Vallens, a year older than Iris, he is Azaan's biological father, the thing is he has no idea of the fact that he has a child. Nonetheless, Iris hates him. There is nothing significant about his family background. His mother abandoned him at birth. Therefore his father raised him on his own. Iris met him through her friend's connection but soon fell in love, and that led to Iris's pregnancy.

Cameron smugly stares at Iris stutter, "you're still the same! This is why we never lasted, Ha!"

Iris explodes, "worthless? Says the piece of shit who killed an innocent child!"

Cameron fiercely pulls her outside the club, slamming her to the wall, "you stupid bitch, are you still not over that fucking abortion!? Don't pretend to be the only victim!"

Iris shouts back, "you told me you'd help me raise it! And at the last minute, you decided to abort it! Did you think I'd keep it? It's you who killed it, not I!"

He slaps her face, "fucking bitch!! Don't mess with me unless you want to die!" he walks away.

Iris realizes that no one is even looking her way, ignoring the fact that she just got slapped by a man. She compares herself, "If I were Belen, then everyone would be recording and making her look like the victim, yet in real life, no one cares about it when it happens to others."

She crouches down into a ball, feeling the throbbing sting on her cheek, clenching her arms in embarrassment. Iris hates the world, believing that ever since he came into her life, everything deteriorated. The void within her heart, continuously asking herself, "what am I living for? What can I expect from continuing to live?"

She's broken. The only thing she can turn to is drugs.

This is Iris's hidden deepest secret. She's not a prostitute, but a drug addict that no one knows, not even her father, but this is the secret Belen referred to as a threat.


Two weeks later.

A cold raspy voice shouts, "He's dead! There is no need to concern yourself over him! He died engulfed by fire! Just remember him the way you last saw him, his body is indescribable, don't curse yourself, Belen."

Seventeen-year-old Belen wailing, sobbing in her father's arms, "He can't be, no dad! No! I…how was I supposed to know that was the last time I'd see him! NO!!!!"

Her shout resounds, clearly remembering a memory. A pit of fire appears, creating the illusion of a dark figure stretching its arm out, asking for help. Belen reaches out with both hands only to grasp the air as the hand she thought she grabbed turn to ashes "NOOOOO!!!!"

Suddenly Belen opens her eyes, gasping for air frightening Noah whose sitting next to her driving. He stops the car at the corner.

"Belen…Belen! Please calm down! I'm here! Look, it's me, Noah!" he grabs her face to make eye contact.

"Are you feeling sick? Do you want to go back home?"

Belen is trying to regulate her breathing as Noah worriedly grabs a napkin to wipe away her sweat, but she becomes dazed, gently bumping her head onto his. Surprising him to move away, but she looks up with a puppy-like expression. He can't resist her charm as if enchanted moves in forward as their foreheads touch. Their eyes lock, only Belen's deep breathing covers their ears, but Noah's ears turn red from being so close, "are you feeling better now?"

Belen notices his gentle stare filled with curiosity when she nuzzles his cheek like a wolf whispering into his ear, "thank you, Noah," pulling away with a grin on her face.

But as she did, Noah stayed frozen for a couple of seconds in shock of her affection and whisper, making his face flush red. He stares at Belen, chuckling, "s-since y-your g-good I mean well l-lets go to the- yeah," he clears his throat, trying to get rid of the awkward silence.


After arriving at A Star Mall and making her daily checks on every department, she decides to head to her office after pointing out the few mistakes for the heads of the department to fix. But Noah seems to feel awkward around Belen since this morning in the car.

The more time he spends with her, his love progresses like a disease throughout his heart. He is creating false hope that there can ever be a day when he can own her smile.



Belen glares at him, "did I interrupt your daydreaming?"

He goes through his agenda, but she interrupts, "that's not what I asked! Did you not hear me the first time?"

"Please forgive me, Madam President I got distracted."

"right…anyways look over these contracts and compare them to the revenues. Wait! Can you fix my computer I have no idea why it's slowing down! It's frustrating!"

He walks over to check her computer, "hmm I think you need a new hard drive, this one seems to be full, should I buy one right now?"

"No that's fine can you fix it tomorrow morning? That's right! Lady Maryanne sent me an invitation to her wedding. it's a sophisticated British wedding with waltz's, huge ball gowns, and guess what men are required to wear a mask, can you believe that!"

Noah smiles at the sight of her cheery tone, "it sounds lavish, will you be attending?"

"I am, unfortunately, her contract is coming to an end, if I want her to sign with us for another two years I'm afraid I'll have to attend."

"But Madam President you don't know how to dance the waltz, what'll you do?"

"Your right… Noah, I'll need you to look for an instructor to teach both you and me."

"Why me?"

"Because you're going as my partner, or do you not want to?"

He can't hide his radiant smile, "Ah, yes, I'd love to attend. It's, well, I did not expect you'd wish for me to attend."

"oh, that reminds me! How is your search progressing? Any clues about your parent's whereabouts?"

"I'm still searching. It's become a hassle" his phone suddenly rings. He excuses himself, leaving the office, but minutes later enters excitedly.

"I got great news!"

"is it about your parents?"

"No! I finished booking our flights for Sunday night to South Korea!"

"Perfect!! It's a five-day trip, so make sure you don't forget anything!"

Noah excitedly nods, "Yes! Madam!"


Meanwhile, the Fox siblings are at home.

"come on, Leena! Be Lenient!! Have mercy!" Everest pleads.

"Everest, stop! If you need money so badly, then go apologies to Belen Astares right now!"

"NOOOO! Leena just lent me some money it's been two weeks since I've last spent on anything! My car has no gas! How am I supposed to drive with no gas!"

Leena glares down at him, "you have legs go walking! Stop being so lazy! Or take the bus I don't know. Just get your ass over there and apologize!!"

He cowers down like a scared puppy, "PLEASE LEENA!!"

"You little dumbass! Fine! I'll be in my car!"

"Huh?! Why? Where are we going?"

"to the bank!! Hurry before I change my mind!"

Everest happily runs out the house into her car like a happy dog wagging its tail.

But to his surprise, Everest has fallen into Leena's trap. When he asks, "Where are we going?"

"The bank!"

"No, we're not! You just passed the closest bank to the house back there! Why did you get in the freeway?!"

"You want money, so I'm taking you to get your money!"

"Leena! Where are we going?"

She smirks, "we're going to get dad to unfreeze your accounts, so practice your pleading!"

But as she said that Everest gets a chill down his spine, feeling anxious.


In Palmdale.

Ring ring! Ring ring! Ring ring!

"Hello? Ma, si estoy en la casa, porque? Azaan esta en la escuela…yo no se! mi dad yo creo… cuando, si ok ma bye!"

Iris looks at the time, groaning, "3 pm? That means he should be out of school, eh, I bet my dad went to pick him up. Why did my mom call me? She'll most likely call my dad."

Just as she was about to go back to sleep, she hears Azaan's voice entering the house when he knocks on her door, "mom! Mom! I'm home! Are you there, mom!"

She abruptly opens her door, letting him in, he happily sits on her bed telling her everything that happened at school, "we had to be in groups today, and my friend kept throwing…mom! What happened to your face? Your cheeks bruised!" he reaches to touch her face, but Iris sees an illusion of Cameron when she slaps him away.

Coldly glaring at Azaan, "I told you NEVER to touch me!!"

Azaan moves away, scared of his mother's expression.

Iris shouts, "get out of my room! Don't ever come in! got that!"

A frown forms on his face leaving her room without a second glance. His shoulders dropping, looking down with his back hunched, "why does she give me that look whenever I barely try to touch her? She smells like alcohol, just like grandma."


"WAKE UP! WE"RE HERE!!" Leena shouts, waking Everest up from his nap.

"Hey!! Why are we…A Star!"

She smiles, sinisterly, "You're going to get your money back! So go ahead! Apologize to her!"

"You do know I can just run away after getting out of the car."

"Oh, really, I wonder how you'll go home then? With no money, not even a bit of change to take a bus, no bike, or anything…so in reality, you're stuck here, aren't cha?"

"Fine! I'll go apologize!"

"Make it look sincere! Or else!!!"

"Man, what a bother!"

"What did you say?! Nonetheless, you apologize; I'll waiting!"

Everest confidently gets out of the car entering the mall. He stops at the entrance astonished by the beautiful interior of the mall, like a castle, everything is sparkle and shines.

Even the marbled floors perfectly shine glistening the whole place. He walks over to the receptionist, "Hello, Sir, how may I help you?"

"ah, um, I wish to speak to Miss Astares."

"do you have an appointment, sir?"

"No, umm, just tell her I'm Everest Fox, I'm sure she'll let me in."

"Alright, sir, please give me a moment."

The woman rings the receptionist on the top floor, "Hello? A guest? Everest Fox? Please hold on. I'll connect you to Madam President."


"Yes, what is it?"

"Madam President, there is a guest downstairs wishing to speak to you."

"Who is it?"

"Everest Fox."

"…Request denied."

"Yes, Madam!"

Finally, the receptionist says, "Excuse me, sir; Fox!" as she shouted, the shoppers around began turning their heads. To his misfortune, shoppers in A Star recognize his last name as the man in the video, but he quickly runs to the receptionist, "Sir Fox."

"Just sir, will suffice!"

"Sir Madam President denied your request," she smiles.

"What?!" his shout echoes through the mall, catching others' attention murmuring and whispering.

"I'm sorry, sir, but Madam President denied your request."

"then, when can I see her?"

"the only way you can is if you make an appointment."

"Alright then, how about tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid that's impossible, the only day she'd be available is January 20th of next year.

"What?! Next year?!"

"Yes, would you like to?"

His wrath explodes, "How am I supposed to wait until next year? Are you insane?! I need to meet her now! Today!! Why can't she just come downstairs it won't even take that long!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but there is nothing we can do."

Everest frustratedly marches away to exit the mall, but a spark lightens his mood when he thinks of an idea. He walks to the center of the mall with his arms wide open. As he did, the shoppers walking by noticing him and begin to whisper if he's the man from the video.

At that moment, Everest goes on his knees, hiding his smirk with his head down, then looking up to the glass ceiling shouting, "BELEN ASTARES!!"

His loud voice echoed throughout the mall, catching everyone's attention, even the employees stop what they are doing to see what is going on. But the chief of the control room calls Noah.

"it's him!"

"What should we do, Secretary Noah?"

"Have security escort him out this instant!"

"Yes!" but as he was about to leave the room, Belen blocks his way, glaring at him, "Stop! Don't do anything yet!"

Noah looks back to see Belen with a menacing look in her eyes, "M-Madam P-President, what brings you here?"

She grins, "I got curious, so I came out to see what was going on, hmm is that him?"

"Y-Yes it is! I was about to have security take him out, but…"

"I want to take a closer look at his misery."

"Yes, then shall we, Madam?"

They enter the elevator taking them to the first floor so she can see in secret, but Noah is concerned, "Madam, please reconsider! This man might try to do something again!"

"then have security on standby."

He sighs, pressing his earphone piece, "Security! Be on standby! The Madam President is coming down."

At that same time, Everest shouts, "Everyone here! I am Everest Fox, the man from that video!"

As he said this, the shoppers begin to boo him. He understands their oppression when he shouts, "I am here for a reason!"

Belen gets out of the elevator hearing him go on, "I, Everest Fox, am here to apologize to Belen Astares formally, I'm sorry, Belen for the way I treated you that day…Even though we are engaged, I have no right to treat you the way I did. I'm sorry for hurting your pride, image, and, most importantly, your heart!!"

As he said, this everyone gasps in shock, and others start recording at the fact that he revealed to be Belen Astares fiancé.

Everyone cheers, seeing Belen Astares appear walking to the center of the mall where Everest is on his knees, apologizing. Her steel-like heels are ringing through the marbled glass like a warrior grazing the ground with its sword ready to attack.

She glares down at him with her arms crossed, "You wish to apologize for something you intently did to gain my attention? Now you decide to use my name, favorably? What happened to what you called me that day? I believe it was 'Hey, you bitch,' right?"

Like spectators, the people gasp as if their watching a scene from a movie.

Everest gets cold sweat feeling her presence and sharp words pierce him like a dagger.

"I-I have no excuse for my rude behavior that day. But would you believe me if I said the reason I acted that way was that I felt intimidated? We are engaged! I will do my best never to treat you the way I did that day! Please! Belen! Forgive me!" he begs.

She retaliates, "you're a great actor, Everest Fox, weren't you the one who wished to annul our engagement? Are you trying to gain pity from those around you? Well, what do you think, my beautiful ladies? Would you forgive a man who says one thing and ends up doing the opposite?"

She glanced around when one by one woman began to chant their support for her. Everest feels not only humiliated but knows he has to finish his last scene to bring others to his side.

He makes a desperate expression clinging to her arm, "Please forgive me! Belen! The truth is! I've had a major crush on you! I know it may be hard to forgive me this instant, but I will change so, please! Don't break our engagement! I'm sorry just give me one more chance, can't I at least be given that much?"

Again the people begin to chant "one more chance! One more chance! One more chance!"

Hearing this makes Belen feel weak as if the stronger the chanting gets the weaker Belen after noticing his grin, claiming, "I've won!"

He gets up from the ground and touches her hand gently, but she feels paralyzed by the sudden chanting. She turns to Noah with a troubles expression for the first time in her life. Relaying, "Help me, I don't know what to do!"

Noah rushes in to pull her away from Everest's embrace because he knows that she hates being hugged and freaks out, but it's a secret she's kept and does not want others to know. Luckily Noah saved her from panicking in public. In that instant, Everest is pulled away by security and thrown outside the gates of the mall.

The crowd of shoppers disperses as if the movie just finished, but others bothered by Noah's interference. Others who captured the whole scene zoom in on Belen's face jumping to conclusions. "Oh my gosh, did you see that?"

"Yeah, she looks like if she was actually going to forgive him!"

"Who wouldn't! he's hot!"

"but that stupid man pulled them away!"

"I know it felt as if I was watching a drama!"

"that's her secretary!"

"that damn Asian had to get in the way!" "So what?! Hahaha!" "Fox…he's from that theater? In Beverly Hills?"

"Yeah, he is!" "We should go check it out! Maybe he'll be there if we're lucky!"

"How romantic would it be if they have dates there!"

"Oh my! That'd be sooo cute!" "Right!"

And others. "I think they make a cute couple!" "She's too good for him!"

"He's not half bad, though."

"If I were her, I wouldn't forgive him!"

"But I mean, he came here and sincerely apologized!"

"Ah, whatever it looked fake!"

"Tell me about it! You think they planned this out?"

"Who knows what's going on behind the scenes."

"Yeah, you're right."

Just as Belen stepped out of the elevator, she shouts like an angry dragon breathing fire, "GET OUT! EVERYONE OUT! YOUR ALL DISMISSED!"

Noah nods at them to leave. Only silence fills the whole floor as Belen enters her office. She begins to throw a fit breaking anything she can get her hands on, flowers, vases, glass, and throwing it all to the walls letting out her frustration out on anything she can. But Noah stands their quietly observing her behavior, with a stoic expression, unsurprised, impressed, as if used to her rage of destruction. Instead, he wishes he can do the same, just the thought of that man trying to embrace Belen ruins his mood wishing he could have punched.

She's in her world when she continuously hears someone call her name, thinking its Everest. Her sharp eyes full of hatred turn around, waving her sharp nails yelling, "don't call my name! You have no right to call me by my name! Shut up, shut up! You bastard!!!!"

Until hearing Noah's sweet reassuring voice, "MADAM PRESIDENT!!"

She snaps out of her anger, shocked to see Noah grabbing her hands gently, "Noah! Your face…did I… do that?" she's frightened to know that she accidentally scratched Noah's face thinking it was Everest. She remembers gasping, "Noah I'm sorry when I said bastard I wasn't"

He calms her down, "shhh, it's alright," gently caressing her head, "I know… don't worry. You're shaking, please don't think about him anymore."

As she relaxed her expression, Noah's eyes widen, "You-You're bleeding!! From your nose!"

She immediately tastes the blood running from her nose and spits, "urk!" making a sour expression.

He pulls out a handkerchief pressing it to her nose when she notices his worried expression. She feels enchanted by his gaze, making her smile.

"what's the matter?" he asks, feeling confused.

She giggles, "it's just funny, I scratched you, and now I'm bleeding, it's what I deserve!"

He shakes his head, chuckling, "don't say that, it hurts to see you like this" his face becomes flushed out of concerned.

Belen's cold hands reach for his face making him twitch. But accepts gentle caress, "does it hurt?" she worriedly asks.

"Not really, it will later, but for now, I don't feel anything."

Her nose bleeds stopped as she gets closer, touching his forehead with hers, "Thank you…Noah," she says sincerely with a soft pure voice.

He's taken aback but happy, "Of course, anytime…"

They both break the tension hysterically laughing resonating through the empty floor. It's as if they're the only ones in the world finding their situation funny. Surrounded by broken glass on the ground, dented walls and distressed furniture.


Edilberto is in his house watching the Spanish news when they show a video of Everest Fox apologizing to Belen Astares. And news circling about their engagement, he's amazed to find out their engagement was made public. "There's no way we can break off the engagement now…that boy, to think he'd somehow succumb her? I'm looking forward to meeting him."