Trip Overseas Part 1

After Belen left the restaurant, Edilberto abruptly left with his family, not even taking a glance at Reuben. Right after they left, so did the Foxes, but Everest began to wonder about Belen's sudden attitude. Realizing that she can't be this caring for a mere employee, thinking of scenarios in his head. Maybe she's secretly in love with Noah? Or perhaps they are secretly dating?

Nonetheless, he can't wrap his head around a solution, so he decided to call his trusted friend. Jared Young, a hacker, better known as his informant, it's been a while since he last contacted him.

Thus, Everest decided to follow them on their trip to South Korea and is thinking about following them all day. Most importantly, to learn of their relationship, but as he's secretly observing them from afar, he misunderstands their conversation.

"are you that excited?"

Belen cheerfully replies, "Yes! I can't wait to see them! I hate the fact that I get only to see them once a year, wait! Did you remember to pack the gifts?!"

"Calm down. I didn't forget. I bet the children will be excited to see you again."

"I miss them, ah! Six hours away, maybe time will pass by fast if I fall asleep."

"Go ahead. I'll wake you once we land."

"You're not going to sleep?"

"Mm, I'm too excited to sleep."

"Alright then…" she yawns, falling asleep.

Just as she began to twist and turn to get comfortable her head lands on his shoulder, he stares at her face smiling, watching her peaceful sleeping face without worries and for once no anger. But just as he was about to close his eyes, Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! An incoming call disrupts his sleep. He gets up from his seat and head to the bathroom to answer the call.

As he left, Everest looks over to make sure he is gone, and casually sits right next to Belen. "She is asleep? I don't get it, why are you able to show that guy such a peaceful face, yet whenever you see me your forehead wrinkles?" he clicks his tongue annoyed but twitches when Belen suddenly begins to move. He holds his breath, sitting like a statue to make sure she does not wake up. That is until she wraps her arms around his right arm like a pillow, nuzzling her head into his arm, "Noah..." she talks in her sleep.

She stays unmoved, Everest gasps silently for air, "Of course that's what she'd say even asleep…thank goodness she didn't wake up, but what's wrong with me? Does she act this cute with him? I wish she" he hears footsteps belonging to Noah.

Everest panics, trying to unwrap his arm from Belen's embrace. Luckily he gets away as Noah sits back down next to her, smiling. At the same time, Everest is crawling on the ground, seeming suspicious to the rest of the passengers he puts on his shades and walks back to his corner.

"That was close! How can she sleep so soundly?" though his curiosity got the best of him as he saw her peaceful sleeping face, it's as if he did not want to be pulled away, instead drawn in by something he can't describe, a feeling of interest than curiosity.

Noah, on the other hand, feels anxious; something is bothering him, what is it? "I know we've been going on this trip for four years but, I still get nervous going back to that place. It holds no special memories. It's a nightmare. But I want to help the children. Back then, there was barely any food, toys, and staff.

Thankfully the orphanage is becoming a better place for children thanks to Belen. I don't know what I would have become if it weren't for that day she came to find me" his hand intertwines hers sharing each other's heartbeat.


As Belen is sleeping, she begins to dream of memories.

Twelve-year-old petite Belen is in the car with her dad taking her to school, just a block away he stops the car, "Please! Dad! I don't want to go to school! It's so boring! Please let me go to work with you! Please!!! Dad!"

"Come on, Belen, your mom is going to get mad at me if you don't go to school."

"But they only call you when I don't go to school, not her, remember you registered your phone number instead of hers!"

"What will you do? Just sit in my office doing nothing?"

"No! I can help you! I can clean, serve your guest, anything! Please! I don't want to go to school!"

He sighs contemplating his decision, "very well, but you must listen to me, and do your homework, I bet that's why you don't want to go to school cause you didn't finish it huh!"

"Dad I've finished it, I just don't want to go because it's boring."

"hmm? Normally that'd be Iris's excuse… okay you'll go to work with me, but be polite!"

"Yesss!! Alright, thank you, dad!"

Another memory, same age, "Look, dad! I am officially an alto saxophone player! Just like you wanted!"

"that's great, good job, I can't wait to hear you learn to play songs, I'll get to brag to my friends, hahaha!"

And again, "Dad, I got great news!"

"What is it?"

"Ta-da! I got all A-plus on my report card!"


"eww dad, you sound weird saying that!" she chuckles.

"Did you show your mom already?"

"Yeah, but she didn't say anything…" her smile turns into a frown.

"Don't mind her. She probably does not know since she never went to school."

"Really? She didn't?"

"Yes, she only went up to 3rd grade and dropped out, that's why the only thing she knows is the time tables," he laughs, "she doesn't know if they are good grades or not."

"But then why is she happy when Emiliano gets a good grade? He has bad grades, and she praises him when he barely gets a B on his math tests."

"Eh, don't get bothered, your brother is not very smart, that's why she encourages him, but you're smart! Don't listen to her. She does not know anything."

She innocently smiles, "okay!"

Suddenly the atmosphere turns cold, sixteen-year-old Belen.

Edilberto seriously talking, "Why have you been cutting yourself? Huh? Belen! why do you have cuts on your arms?!"

"You wouldn't understand…"

"Belen, you can't hurt yourself like this…what is going on, you've never kept anything from me."

She sheds tears, sobbing, "You don't know why? Because of you and my mom! Everyone in high school is calling me names, make fun of me, tease me, call me worthless and ugly I don't know what to do. Ever since you and mom got divorced, I've been cutting myself."

He sighs, feeling troubled, "Belen, your mother's separation with me has nothing to do with you; it's not your fault. I'm going to change your schools, that way they can't bully you."

"NO! Dad! It's the same! It's going to continue! I know it! Just because I'm Astares, they said they want to be famous like us, like me! And they keep calling me ugly, worthless. I can't anymore, dad!"

"Fine, why don't we do this, I'll switch your schools, and for your last year of high school you'll attend a prestigious school abroad, that way no one will know who you are and won't be able to bully you, alright?"

Sniffing, wiping away her tears, "…"

He sighs relieved, "don't feel sad, I'm sorry I didn't know you were feeling this way, I wish you would have told me sooner. Ah! I know! Why don't we have your brother stay with us? I'm sure your mom won't mind? You haven't seen him for over a year, why don't we have him stay until you study abroad, maybe he can make you feel less lonely."

She nods, wiping away her tears, feeling a burden off her shoulders by revealing everything she's kept to herself, finally letting it go to her dad.

But she suddenly feels a massive shake strong enough to wake her, when she looks around frightened but at the same time relieved to see Noah by her side, "Ah! Sorry, we've landed, I was going to wake you up, but I guess the airplane did that already, huh!" he smiles brightening up her eyes like the sun.

She stays silent, blankly staring at his face, noticing his hand intertwined with hers. He gets embarrassed and tries to let her go, but she grips onto his hand, pulls his face close to hers. When she gently pulls his side profile to her lips, pressing her soft lips against his right cheek, gentle but sincere. He becomes flustered and frozen at her actions when he turns to see her face. Giggling to herself, like a child, "thank you."

Noah can't take her seriously when he pretends to laugh along but secretly is panicking on the inside, trying to figure out, "WHY! WHY?! Did you kiss me?! What does that mean? Honestly, Belen, I don't know how much I can hold back because of you."

From afar, Everest's imagination, the kiss was on the lips, confirming his suspicions, they are dating.

But as they got off the plane, Noah can't seem to shake off his awkwardness being next to her, feeling as if his chest can explode from his heartbeat thumping like an earthquake.

"I gotta calm down, it was just a normal kiss, and on the cheek, she's done it before, but why does it feel different? I have to control myself."

"Noah!" she shouts.

"Yes! Madam President!"

"What time are they supposed to arrive? We've been waiting for over fifteen minutes!" she yells, frustrated at the fact that they are supposed to have a driver pick them up and bring them to A Star Mall that's in Seoul.

"Let me call them just in case."

But as he was about to call the car drives up to them, the driver comes out attending to their suitcases, but at this point, Belen loses her patience, making a bitter expression, "honestly! How slow can they be! This is seriously annoying! Hurry! You're acting as if they don't pay you enough!"

Noah tries to redirect her anger, "Please don't blame them, it was my fault. I didn't call them in advance. It's my fault."

Somehow this keeps her wrath under wrap.


"Hey! Jackass, where you at?"

"What the! Who do you think your talking to fuck'n loser!"

"Hahaha, you're in my country, bro!"

"I'm going up to your apartment. You still live in the same place, right?"

"Oh, what?! Is that you ringing my bell?"

"Answer the door!"

As Jared opened the door to his apartment, he sees Everest on the other side, astonished by his new appearance, maybe even feeling as if he's mistaken.

"Is that you? Everth?"

He smirks, "ha! I see your still lazy to pronounce my full name, yes it's me!"

Jared lets him inside excited to see his old nerdy friend again, "come in, make yourself comfortable?"

"I assume you don't get that many guests," he glances around, impressed to see his small studio apartment, somehow neat and clean. But its all black! Black furniture, from carpets to curtains and bedsheets.

"Hey Jared, don't take this the wrong way, but why is everything black?"

"This is exactly! Why I don't invite anyone over!"

"that's because you don't have anyone to invite, you're lucky your grandma still spoils you."

"enough small talk, so wanna tell me why you want information about this guy?" he shows Everest the picture of Noah on his computer.

Sighing, "yep! That's him!"

"well, I got a surprise for you" he starts clicking his mouse, "there is no such person in all of South Korea named Noah Alvares."

"w-what?! Are you serious? But when I searched him online, he popped out. It says he's from South Korea and an orphan are you sure you searched everywhere?!"

"well, now that you're here, tell me more about him, maybe I can get a clue where to search."

Everest tries to remember, "Man, I really can't put my finger on it, but he's mysterious."

Jared makes an irritated expression as if, "you haven't changed, I'll be back. I gotta take a dump."

As he left, Everest thinks long and hard to try and pinpoint something from Noah.


South Korea, Seoul, in the city's most grand shopping district stores in all of Korea.

There in the middle stands a large building, identical to A Star Mall back home. This is the second store Belen was able to expand to bring in a variety of diverse customers. Her main reason for opening A Star Mall in South Korea was thanks to Noah's intel.

Belen visits A Star Mall once every year, mainly to celebrate its anniversary, it's usually a five to seven-day trip, and during that time she takes it upon herself to check everything within the mall. She has her whole five-day trip packed with events to attend, places to visit, and famous people to meet. Therefore she'll rarely sleep and eat because of her full schedule, and that also means her mood becomes hostile and strict.

It's 8 am as the ten heads of the departments stand at the entrance of A Star ready to welcome their Madam President. At the same time, heavy security is keeping a mountain of paparazzi swarming the opening. Some of her fans are cheering, waiting for her arrival. Belen Astares is loved among the public because everywhere her father would go, she'd be there with him. Though the whole family was in the public eye, later on, all eyes went to Belen, her charming honesty, evaluative skills, intelligence, and talented musician with the alto saxophone. She was almost perfect in everyone's view! The role model every parent wished their precious daughters turn out to be. And as she began to grow, she gained more and more love thanks to her father, while at the same time gaining a lot of hate from kids her age, resulting in bullying.

In South Korea, she may not be as famous as their Korean idols. They glorify, her beauty often referred to as physical complimenting her natural beauty.

The paparazzi's and fan's waiting is worth it once they see a car entering the mall and stopping in front of the entrance. Noah gets off to open the door as Belen Astares confidently steps out with sharp eyes like an eagle.

The ten heads of the departments line up separated into two lines greeting her with a bow in unison, "Welcome Back, Madam President!"

A smirk forms on her face, though without a word marches inside A Star.


It's evening, Everest and Jared are still together thinking about a trait Noah has to look into, Everest is lying on Jared's couch lazing around.

"come on! Dude! You've met this guy like twice and went as far as to stalk them on the plane, and you're telling me you can't get anything?!"

"Aish! I'm thinking! Shouldn't you be able to find him?! Instead of eating?!"

"Hey! You're the one who wants to know more than I do."

"Ah! I remember!! He mentioned something about his children!"

"You're saying this guy!" he points to his computer screen at a picture of Noah. "He has kids?"

"that's all I can give you, check it out."


Minutes later, "Got it!"

Everest widens his eyes, tripping on his way to Jared's computer. "Are you sure?!"

"Hmm… I did, but his name isn't Noah Alvares, his real name is"


Jared's body trembles from his scream, pushing him away, "What the fuck, man! Oww! My fucken ears are going to bleed!"

"Jang Ha-neul? Are you sure?!"

"Yes, it matches his picture, I guess he probably changed his name, hmm you want to look at the rest?"

Everest pushes Jared away from the computer, scrolling through the information, "he's an orphan, graduated from wow! A top university! Okay blah blah blah, oh this looks interesting, hmm, his record looks clean, but then why did he mention children, if he's not a dad, could they not be registered? Wait! His resume, he's worked for top companies, even the entertainment industry, why quit? Damn just when I thought I'd know more about him," he disappointedly walks away from the computer to the sofa.

Jared rolls back to check when he mentions, "do you know his age?"

"Ugh, why should I care?"

"well, it says here he graduated high school at the age of 20 years old, technically 21 in Korean years."

Everest widens his eyes in shock, "no way! Why? Why? Why? Does it say why?"

"found near an orphanage, but nothing else, maybe they didn't know how old he was and enrolled him in regular classes?"

"you think so? Then how old is he now?"

"26, and in Korean years 27."

"duh! I know! We are the same age. Now I'm curious to find out more."

Jared steps away to drink some water, "well, that's all on your own; it isn't much you can learn from here."

Everest groans annoyed at the fact that he seriously learned close to nothing about Noah Alvares but his real name, Jang Haneul.


The employees at A Star Mall, Seoul, are getting ready to clock out for the night, conversing with one another.

"Madam President looks the same as any other years."

"That's right, its as if time has frozen for her body or something."

"Hahaha! Isn't he handsome! I thought he was an actor!"

"oh, you're new here, aren't you?"

"His name is Noah. He's mixed Korean."

"Nowadays, mixed Koreans are becoming good looking!"

"That's so shallow!"

"Haha! Miss Astares looks beautiful in person, don't you agree?"

"Her smooth caramel skin! And her beautiful brown eyes!"

"Does she even wear make-up?"

"I'd have to guess natural make-up?"

"Who knows, but I wonder if she has a skin routine before going to sleep."

"Ah, too bad, we can't even take pictures or get an autograph."

"isn't it enough we work here?"

"And our pay wage is great too! Who wouldn't work here!"

"Whatever, as long as I get paid enough for my children, it's alright for me!"

"Oh dear, she didn't even say anything, I think she even smiled at me."

"Oh, look at you. I bet you're going to brag. Hahaha!"


As the mall closed, all of the employees are gone. Noah asks the security team to mark the cameras in private. Meaning that the cameras inside will continue to roll but will be blocked from the security's view, only Noah can watch from his phone. And the only thing the security team will be paying attention too is the cameras outside.

Both of them decide to venture into the quiet, dimly lit mall, as their footsteps echo like metal bars clacking against each other.

"What do you think? The renovations last year turned out great, I believe," he asks calmly.

"I noticed there isn't much of a change, it's been bothering me, but since we're going to make renovations at A Star back home, I feel like something unique, but I can't put my finger on it…" she carefully looks around.

"ah, please be careful! They just finished cleaning. There might be a few wet places."

Belen sighs for once feeling comfortable enough to let loose, "it feels wonderful to walk around my mall without eyes following my every move," she walks around curiously, staring at every department.

"Unfortunately you can't do this at A Star Mall back home, take your time, I'll keep watch."

But she extends her arm, smiling at Noah, "M-Madam P-President?"

"Come on, Noah! It'll be boring! Let's have some fun!" she cheerfully smiles, making him see an illusion of a younger version of Belen reaching her hand to him.

He can't help but feel relaxed breaking his frozen expression into a warm smile, "sure…" he holds her hand feeling like a princess as if Belen is his knight in shining armor, pulling him away into an unknown world not knowing what to expect.


It's midnight. Everest and Jared are drinking and waiting for their food to arrive.

"argh! Kkkkch! That hits the spot! Right, Everth!"

"I miss the nasty throat thing you do after drinking, hahaha!"

"anyways! Tell me the truth!" he playfully pushes him.

"about what?"

"you know! That woman! What's her face…ah! The Astares chick!"

"BELEN Astares!"

"Yeah! Her! So is it true? Are you guys dating?"

Ding! Ding! Dong! Dong!

"Oh! That's the food!" he gets up to get the food.

At the same time, Everest's mood turns upside down at the mention of her name, making him chug his beer and continues to open another one as if it were water.

But as Jared came back with the food, he glances confusedly at Everest chugging four cans of beers.

"Whoa! How long was I gone for? HEY! Woohoo! Everth! The food is here! Stop drinking!"

Fortunately, this amount of beer is just the beginning. So far, it does not affect his body yet, but it's building up, and that's precisely what he's planning to do.

Jared ignores Everest and starts eating his chicken. When he continues to ask with a mouth full of chicken, "so…what's going on?"

Everest stops his drinking to answer, "it's fake! All of it is fake news! Nothing is going on between us."

"you went as far as to beg on your knees? For a fake engagement? I thought it was weird! There's no way you'd somehow get over Han…oh."

"I can't get her out of my heart…" he grips his chest, cringing his face in sorrow.

Jared rolls his eyes, "then why don't you use that Astares chick! Try her out!"

"But I'm still!"

"Yeah! Yeah! In love with your ex-fiancé! I get it! Oyee!! Well, where's the harm in being friends?"

"FRIENDS?! With that woman?! Impossible!"

"How? Didn't you and Sun-Young start as friends? But of course, like a male dog in heat, you proposed to her after dating for a year!"

"What's your point?!" he asks, maliciously with anger in his eyes.

On the contrary, Jared does not care, and casually speaks his mind, "Look! I've dated during my teen days! That's what you need! Start dating! That is one way of getting over your ex-fiancé!"


"Listen, Everth! Just try to date the Astares girl, and if it does not work out, then that's that! Life is all about dating and breaking up, anyways I don't see the point in marriage if in a few years you'll end up divorcing one another."

"…I guess you're right, maybe I should start all over, but I don't think I'll be able to date her."

"Oh? Why not?"

"…because she's already dating someone."


"Her secretary, Noah!"

"How are you so sure?"

His eyebrows furrow "because I saw them kissing on the plane."

"Pfft!" Jared laughs, uncontrollably, "that's your evidence?"

"huh? What do you mean?"

"A kiss is not a relationship. It can be one of two things."

"Like what?" Everest curiously asks, eating a chicken leg.


Everest spits his food out, almost

