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Edilberto has just arrived home, calmly entering his office room sighing as he lays down on his chair, "it was nice seeing them again after I got remarried. They got me thinking about opening another business. Wouldn't it be too much to open another? That would mean I'd have to start from scratch just like I did back then with Reuben."

He quietly contemplates shaking his head, "no! h-he was using me, but we did make a promise, wouldn't it be awful in my part to not fulfill it? Even if it includes hurting Belen? again?"

Edy gets up and begins to walk around his office, envisioning himself as if he were in A Star Is. A smile forms on his face when he suddenly stops glancing around the empty room, "it's a replica but does not contain the same feeling as my office. Is it sad? Disgusting just as Belen said? Do I miss working that much? But I already handed everything over to her. I can't go back on my word."

He leans down to open his desk drawer when he pulls out a handful of documents sealed within a file and lays it on the desk. A blueprint of what looks like something he planned to launch within A Star Is, but was never able to put the plan in action. The reason is that he was planning on expanding A Star Is after his marriage. Though because of the deal he made with his daughter Belen his plans came to a halt.

But hesitates to look at them, walking away from it as if it were some sort of disease. Because he knows that once he sets his mind on something, there is nothing that can hold him back, not even his children.

It's a standoff between his blueprints on the desk and himself, should he return with a different project? Or should he stay the way he is spending his passing days with his wife?

Edy suddenly closes his eyes in deep thought, trying to consider every obstacle he'd encounter. But he unknowingly falls asleep and dreams of a memory when he was left with his two daughters Iris and Belen.

"Dad, is it true we're losing the house? Does that mean we're going to have to move into an apartment?" Iris shouts in disbelief.

But Belen asks, "Is that true, dad? Are we poor?"

Edy sighs, trying to cover up his troubled expression. Wishing he could admit it but instead faintly smiles reassuring, "don't worry, we'll only be living in an apartment for a short while since our new house is still getting renovations done, alright. Trust me. Nothing will happen. You two decided to stay with me. I promise we won't be poor," he hugs them, wishing he could cry but holds in his tears, trying to be brave while walking away.

As he did, he locks himself in his room, total darkness creeping into his heart when he turns on the showerhead and silently sobs in the shower.

During this time, Edilberto's wife divorced and left him, his daughter Iris was pregnant, and Belen has innocently chosen to stay with him than to follow her mother. But after his wife's absence, he's taken in so much stress trying to look after his two daughters and running a business.

Another problem that added to Edy's stress and disappointment was the fact that the apartments he invested in have gone up in flames. He wanted to expand into other fields and bought an old run-down apartment complex. Edy spent so much of his time and money on it. There were so many applicants lined up for the apartments; in other words, this apartment complex was like a second baby to him. Though one day, it was assumed that the apartment complex was engulfed in flames by gangsters on purpose.

His apartments were rubble after the firefighters finished extinguishing the fire. This left a deep scar on Edy and a massive debt in his mall. Though to not give up the mall, he put up his house for sale and decided it'd be best for the three to live in an apartment while he raises enough money to buy another simple house.

Money is all he thought of. But after he found out that not only was Belen intelligent, bright, and talented. He decided to invest in making her the center of attention because, after all, the more fame she gained, the more income he'd receive. For example, the more charming Belen was, the more money his investors, directors, and shareholders put into the mall, making it grow immensely.

When Belen left for South Korea to attend a prestigious school, he never once called to check how she's doing. Even during the fire and Belen was hospitalized, Mi-sun made sure to tell him, but all he asked was if she was alive and well. Once he got his answer, he simply answered, "please just call me if it's life-threatening" and hung up.

During Belen's stay in Korea, her father became busy meeting a woman whom he soon grew fond of and started dating secretly. Soon after Belen returned, she became homeschooled and went on to attend a private school.

Edilberto's attention towards Belen was gone; he didn't care about promoting her or rewarding her at all. His time and attention went to his fiancé, as he was planning on marrying the woman he's been dating. And his mall was flourishing like a full bloom flower. At this point, he didn't need Belen anymore but noticed that his friends, and the public miss and love Belen immensely.

He thought, "maybe once she graduates university, I'll have her work with me and become the face of A Star Is!"

Though to his misfortune, Belen came back with a cold heart, especially when he announced he intends to marry Leah.

Somehow Edilberto wanted to get her blessing and wished for her to attend his wedding, but no matter what, nothing made her budge. Until she came to him with a deal and though it was a crazy deal, he agreed stubbornly because he wanted to show Belen just how much he loves Leah. But his plan backfires when Belen coldly cuts off all communication with him, and after four years, he suddenly calls her about the promise of marriage to Everest Fox.

Edilberto slowly opens his eyes and notices, "it's gotten dark? What time is it?" he checks his watch, "9:32 pm."

When he hears a knock on the door, "enter," he shouts, getting déjà vu from when he'd say the same back at A Star Is headquarters.

"honey, you've been in here ever since you came home from meeting your friends. Is everything fine?"

He gestures her to enter, and she carefully walks over to sit on the sofa next to him. "Were you sleeping?"

He nods, "Yeah, I got a little tired."

"do you want me to make you some tea?" she gets up, but Edy stops her shaking his head, "just stay here," he says sweetly.

She smiles, sitting back down, laying her head on his shoulders while holding his hand.

They share a quiet moment when Edilberto asks, "darling, do you think I'm too old to work?"

She asks, "I don't think so, why do you want to return and work?"

He sighs, unsure, "no sè…"

"you can do whatever you want to do, honey. I'm still working as a real estate agent at the age of 50, isn't that laughable?"

"but imagine a 52-year-old working in the mall industry?"

"Yes, that is different, since everything is so modern compared to before, but if you put your mind to it, I know you can learn quickly."

He disagrees, "no, I don't think I suit that position anymore. I think it'd best to leave it to Belen. I mean, look at her now. Did you know she made it into the billionaires private social gathering? Ha! I tell you she's surpassed me, no she's surpassed my expectations."

She asks, "have you congratulated her?"

"no…I don't think it'd make a difference if I were to congratulate her at this point. I found out today when my friends mentioned it. I was amazed and proud, but I felt somewhat empty."

"You miss her, don't you?"

He nods, smiling when he remembers, "when she was a baby, I remember always holding her in my arms, and we had a huge mirror in our house, and I'd put her in front of the mirror saying, 'whose that? Oh! Its Belen! It's you, Belen!' and again, she'd laugh and giggle every time I put her in front of the mirror" his faint smile disappears as he looks up, preventing his tears from falling.

Leah notices and simply pats his back silently, "she probably misses you too, honey."

He chuckles, "if only that were true. It's too late now."


At that moment, Iris is in her room streaming a series when she gets a phone call, "ugh, who is it?!" her eyes widen, "ma?" she answers, "Ma?"

Her mother's bright, stern voice asks, "where is Azaan?"

"he's in his room, why?"

"When will I see him? It's been weeks since I last saw him!"

"well, just come pick him up."

"I tried calling his phone, but he doesn't pick up. Check on him! See what he's doing! What if something happened!"

Iris is annoyed by her mom overreacting when she claims, "okay, I'll check on him, so when do you want him?"

"when are his spring break vacations?"

"I don't know, ma…next week?"

"Ay, Iris! How do you not know? He's your son!"

"Ma! I'm busy right now! I'll check later and text you then, okay?"

"Bueno pues! Me llamas cabrona!"

"Okay- oh wait ma!"


"have you seen Belen? have you gone to visit her lately?"

"no, Porque?"

"she kicked me out! And threatened me! Can you believe that, ma!?"



"so what about it?"

"ma! She has money now! And a lot! She's gotten really arrogant lately, and my dad is finally talking to her again!"

"I'll probably visit her soon."

"I already told her that you'd be visiting one of these days."

"And what did she say?"

"Nothing! She didn't even care! Watch out, ma! Or else she might kick you out too and threaten you! Like she did to me."

"Ha! I'd like to see her try. I'm her mother; she better not forget that! I have to go. Bye!"

As Ernestina hung up, Iris sinisterly smirks, "oh, Belen, you're in for it now, I got mama bear on your ass."

Iris enters Azaan's room without knocking only to see him playing his video games but is interrupted by his mother's entrance when he pauses his game and asks, "Hey mom! Do you need anything?"

She glances around, "why aren't you answering your phone?!" she shouts furiously scaring Azaan to get up to look for it.

"Sorry I don't pay attention to it…but I will now, sorry, mom!"

She groans, rolling her eyes, "next time, answer your phone! Grandma has been calling you! I can't believe you're quick on your feet with video games but slow to use your phone!"

"Sorry, mom, it won't happen again."

"whatever! Just answer it next time and call grandma right now! She wants to know when your spring break starts!"

"Okay, mom."

She stares at Azaan becomes so quiet yet scared, irritating her even more as she leaves his room with a disgusted expression, "freaking stinks!"

As she left, Azaan sighs, putting away his headphones and turning off his game, "why does she get so mad all the time? I should call grandma, maybe this time she'll buy me more video games, and a newer game console."

But Iris got so annoyed that she leaves the house and drives away in her car within the night as if escaping. Leah notices and asks Edy, "honey, I might be jumping to conclusions, but don't you feel it's strange that Iris continues to leave at night? Aren't you worried at all where she might go? Or what can happen?"

"She's probably working. Don't worry about it."

"I don't know honey, as a mother I wouldn't like my children going out at night! No matter the time!"

"That reminds me when will your son be discharged from the army?"

"I think he'll be here in September! I miss him so much!"

"I can't wait to see him. He left after graduating high school, right!"

"Yes!" she answers excitedly, "he's been gone for so long."

"you'll have to introduce him to Iris, Azaan, and Belen, he's their stepbrother."

She nods, "yes! I'll make sure to make a grand feast!" she shouts, making Edy laugh at her excitement.


Meanwhile, Everest marches into his father's office at home, surprising him, "son! At last, you show yourself! How was South Korea?"

"How do you know I went there?"

Reuben smirks, "son! Have you forgotten I have complete knowledge of your bank statements? Every time you use your credit cards, a report sent to me, and that's how I know where you are!"

Everest scoffs, "wow! So what? Now your spying on me?"

But Reuben does not like Everest's attitude when, in fact, only makes him angry, "I'm doing anything I can to keep tabs on you since you like to run away from one place to another. How else am I supposed to know where you are and what stupid things your doing!"

"fine! I'm here now! Happy?"

"what's with that attitude? Did I do something wrong? Because if we're pointing fingers, I think it'd be best to point them at yourself!"

"What the fuck did I do? I didn't do anything!"

"EXACTLY!!" Reuben yells, scaring Everest to jump back a little.

"You! You! You! Did nothing! Why couldn't you work out something with Belen Astares?! Is it that hard to lay a woman? Huh?! when you've been doing it ever since you got dumped at the altar?!"

Everest turns red in anger shouting back, "shut the fuck up! My plan was never to get married! You're the one who wanted to use me for your benefit!"

"It's for the company! For our business!" he slams his desk, "To put fucken food on your fucken plate!!" Reuben shouts, manifesting his veins from his neck.

But Everest retaliates, "no dad, it was never for us, it was just for you!"


"Oh! Please, dad! Don't try to act innocent! I know everything! All the dirty tricks you did in the past just to get your precious company going!"

Reuben's eyes widen shocked but pauses for a moment and starts laughing hysterically, confusing Everest to ask, "what's so funny?"

"you're very naïve, son…This is precisely why we decided to keep you in the dark. We knew you'd try to play a hero of justice or whatever! You don't know anything about running your own business. I guess I can see now why Belen never latched onto you."

"what do you mean?" Everest asks, confused.

"son, you're naïve! You have no experience running a business. You wouldn't be able to run a flower shop, which is the easiest business of all!"

"I get it! I'm stupid! So what? That does not change the fact that what you've been doing is wrong, let alone illegal."

Reuben calms himself, "so what are you going to do now that you know the truth? Threaten me with it? Don't forget. You're a Fox!"

Everest scoffs, rolling his eyes, "that's right, I'm a Fox but a different kind of Fox."

"What are you saying now?"

"Dad, you do know there are different kinds of Foxes, right? That's exactly what I am. You two may be the famous red Foxes but not me! I'm a rare Fox, and I'll make sure to let everyone know."

Reuben laughs, "you may be a different Fox, but a Fox is still a Fox, no matter what color they might be."

Everest firmly declares, "that's why I've decided to become independent."

His dad sighs, "son! When are you going to learn? You can't be independent! I'm the one whose been providing for you!"

"Dad, I quit!"

"Ha?! Quit what? Being my son?"

"No! I quit working for Fox cinematic theaters! From this day onwards, I'll be working somewhere else."

Reuben silently nods, "okay, good! You want to be independent, then start by paying monthly rent for your room, pay me back the money you've been spending from the company, and another thing! You'll be stripped of all your credit cards since they belong to the Foxes who work! And another thing! You won't be allowed entry into the office unless you've made an appointment. Well?" he asks, trying to scare Everest to shake in place.

On the contrary, Everest smirks, "fine! I accept! And If I can't pay rent, then you can kick me out! From this day on, I'm no longer your tool."

Reuben laughs in disbelief as Everest walks out of his office, "sure, go ahead, see if you can last, son!"

In that instant, after Everest left the house, Reuben turns around to destroy his living room, everything that is glass shattered on the ground or the walls. Its as if a burglar entered his house and instead of stealing only destroyed.

"Just where is he going at this time of the night?!"


The next morning A Star employees are panicking over the news that Belen Astares will be arriving today, so the heads of the departments decided to enter work early to organize everything themselves so that Belen does not fire them like she's done in the past years.

Every year Belen returns from her trip to South Korea. She compares the employees to her employees back home. That is why every year when she comes back, she becomes super sensitive to the point of firing not one or two but all of the heads of the departments if she finds a small mistake.

Employees arrive early at the same time as the heads of the departments. Because if not, then half of the employees could get fired at the same time as the heads of the departments. Fortunately last year only one head of the departments got fired, and five employees fired, though this year all of the heads of the department are in for a surprise. Because they do not know at what time will Belen be arriving, will she be here on time? To do the daily checkup? Or afterward during opening hours? Who knows, that is why they are all on edge.

Finally, after an hour of preparation, the heads of the departments decide to give the employees a thirty-minute break.

During this break, all of the employees begin to discuss Belen's return.

"is it true? No one knows what time she'll be arriving?"

"How do you know?"

"I overheard the heads of the departments talking!"


"but then what are we supposed to do?"

"who cares least we did the best we could!"

"that isn't enough!"

"Yep! The madam president likes things to be PERFECT!"

"that makes it even more exhausting!"

"Yeah, but I mean, can you find a job that pays better than here?"

"Amen, girl!"

They laugh chattering while another group gossips, "I think this is the second coffee I've taken today, and the day hasn't even begun."

"This is why older ladies shouldn't be working!"

"hahaha! We've lasted here since the time Mr. Astares was about ready to retire!"

"It's crazy how everyone idolizes Belen when she isn't a singer, dancer, or political figure."

"Well, I don't know about now, but she used to be very sweet and cute when she was young!"

"That's right! She was so charming too!"

"I remember hearing her play the saxophone! Ah! What a beautiful heartfelt melody!"

"But still! I don't see anything special about her?"

"you're probably jealous!"

"Nah! For reals! Like doesn't she seem proud to you?"

"Well, who wouldn't?"

"If I were her, I'd also be conceited!"

"Yeah, after all, she has her massive mansion!"

"let alone her many brand cars!"

"Yeah, it must be nice being rich!"

"you can say that again!"

"how was it working for her dad? Mr. Astares?"

"Oh it was wonderful!"

"It wasn't as strict as it is now!"

"Her daughter is strict and unapproachable compared to her father!"

"I remember when Mr. Astares came in the morning he'd rarely do the check-ups right?"

"Yes! And when there was a mistake or how he calls it creative way to display he'd smile."

"and he didn't care if we spoke three different language."

"He was happy with us speaking broken English and perfect Spanish!"

"He'd always smile!"

"Yes! You almost never saw him angry!"

"Mr. Astares was a great boss!"


"is there something else?"

"not going to lie he did pay a little less than what Belen pays us now."

"that is true! Ah! I miss him!"

"Isn't it strange how he hasn't once come visit the mall?"

"that is true! But maybe he just got tired of it?"

"I wish he'd come around to see we are still here maybe he'll remember us!"

But the heads of the department are in the lounge room intently waiting for Noah to reply to them because they've texted him to call them when Belen is arriving as a heads up. So far, no reply, the heads of the departments are losing their minds trying to figure out which flight is Belen's and estimating the time differences.