Unsettling Love

Belen overhears a familiar voice call her from behind. She turns around, shocked to see Everest frantically grabbing her by the waist, slowly pulling her to meet his chest.

Their eyes interlock, "Belen!" he's surprisingly breathing heavily from running up the stairs.

Her eyes widen, shocked to see him, "Everest?"

Lady Annalise and Sir Henry are taken aback, "I see your fiancé has arrived, then I'll introduce you two next time. Enjoy the ball," they awkwardly leave.

Everest looks up to see Lady Annalise talking with the man dressed in a uniform with gold linens as if he were a famous person. His eyes narrow when he sees the man's side profile, "have I seen him before?"

"Everest. Everest." Belen adoringly pretends to smile, knowing that many people are staring, she whispers, "let me go!"

Everest returns to his senses and lets her go, "sorry, I just" he's lost in thought.

Belen internally sighs, trying to keep her face from exposing her displeasure, "what are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"It…it wasn't easy. If it weren't that everyone knows me as your fiancé, I don't think I would've been able to enter so easily. But the fact that the suit matched with you, I told them I'm your partner and was running late. With that said, they let me in."

Belen reluctantly gives in to his silly story, "whatever, you somehow got in, but what do you think you're doing? Why are you here? To do Noah a favor?" she asks with disappointed in her eyes.

Everest gently holds her hand, "that's not it. I-I just want to dance with you" his unexpected confession surprises her.

"You want to help me impress Lady Annalise?"

He struggles to say what's on his mind, "not just her, but everyone here. I heard them. They kept talking about a brown woman. You may stick out, but I think it's because you're the only one glowing in the room. Come on, why don't we show them our dance" he smirks.

Belen likes his thinking because it's exactly what she wanted to do in the first place. He extends his hand out, "May I have the honor of dancing with you? Milady."

She accepts his hand as he led her to the center of the ballroom.


Noah realizes it's late but tries to get inside the event when he's continuously denied entrance. He tries contacting Everest and Belen, but none answer and his frustration is only one push from exploding.

In that instant, Lady Annalise comes out to speak to security when Noah shouts, trying to get her attention. But security on stand by apprehends him when Lady Annalise stops them, "Secretary Noah? What are you doing here?"

"Lady Annalise! I know it's late, but I'm Miss Astares's partner."

"What are you talking about? Miss Astares's partner is her fiancé."

"Everest? He's here?"

"Yes, do you need to see them?"

An idea pops into his head, "Yes! I mean yes, its an urgent matter about A Star. Please permit me to enter."

She nods, "I understand, please come in."

Though as he entered, he notices a crowd surrounding the dance floor when he asks, "What is going on?"

"Oh my! Who is dancing!" she runs to watch as the crowd makes a path for her.

Noah stares from within the crowd, "that's Everest, but that is?" Everest twirls Belen as she gracefully smiles, staring at Everest with affectionate eyes, "…Belen," his heart thumps seeing her beautiful appearance looking more radiant than ever.

But as he continued to watch, his heart begins to twitch and ache to notice Belen and Everest's perfect synchronization. Though what makes his heartache the most is seeing Belen give Everest such a gentle adoring smile.

Just as he was about to walk away, he hears the woman swoon making him turn in a hurry to see Everest lean against her cheek as if he were whispering something. Belen responds brightly, chuckling, and stares at his beautiful mesmerizing blue eyes.

Noah can't take it anymore, walking away when he bumps into someone, "forgive me! I didn't see you. There..." he turns speechless to see a familiar face.

The woman stares, "Manager?"


Cynthia Park, a South Korean actress in her early 30's.

Cynthia can't believe her sight, "I can't believe it's you, manager! Oops! I mean, Haneul!" she cheerfully smiles.

"Woah!" he stares at her simple pink gown, "you've changed since the last time I saw you."

"Aww! Thanks! What are you doing here? Are you close to Lady Annalise?"

He awkwardly nods, "yes, I'm working for someone who knows her."

She gasps, "Aah~! I see, so where do you work?"

"I work at A Star Mall," he shakes, hearing her gasp, "You work at A Star?! No way! That's awesome! What do you do?"

"I'm Belen Astares's secretary."

"Really?!" she gasps, impressed, "Woah! That's great! I never thought I'd see you here of all places. I always wondered why you left the company, but then heard that you quit working in some incorporation. But you moved to LA."

He awkwardly laughs, "yes, it's quite a story."


As Belen and Everest began, he felt her body tense up, making it difficult for him to lead. To make her relax a bit more and wipe off her anxious expression, he began whispering in her ear enough to tickle, "don't worry, I'll take the lead. Relax your shoulders. Don't look at anyone but me," their gazes meet, "just like that" he grins while spinning her as the dress waves like the ocean revealing the elegant patterns, gold embroidery and beadings on it.

Most importantly, Everest did the best he could to show Belen, instead of himself because he knew how nervous she was and wanted to take care of everything else. She was able to shine more than the dress with her honest facial expressions, and to the crowd, Everest only seemed like an accessory to Belen's beauty and grace.

To make her laugh, he whispered, "show those bitches who you are." As he said, this Belen chuckled, hearing him say it in such a playful feminine tone. Belen was unable to focus at the beginning of the dance because she tried not to think about Noah, but it wasn't as easy as she thought; it was like a thorn that only continued to bother her. The reason being she did not feel as comfortable with Everest compared to Noah, but she trusted in Everest's dancing skills, making it possible for her to rely on him.

He'd also shower her in compliments, "You look like a princess," she corrects him whispering, "I'm a Queen, disguised as a princess." This made them smile, laugh, and look close enough as if they were romantic and comfortable.

After the last dance, she whispers, "I'm getting tired, this dress is heavy."

He nods, "Then let's finish it off with a kiss."

"…" she stares perplexed at his smug expression.

He spins her and goes on one knee holding her fingertips to kiss her hand. All women swoon by his gesture when she wraps her arm around his disappearing out into the garden as the people looked in admiration.


The further they got, Belen asks, "Is anyone following us?"

He glances, "nope, its just us. There's a fountain," he points "lets rest there" just then, Belen lets go of his arm. Everest notices and stares somewhat, feeling bothered that she let him go so fast.

She takes a deep breath as if she were holding her breath throughout the entire dance, "finally I can sit down" her body relaxes.

"Didn't Yonah say the dress can get wrinkled?"

"I'm about to leave, and there's no point now. I showed up and danced, that's all that matters" Belen happily shrugs while looking at the night sky.

Everest sits near, glancing at the water fountain, "it's so clear" he pokes his fingertips, "do you think the water is clean?"

Belen stares at him with a blank expression then suddenly bursts into laughter, "You're really weird."

He did not like her answer but notices her smile recalling the night when he found her lying on the floor of her bedroom. His smile disappears, "while you were on vacation, did you think about me?"

"Of course! I couldn't stop worrying about A Star being under the supervision of you and Noah!"

He unpleasantly looks away at the mention of Noah's name gritting his teeth, "right…Noah."

"Lately, I don't know what's been going on with him. At one point, he makes me happy, but then he turns his back and does something else…honestly I'm confused."

Everest comments, "he only started leaving A Star early during your absence, if I had to guess maybe there is something he has to do without your knowledge. Wouldn't it be for the best if you were to, perhaps, give him a vacation too?" he closes his eyes getting ready to hear her angry tone.

But instead, she calmly replies, sighing, "maybe you're right. He's never taken a day off before."

"you never know, maybe there is something he has to do and later on. Once he is ready, he will tell you all about it."

"how many days would you suggest?" she asks with such a sincere worried expression.

He gets lost in her eyes but coughs, "ahem! Why not a week?"

"a week? Do you think that is enough?"

Everest whispers underneath his breath, "trust me. that's the most you can offer."


"Nothing, I was thinking maybe a week or two."

"hmm. I guess that seems fair. But the board meetings are coming up."

"board meetings? What is that?"

"Oh!" she looks at him, "I forgot to tell you, but you're going to join the meetings. Make sure to prepare yourself."

"Prepare what?" he glances sideways, confused but scared, "why?"

She giggles, "you're only going to observe this meeting. I meant, make sure to control your temper because these meetings will make you want to kill them."

He nods, "what usually happens during the meetings?"

She playfully shrugs, "just wait, and you'll see."

She stands stretching her arms to the sky, "I think it's about time I go home."

"But it's early, and it's only 10 o'clock."

"I know…" her voice lowers, "but I have something important to do."

Everest walks back with her, but at that moment, Noah, who is on the second-floor balcony, spots them and eagerly rushes downstairs, ditching Cynthia, who left to answer a call.

In that instant, Belen overhears the orchestra playing Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty waltz. It triggers a memory when she unconsciously pulls Everest and starts dancing with him. He's surprised but goes along with it when he overhears the song as well, "she looks just like sleeping beauty."

But as they continued to dance elegantly and happily, Belen realizes she's dancing with Everest as tears begin to flow down her cheeks, surprising him to stop, "what's the matter?" he asks worriedly.

Belen can't keep her smile from frowning when she begins to tremble like a leaf. Everest understands moments like these, and instead of trying to find out the problem, he warmly embraces her so gently into his firm arms, unable to stop her tears from falling.

Everest carefully pats her back, resting his head beside hers, but from afar, this scene looks romantic, especially in pictures. But to Noah, it only sends him the wrong message making him fear that Belen will no longer need him. A strong emotion within Noah screams, "go get her! Take her away from him!" but he comes to his senses, "I can't," he grips his chest-beating crazily, "she won't need me anymore. He is her fiancé, something I can't come close to even dreaming" his complexion darkens while walking away sad.


Belen tiredly arrives home when Noah appears in her living room, "Belen!" his sorry expression is enough to reveal to her that he came to apologize.

She's glad to see him, but her arrogant pride won't easily forgive him. She goes up the stairs holding the dress by the corners, "don't start!"

Noah follows her, "please, Belen, I'm sorry!"

She glares, "what are you sorry for?"

"huh? Well, for sending Everest."

She scoffs, trying to take off the dress, "right! Is that all you're sorry for?!"

He begs, "Please hear me out, Belen!"

"shut up and help me untie this dress!"

He enters to untie her corset, when she yells, "now get out!" he walks out like a dog with his tail between his legs, "I sent Everest because,"

"you felt bad about letting me go alone?"

"NO! I just! I-"

"you what Noah?! Cat caught your tongue all of a sudden?!" she sighs unknowingly.

"I did not want you to go with anyone else!" he silently gasps, unable to believe he just said aloud.

Belen sighs after hearing his blunt words, "I was never planning on taking another person. If I did, why else would I have bothered to ask you to accompany me?"

"Belen…" his eyes shine, thinking he's forgiven.

She raises her voice, "that's not the point here! I'm going to punish you!"

He nods, "okay, what is it?"

"take a week off work. Starting tomorrow."

His eyes widen, "but Belen! I can't! Tomorrow is when you go back! How could I possibly?!"

Belen loses her patience, "two weeks!"

"Belen!" his voice trembles.

She shouts, "shut up! One more word out of your mouth and I'll make it three!" Silence fills the room when she sighs, "what is going on, Noah? Can you answer me honestly? Why have you been leaving A Star?"

"Where did you?" he mumbles.

"You thought I wouldn't know? Sure, I cut off all communication from A Star, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough not to know what is going on with my employees."

He turns quiet like a mouse, "I thought so, you won't tell me, will you?" she scoffs.

"I can't right now…I need you to trust me. Please."

"as to what?! A Secretary? Best friend? What am I supposed to believe Noah?! You're becoming more and more secretive, I don't know what to believe anymore" she nervously waits to hear his answer.

"I'm sorry…for everything. Please, rest assured, I will never betray your trust. Believe in me as both your secretary and best friend," he begs, "please, Belen."

She coldly responds, knowing that continuing this conversation will only cause a rift between them instead of consolidation, "leave, don't come back until your two-week vacation is over. We'll, talk then."


What Belen is unaware of is the fact that pictures of Everest and her at the ball are circling like crazy online and social media. It even starts trending, getting the attention from news stations. But one picture specifically circling is an intimate one where Everest and Belen are hugging in the garden.

This came to Edilberto's attention when he can't help but feels pressured to make an official decision.

Meanwhile, Reuben is so happy he can't wipe the smile off his face when Edy calls him, "Hey Buddy~ I was wondering, have you seen the pictures circling about our kids?"

"Yes, I have."

"Well buddy, I'm as shocked as you are, never would I have thought those two really liked each other."

"you're right. We should have them marry."

"hahaha yeah, get mar-" Reuben pauses in shock, "m-married?! Did you just say married?!"

"Yes, it's about time, let's have our kids get married, but on one condition."


"Dad? What are you doing awake? Its midnight," Leena curiously asks while going to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Reuben is frantically looking out the window waiting for Everest, he hushes Leena and turns off the light.

"Wait! I can't! I can't see! Dad!" Leena grunts holding a glass of water.

Reuben whispers, "shut up!" like a child playing hide and seek.

Everest enters the house whistling without bothering to turn on the light, but Leena is amazed to hear him whistle because she knows that means he's in a good mood.

Reuben jumps out, turning on the lights, frightening both Leena and Everest to shriek.

Leena accidentally spills the water while Everest cusses his dad out, "son of a bitch! Dad! You fucking scared the shit out of me!"

Reuben creepily smirks, "I see you're in a great mood! So I have good news! Listen! And Leena," he turns, "clean that up, someone can slip."

She glares at him while going to the kitchen to grab some napkins.

"Congratulations, son!" he hits Everest's shoulder.

"ow! what did I win?"

"you're going to get married!"

They both yell, "WHAT?!" making Reuben twitch, "Leena, shh, quiet, I'm talking to Everest right now."

"what the hell are you talking about, Dad?!" Everest questions angrily.

"I just finished talking to Belen's father over the phone, and! He agreed that you and Belen would get married in the Fall!" he gestures happily.

Leena is taken aback when Everest glances at her to see if she knew but realizes that she is as surprised as he is, ��I'm not going to marry her."

Reuben's tone shifts, "what did you say?" he asks with a menacing complexion.

Leena knows what's about to happen when she tries to calm him, but Everest shouts, "I said, no! I'm not going to marry her! And you can't make me!" he confidently stares back at his dad with unshakable eyes.

His dad gulps, "I don't remember asking, I am letting you know. You will be marrying her next year in Fall."

"Dad! I'm in my mid-twenties, what do you take me for? A teenager?"

Reuben smacks Everest across the face, "why can't I treat you like a teenager? That's how you've been acting your whole life! It's no wonder THAT actress left you in the first place! A pathetic boy like you can never grow up to become the man she wanted!!"

Leena tries to interfere, but Everest glares at her to stay away, he spits out the blood from his mouth, "you hit me pretty hard, I wasn't ready for it. What makes you think I won't hit you back?"

"Everest!!" Leena shouts, trying to get him in check.

"don't worry Leena, I don't plan on hitting a bitter old man. He's not worth going to jail for."

"Where are you going?!" Reuben anxiously shouts.

Everest goes to his room, "I'm leaving this goddamn cage! I don't need your name! If you won't disown me! Then I'll disown myself!"

Reuben scowls, "you expect me to take you seriously? When you're acting like a runaway teenager?! I've enough of this bullshit! If you want to leave, then go ahead! Leave! I'd rather adopt a son who'll actually listen to me!"

At that moment, Leena rushes upstairs to Everest's room, "please don't do this! Stay! You don't have to leave."

Everest does not listen to her and instead packs anything he can quickly because he cannot stand another second in that house, breathing the same air as his dad. "He wants to treat me like a child. Then I'll act like a fucking child!"

Leena follows him like a mother begging downstairs as he's carrying two bags and a suitcase out into the car.

But even she is not enough to calm the fire within his heart, Reuben is gone making him suspicious.

"I don't want to marry someone I don't love, Leena, please understand. I don't care what he does or says. This marriage won't happen!"

He drives away, leaving Leena desperately crying in the driveway. He checks his rearview mirror feeling bad for Leena but is determined this time to go.

He heads to Belen's house to confront her.


"I've decided, you're going to marry Everest Fox," Edy reveals to Belen over the phone.

"Are you blind?! Was my proof not evident enough to doubt Reuben Fox?! You really want me to marry his son?!"

"that is my final decision. We'll talk more at another time. Goodnight," he abruptly hangs up.

Her anger level rises to throw her phone out the balcony, hearing it hit the ground. "Why…why today?! Now of all days! Marriage?!" she trembles like a leaf, shortness of breath when going down the stairs, making her way outside as her father's strict tone resounds within her ears, "Take her! I don't want her anymore! I regret having daughters!"

As she stepped foot outside, she falls on her knees, violently punching her ears, "S-stop it! Sh-Shut up! P-Please! S-Stop It!!!" she shouts at the top of her lungs.

Noah wakes up in a panic, "what was that?" he unconsciously gets up, putting on a shirt.

Just then, he overhears the gates to her house open, alarming him to hurry up and check out what is going on.

Everest enters through Belen's gates but notices her curled up on the grass as he rushes out of his car without a second thought approaches Belen. He is shaken to see her crying like a child who lost their parents.

"Everest!" she surprisingly embraces him, causing him to freeze upon seeing her in such a vulnerable state, not knowing what he should do.

She cries, shivering, "I don't want to get married! Please don't marry me! Please! Everest!" she begs, shocking him, even more, when he softens his expression, "I know, I don't want to get married" he pats her trembling fragile back, "marriage is not an option for us," he says in a sad tone.

Noah sees them from afar, but just as he was about to approach them, he answers the phone, "Hello? Doctor?"

"Noah I received your results, and thought you should know-"

"Sorry, doctor, but I can't talk right now" his broken tone reveals his shock.

"Wait! Noah! You need to know!"

"Doctor…" he almost hangs up until the Doctor yells, "You have cancer!"

Noah is too shocked his phone slips hitting the ground as everything freezes in his mind unable to process what he just heard, and scarcely touches his face "…Am I crying?"