Money And Friendship

Belen and Everest are casually looking around the furniture warehouse where no one but the staff is present—giving Everest a calm sense of relief, letting him look around freely without being stared at.

Though as Everest left Belen's side to venture into the warehouse, she immediately gets a phone call, "Hello, Noah?"

"M-Madam!" he stutters with urgency, "what is the earliest you can get here?"

Sensing his alarmed tone, Belen automatically worries, "is something the matter?" she asks, strictly gripping onto the phone.

"It's your sister! Mabel! Something happ-" he cries aloud, almost panting, but at the sound of her sister's name, Belen coldly responds, cutting him off, "I don't need to hear the rest. What is your reason for calling?"

Noah bravely swallows, "I have to leave, but I can't. If I do, then who'd stay at A Star?"

Belen proudly scoffs, "ha, that is right. Who else, but you? It is your job. I guess you'll have to wait until I get there."

Noah shouts, irritated, "BELEN!" his voice vibrates, "please, this is no laughing matter!"

She can feel his desperation over the phone, "tell me, Noah, is this a family emergency?"

After a moment's hesitation, Noah confidently responds, "no, it's not. But it should be for you."

She maliciously snickers, "I guess so, except I have no family" she profoundly sighs, "I just arrived here, so I should get there in two hours" she abruptly hangs up.

Once she finished talking on the phone, she solemnly stares at the caller ID of Noah with sad eyes, "why do you care so much?" she wonders.

Everest shouts from afar, "BELEN! Hey! BELEN!"

She turns in the direction of his voice when finally catching a glimpse of him coming through the furniture between them, "there you are," he pants heavily, "I was looking all over for you!"

Belen dumbfoundedly stares at the entrance and where she is now standing, confused, "I never moved, did you get lost?" she teases.

He smiles, "a little. I've never been here before. It's soooo huge!" he says, amazed.

Belen grins at the sight of his excitement when the manager of the warehouse approaches them, "is there anything you'd like to see, Miss Astares?"

She glances to Everest, "did you like anything?"

"huh?" he answers taken aback, "Oh! Umm yeah, I like this," he opens the magazine guide from the warehouse. Belen merely glances for a few seconds when turning to the employee in a bold voice, "I'll take everything on this page."

As she said this, both the employee and Everest's eyes widen, stuttering, "Everything?!"

Belen impatiently glares at the employee, "Did I stutter?"

"N-No, I-I mean, I'll get started on your order." The employee runs away in fear but is mainly shocked.

As soon as he left, Belen confidently puts on her shades when Everest runs behind, "H-Hey Belen, don't you think that's a little too much? What'll Noah say about this?"

She smirks, "let him try," she pauses to stare at Everest, "by the way, you're paying for everything," she slightly giggles.

Everest paused for a moment to process everything when he shouts from afar, "WAIT! What?! HOW?! I don't have any money!!" he runs after her.

His eyes squint after running out of the warehouse by the intense sunlight. He hurriedly puts on the shades Belen gave him earlier when she pulls up with the car, "I'll put it on your tab," she opens the door for him with a grin.

Everest can't help but feel like a princess, "now she's opening the door for me?" he whispers underneath his breath, "was she always this courteous?"

They finally drive away into the highway at a fast speed. Everest timidly asks, "what did you mean by putting it on my tab?"

Belen snorts with a grin, "you'll pay it back once you start working again."

His shoulder slump back, "Do I have to return to A Star?" he whines.


"No, but soon?" he cautiously asks, cringing his face.

"If not, then who else is going to pay off your furniture?"

He sighs, "I, I don't want to go back," he says in a low voice.

Belen firmly responds, "You have to."

He starts getting flashbacks of the employee's cold attitudes and an illusion of the many eyes on him that day. When Belen interrupts his fantasy with bold words, "You are MY fiancé, you have no reason to run away. Don't let others look down on you; it'll affect me."

He grumpily mutters, "that's easier said than done."

After an hour of being on the road, they've finally arrived at Noah's house. Everest hits the side of his head, "shit! I don't have the keys to his house! Damn! I can't believe I forgot to ask!"

Belen scoffs, taking out a pair of keys from her purse and opening the door to Noah's house so quickly, "if I weren't here, how were you expecting to get in?"

Everest's jaw drops, "you have his key?" they both walk inside.

"Of course! I did buy this house for him. He's still paying it off."

Everest can't help but internally gasps hearing Belen explain that she bought this house for Noah. She carefully walks around when finally saying, "here," she points, confusing Everest, "hmm?"

She annoyingly answers, "you don't have to act modestly. You're living here from now on. Just act as you normally do. Just respect his privacy and space," she grins, tilting her head, "unless he kicks you out then I'll have no choice but to lock you up in my house" she teases.

Everest freezes, turning away after seeing her malicious grin, trying to hide his blushed expression when the term "s&m" comes to mind.

"This will be your living room. Make sure to prep your room and move the boxes' storage in here so that the furniture can fit well. Hmmm?" she looks at the time, "they should arrive in an hour at most, well, unfortunately for you, I have to go to work. Since you'll be here alone, clean up."

He panics, "who is coming?" he fearfully grabs onto her sleeve, "s-sorry," he lets go.

She sighs, "the furniture we just bought. They'll come and drop off the furniture. Why are you so scared?"

He awkwardly laughs, "hahaha! I'm not nervous!"

She narrows her eyes, "I never said that, but whatever." She confidently walks out of the house into her car and shouts, "oh yeah! Before I forget, don't touch anything that is his! He is very picky about that!"

But Everest couldn't hear clearly when he mumbles, "I can pick anything I want? Is that what she said?" he scratches his head indecisively.


Immediately after Belen left, Everest started clearing the space which would soon become his living room. At that moment, Leena calls, "Hey, sis, what's up?"

Leena, impressed by his bright tone, answers in delight, "Everest? Where are you?"

"Uhh, well, you won't believe it, but" he goes into details, explaining everything that happened to her over the phone.

Leena shockingly exclaims, "that's great! Ah! That's good! I'm glad! See! She is such a nice person! But remember to be respectful too!"

"I know, I know. Did you call just to check up on me?"

"Uhh, yes, and no."

"Hmm? What do you mean yes and no? what's the matter?"

"Well…I am going to meet my fiancé in three weeks," Everest congratulates her, "oh! Good, you'll finally get to spend some time with him after the social gatherings, right?"

"Yeah…" her voice lowers, "the thing is, he not only invited me but you too."

"Me too? Why?"

"Because he wants you to meet his parents and relatives, haha," she awkwardly laughs, but Everest senses something different and sternly asks, "our parents will be there too, won't they?"

She sighs, unable to deny, "…yes," she pauses, "but it'll only be for a weekend."

Everest scoffs, "unbelievable, are you honestly going to take dad and that woman with you? They will only embarrass you! Your fiance's parents are in a higher class than us," he hesitates, "no, I won't go. I'm not going! Count me out! I'm not going just to embarrass myself."

Leena's voice softens, "please, Everest, they want to meet you all before we get married."

He raises his voice, "Leena, why does it matter?! Our parents aren't the ones who raised us!"

"Now Everest, you know that isn't true! Papa" Everest interrupts, "Dad raised you! He did not raise me! Just take him, but I'm not going!"

"Come on," she pleads, but Everest clicks his tongue as he heard the doorbell ring, "I can't talk right now, Leena, maybe next time," he hangs up, shaking his head as he walked over to answer the door.


Noah was on edge throughout the whole time at A Star waiting for Belen to arrive. His feet were anxiously wishing he can run away. But he knew that he couldn't leave A Star alone, and left him with no choice but to wait for her.

While in the control room, he notices Belen has just arrived and is in the elevator. He hurriedly dashes out of the room, preparing himself to welcome her at the office door.

Just then, the elevator doors open. She boldly strides as everyone welcomes her. Noah bows receiving her with utmost respect and obedience while opening the entrance to the office.

She simply passes by him without paying him any mind, though as soon as she walked inside, Noah closes the door behind him.

"M-Madam…" he says nervously, gulping his saliva.

Belen glances at him with a blank expression, yet her eyes hold such anger in them, even Noah can see it, "well?" she says rudely, "leave, isn't that what you were waiting for?"

He sighs, "Y-Yes, but I have to."

She sighs, rubbing the side of her forehead, "just go," she waves, "I'll figure everything out myself. Get out of my sight."

Noah does not bother trying to talk to her further and only bows thanking her from the bottom of his heart when leaving the office.


Just then, Noah arrives at the hospital but is taken aback to realize this is the same hospital Belen's doctor works. He can't help but curse underneath his breath cause if the doctor were to see him. Noah won't have any excuses to reject his offer to take more tests of him.

What's important right now is Emma. He shook his head to rid himself of selfish thoughts and ran inside.

Just then, he notices Mabel sitting in the waiting area, alone, shaking, and silently crying. Her pale face and distressed hair are enough to let Noah realize just how severe Emma's condition is.

Noah walks over to her with silent, calm steps, when he squats down to meet her half-spirited eyes, "Mabel?" he gently calls out.

Mabel snaps out of her trance after seeing Noah. She throws herself in his arms, falling to her knees, exasperating, "Noah…Noah, what am I going to do?" she says hoarsely.

He gently pats her back, feeling her pain, "don't worry, it's alright, let's go talk to a doctor," he tries pulling her from the floor.

But she grabs onto his clothes, "no, no…the doctors are operating on her right now. I can't bear to stay there. It's suffocating!" she cries.

He notices the many eyes staring at them. He glares, scaring them to mind their own business. He sighs, trying to calm Mabel, "It's okay, I'll wait with you there. Come on, let's go. She'd want to see you."

Mabel looks at him with swollen red eyes, "Mm," she nods, standing up with his help.

Though just as they arrived outside of the operating room, Noah winces when Belen's doctor notices him, "Noah?"

Noah takes a deep breath before turning with Mabel when he says, "good afternoon, doctor."

The doctor walks near them cocking his head, "what are you doing here?"

He does not want Mabel to overhear anything, so he gently sits her down near another waiting room and walks out to talk to the doctor, "sorry about that, but something happened."

"And who is she? That woman from earlier?"

"Uhh, you see, doctor, it's a secret, but she is Belen's eldest sister," he hesitates, whispering, "Mabel Astares."

The doctor's expression widens in surprise, "I see," he tilts his head, gazing over at Mabel's side profile. "hmmm, she looks different than what I expected, does Belen know?"

"Yes, she does. But that's not important right now. Doctor, do you think you can tell me about a patient's current condition?"

"Depends. Who?"

Noah clears his throat, "a patient named Emma E" before he could finish his sentence, the doctor already knew, "ah! You mean the little girl who was brought here by the emergency ambulance?"

"Yes, please tell me. What is going on? What happened to her?" he asks worriedly.

"From what I heard, they're currently operating on her right now. Her condition is severe, so there is no telling for now if she'll make it."

Astonished by the truth, Noah sadly looks at Mabel, horribly shaking with fear, and turns back to the doctor, "w-what happened?"

"I'm not completely sure, but from what the witnesses claim is that while the mom was buying something from a food vendor, the girl's toy fell into the street and when she tried to retrieve the toy that's when a car hit, and well you can assume the rest."

Noah is horrified by the explanation making him lose strength in his legs when he sits down, "all of that happened?" his pupils tremble.

The doctor sighs, "depending on how the operation goes, that girl can either be saved or…" he did not dare to finish his sentence seeing how broken Noah and Mabel were.

"Noah, I need you to get an MRI now that you're here."

Noah looks at him in disbelief, "how can you say that right now? I can't leave her alone" he's referring to Mabel.

The doctor sighs, "Noah, the faster we get this done, the quicker we can stop it from advancing."

"mmm, I'll go in a minute," he says unsurely.

The doctor shrugs, "I'm only saying this because it's your health. Just come up to my office when you're ready," he walks away.


After a few hours, Emma has finally made it out of the operation room safely with her life still intact. Though her condition is quite severe, there are no remnants of Emma waking up anytime soon. For now, Emma is diagnosed to be in a coma.

The doctors are currently explaining everything to Mabel about Emma's condition. At the same time, Noah is finished putting on his clothes when the doctor from earlier enters the room, "these are the medications you have to take," he hands three orange bottles of pills to Noah.

"So you got my results? How does it look?" he casually asks while buttoning up his vest.

The doctor nods, "I'd say we're preventing it from spreading, but I'll know in a week or two once you start taking those medications."

"Did you hear anything about Emma's operation?"

The doctor whistles, "actually, everything is fine with her for now. They'll be keeping a close eye on her overnight. But that's not the issue."

"What issue?" Noah asks suspiciously.


"Money? What do you mean? Doesn't health care cover Emma's expenses?" he asks strictly.

The doctor shakes his head, "not entirely. If I had to guess, her mother would need to take out a few loans to be able to pay for Emma's operations and stay."

Noah frustratedly sighs, "damn," he grunts worriedly, "what if I!"

The doctor declines, "you don't have enough to pay for it either."

"How are you so sure?"

"There is someone she can ask for help from. If what you said earlier is true, then she can only ask for her family's help, maybe Belen?"

Noah's eyes widen, stunned, "you can't be serious!"

He shrugs, "It's either that or switching to another affordable hospital, though I gotta say, changing hospitals is extremely dangerous for Emma's condition right now."

"Fuck!" Noah curses underneath his breath biting the corner of his lips in deep thought.

"Well, everything is done. Make sure to come back in a week or two for another check-up."

"Thanks, doctor."


As Noah was walking near Emma's room, he notices from afar Mabel talking with her mother, Ernestina.

Mabel is distraught while talking to her mother, "but I don't have enough money to pay for it all right now, mom. I don't know how I'm going to raise enough money," she says, breaking down in tears.

Ernestina, on the other hand, is firmly holding onto Mabel when saying, "you have to ask Belen, she is the only one with that amount of money right now! Go! You have to beg her! Get on your knees! Come on Chula!" she demands.

"No!" Mabel rejects, "I don't want to ask her. She does not care at all."

Ernestina whispers, "then ask her secretary," she points to Noah in the distance, but Mabel shakes her head, "no! I don't want to take advantage of him. He's helped me so much already. I-I'll just have to find another way."


A week later.

Everest is getting used to living in the same house as Noah, but it feels more like his since Noah has not been coming home late. Or he'll only arrive to get a change of clothes and leave without saying a word.

Everest has also been eating breakfast and dinner with Belen, and even then, he does not see Noah. But he did not dare ask because even Belen seemed not to care.

Everest enjoyed his time with Belen, so if anything, it was for the best that Noah did not show up because when the two are in the same room. Like fire and water, they clashed.

Belen, on the other hand, does not notice any difference because she knows that Noah is with Mabel when he's not at home or A Star. There was no way of getting angry at him because it's not as if he was neglecting his work.

Instead, Noah came every morning at A Star and worked diligently as if nothing happened. But the only difference was that both did not speak to each other unless it had to do with A Star's affairs.

It was as if they were treating each other as Boss and employee. It bothered Belen a lot, but at the same time, she did not care to ask about Mabel. She thought it'd be best; she was kept in the dark and did not bother Noah with her curiosity.

One night, Noah arrived at his house to take a quick shower. Everest overheard him and stepped out of his room to peak once he heard Noah leave.

Everest goes to the kitchen to drink water. He notices three orange bottles of pills on the marble counter. He suspiciously stares at it, "what are these?"

Just as he was about to reach for them, he's shaken to see Noah swoop them from underneath his grip, panting with nervous eyes. Everest steps back, placing the mug he used for water on the counter.

Noah's eyes widen in anger seeing him using HIS mugs, "what are you doing?!" he shouts, scaring Everest to jump a little.

"Huh?" he stares at him, confused.

Noah snatches the mug from the counter, spilling the water into the sink, and violently turns to Everest, "who gave you permission to use the mugs in my cabinet?!"

"Uh," Everest is speechless, unable to answer, when Noah angrily yells, "I let you bring your furniture, I gave you a room, the least you can do is not use the mugs from THIS cabinet!" he points.

Everest shouts back, "what the fuck are you saying? Now I have to buy my own cups and plates?!"

He angrily scoffs, "DON'T TOUCH MY MUGS!! Are you so barbaric enough to not have any manners?! What are you, a caveman?!"

Everest shockingly notices Noah's red face as he's getting screamed by him, but he does not back down and retaliates, "how was I supposed to know your mugs are so precious not to be touched! Ever since I moved in, you haven't been here! How am I supposed to know what I can and can't use! Shit! Just because you're having a bad day does not give you the fucking right to take it out on me! Just drink your vitamins and get the fuck out like you were!"

"THIS IS MY HOUSE!! Get that straight to your head! You are nothing more than a guest! Don't start thinking just because Belen has your back. I won't hesitate to kick you out!"

"Fuck this! I don't need to live here! I can just live with Belen! At least she won't be as sensitive as your Pisces ass!" he stomps to the door.

Noah follows after him, "where are you going?! Stop bothering her!"

"Shut the fuck up! You wouldn't know since you've been spending your time out! She and I don't need you! So go back to where you came from! We're better off without you!"

Noah offendedly runs after him, "Get back here! We're not finished!" he yells.

Everest does not bother turning and simply flicks him off, yelling, "fuck you!"

Noah stops when he notices Everest freeze. Noah follows his gaze, shocked to see Belen standing outside her gate, looking irritated yet mad at someone else.

Noah gasps, uttering, "M-Mabel?"

Everest overhears him and asks, "that woman is Mabel?" he wonders, "if I remember correctly, isn't she the oldest from the Astares family? So she is Belen's older sister? But then what is she doing here?"

Just then, they both gasp, dropping their jaws when they see Mabel kneel before Belen, both unable to hear what is going on but, from the looks of it, can only guess.

Noah is appalled, shaking from anger, making a fist with a twist in his brows at the sight of Mabel kneel before Belen. His pupils are shaking, trialing his gaze to Belen's arrogant behavior, stunned to see her malicious smile.

"n-no…Mabel, not like this!" he whispers underneath his breath in utter disgust.

Everest realizes Noah's expression, feeling a bit confused, "what is going on?" he wonders aloud.