Chances Are...

****WARNING MATURE CONTENT (After Belen and Noah, you can skip to the ending if you don't wanna read a spicy scene)****

Brrrring! Brrrrring!

"No answer?" 

Noah inwardly clicks his tongue, "He's not answering at all. Why don't you try calling him?"

Belen is sitting at the large table in the kitchen as the two are staying in a large villa in New York. The two are waiting for Everest to show up as he promised for dinner.

"Did you say something to scare him off?" Noah seriously asks.

Belen was flabbergasted, "Of course, I did no such thing!" 

Finally, Noah hung up, "well, he's not answering. I don't think there's much we can do now."

"Are you hungry, Noah?" 

Noah glances at the food set on the table before him, "a little."

Belen gets up to serve him a plate of food, "you like greens, right?" 

All this time, Noah is simply admiring Belen when he asks, "have you had any contact with your mother since that incident?"