It's Perfect

"Were you shocked?" Belen nudges Noah, "Did I scare you guys?"

A gust of wind blew over the two as they were standing outside her bedroom balcony, "I was impressed," Noah honestly reveals and places his jacket on her, "when did you plan this?" he admiringly relaxes his chin on top of his hand.

"The fight wasn't planned! First of all, I was actually hoping to have her slap me at most, but when she attacked me, I couldn't keep myself from hitting her back!"

Noah covers his mouth to hide his laugher, "you're too much."

"why do you look at me like that?" Belen tightens her grip on the rails of the balcony, "your eyes are shinning. Is it the moon that's making your eyes look like stars?" she glances at the crescent moon.

"Is it weird? Do you not like it?" Noah lazily smiles with his eyes glued to her.