1 Out Of 2

"Keebo always cheered me on whenever I had a performance in and outside school. Even though he hated going to football games, he attended simply to support me. Whenever I performed, my little brother was always there. The only time he could not attend a performance of mine was when I'd play my saxophone for my dad's people. But my dad was never there. He would show up whenever it was beneficial to him. Keebo…I shouldn't have taken you for granted. I shouldn't have taken your presence, support, and kindness for granted. I miss you, though you are my little brother. You were my best friend. You encouraged me in areas my father always told me not to explore. I have become bitter and coldhearted because your warmth is no longer present in my heart. But you know Keebo, I've met some fascinating people who I call my friends. Oddly enough, they give me so much warmth it gets a little hot sometimes, but I love them all for believing in me and choosing to stay by my side."