Kiss Kiss

Everest decided to leave in separate cars when Noah took the task of driving Belen back home.

The car ride home was quiet as Belen sat in the backseat, looking calmly outside the window as Noah drove.

Even though Noah overheard her argument with Everest, he still didn't know what to say and couldn't guess what Belen was thinking.

Finally, after the long 3-hour car ride, Noah parked the car when he glanced back to see Belen had fallen asleep, "her neck is going to hurt…" he quickly got off and opened the backseat door, "Belen…" he gently whispers, "Belen…wake up. We're home, Belen."

"…mmm?" Her eyelids lazily flutter open when her vision clears, and she notices Noah coming close to her face wearing a concerned expression, "Wh-Huh?!" She flinched when she heard Noah unlock the seatbelt.

"We're home, Belen," he lazily smiles.