Low-class, vulgar and filthy attitude

"Did you have a nice talk with Ning?" Bojing asked.

Suyan nodded her head and smiled. "Yes, she is a really nice girl."

When Bojing saw her continuously rubbing the side of her arms, he frowned. If she is cold, couldn't she just ask him to turn down the air conditioner?

Turning down the temperature, Bojing stopped the car.

Seeing the frown on his face, Suyan gulped in nervousness and asked, "W-what happened?"

Taking off his blazer, Bojing gave it to Suyan. "Why don't you wear more when you know you cannot handle low temperatures?"


Without waiting for her reply, Bojing wrapped carefully placed the blazer on her shoulder before concentrating on the road again.

When Suyan saw the frown on his face, she lowered her head and said, "I am sorry I-"

Cutting her off, Bojin asked, "You are sorry for what? Did you do something wrong?"

When Suyan shook her head, Bojing took a deep breath and kept on driving.