The Banquet(VI)

Outside the banquet hall.


"Stop shouting, if anyone hears you, I will make sure that you lose another tooth this time," grandpa Yang hissed.

Flicking Mr Hunshou's forehead, grandma Mo added, "Now why don't you tell us what did you little friend told you?"

Mr Hunshou gulped in nervousness and gave both of them a weak smile, " What are you both talking about? Haha I did not meet him since weeks—"

Cutting him off, grandpa Yang hissed, "You think you can lie to us?" Tightening his grip around Mr Hunshou's collar, he added, "You think?"

"That second gift, he gave it to you didn't he?" Grandpa Mo asked.

Mr Hunshou panicked and started stammering, "I….don't know...what you are….talking about Quan."

"What else did he tell you? And didn't I tell you not to tell him anything about Ning? Why do you keep going against us?" Grandpa Yang snapped.

Cracking his fingers, grandpa Mo added, "Or have you forgotten how it feels when we punish you?"