

Helping Ning take out the groceries, Nuying asked, "So what were you and Yichan talking about?"

Ning chuckled and shook her head. "Nothing so important."

"Yeah, the blush in your cheeks don't lie unlike you."

"Ahh it's nothing, just something new that Guiren told him about so he wants us to give it a shot. I am sure Muchan will tell you about it too, Yi told me that they actually discuss things like this amongst themselves and give each other tips." When Nuying did not say anything, Ning raise her brows and asked, "Nu, what happened?"


Rolling her eyes, she snapped, "Oh please, we are talking about sex and surprisingly you are very quiet. Okay, tell me what is wrong with you."

Washing the lettuce, Nuying shook her head and said, "It's really nothing."

"Muchan and you haven't had sex yet?"