
After aunt Lin left, Ning took out a cookie jar from the shelf and gave it to Yitian. "Here I am very sure that you will like it, It's our favourite."

Taking the jar from her hand, Yitian inquired, "Who is the other one in the our?"

"Yichan." Opening the refrigerator, she asked, "Do you want some milk?"

"Yes, do you have soy milk?"

Stopping midway, she turned towards him. "Do you like soy milk?" When he nodded his head, she smiled and helplessly shook her head.

"Hmm, it's okay if you don't have it, regular milk is fine."

Taking out a carton of soy milk, she placed it on the counter. "Its okay, I always make sure that we have a cartoon because it's Yichan's favourite but this isn't very healthy so I don't let him drink it regularly."

Scrunching his brows, he inquired, "It's not?" When Ning shook her head, he said, "I don't want it then."

"Oh don't worry, a glass will do no harm," she smiled before giving him a glass of milk.