College days

Dining area.

When Yichan came down, the food was lavishly served and all ready to eat.

"You are right on time honey," Ning smiled before gesturing him to sit down.

Looking around when he did not see anyone, he inquired, "Where did everyone go?"

Sitting beside him, she answered, "Well, I asked aunt Lin to leave early and rest—"

Cutting her off, he frowned, "You prepared everything all by yourself?"

"No, Yitian helped me alot." Passing him the plate, she added, "I don't know if you wanna know or not but he is talking over the phone in the kitchen."

Letting out an affirmative sound, he started placing food on Ning's plate first. "We could have just ordered takeout babe, you didn't have to take so much trouble."

"We have been eating out a lot lately, it's not good for the heath so I'll be cooking for us everyday. There is nothing much to do in the office lately so I can come back early," Ning answered.