He is good

Ning and Yichan's place

After everyone left, Ning prepared a very light dinner for them and called Yitian down when the food was ready. She knew that Yichan was very disturbed and tensed over everything that they had learned today so she decided not to ask him anything related to it for now.

To make the entire situation a bit light and less intense, Ning asked Yitian, "So are you excited for college tomorrow?"

"A little but not too much," Yitian answered.

"Hmm I am sure you are gonna have fun and make new friends, maybe find a girlfriend for yourself," she chuckled.

Scratching his forehead, he awkwardly answered, "I-I don't think so."

"Why not? You are young and handsome, why don't you want a girlfriend?" Pointing towards Yichan, she added, "Learn something from Yichan, he had so many girlfriends when he was young, right honey?"