episode 14

Mr.beam comes to leave the haruto outside his office, that time ronal enters Mr.beam's office.

ronal- Mr.beam, this is our file of product sell rating. (ronal speaks his file moving forward).

haruto suddenly takes the file from ronal's hand and said him---

haruto- thank you cutie. by the way, what is your name?

ronal- my name is ronal.(said with hesitation).

haruto-wow nice name. by the way, I am haruto.(haruto speaks his hand moving forward for handshake).

suddenly, Mr.beam grabs the hand of haruto and says - you are not late to go to office? let me leave you.( Mr.beam puts his hand on the shoulder of the haruto's and go to leave haruto outside).

outside office

haruto removes Mr.beam's hand from his shoulder and asks Mr.beam- why bring me from there? I wanted to talk to him a little bit.ronal is so cute dude.

Mr. beam- do what you to flirt with, but it won't work in my office. (speaks with little anger).

haruto- why are you angry?today let's go to drink in the bar.( speaks with engerness).

Mr. beam- I do not want to go.

haruto-come on man, it will be fun.

Mr. beam- okay okay. I will go.but you won't drink to much.

haruto- promise.( with smile).

7.00 pm , at the bar restaurant

haruto and Mr.beam sitting and drinking wine।. after few minutes, ronal comes there.haruto calls ronal out loud after seeing ronal-

come here ronal.

ronal goes where mr.beam and haruto are sitting.

mr.beam- how did you come here?

haruto-I called the ronal here.ronal, come sit here.(ronal sits in front of haruto, suddenly haruto puts his hand on ronal's shoulder.seeing this, mr.beam gets angry and he drinks all the alcohol in front. mr.beam gets very intoxicated so cannot get up from his chair.and he asks ronal with drunk -

ronal I want to go home, will you take me. suddenly haruto speaks-ronal, there is no need for you to suffer,I leave mr.beam to his house. mr.beam speaks while drunk, no, I,have to go with the ronal .ronal speaks to haruto after seeing mr.beam drunk-there is no problem in this,I leave Mr.beam to his house.

haruto- are you sure?

ronal-yes, I will leave mr.beam.

haruto- then, ok .

ronal puts Mr.beam's hand in his shoulder and he walks to the car. after picking up mr.beam in the care,he drives himself.

at mr.beam's house

ronal lays mr.beam on the bed.ronal is about to get up from the bed, suddenly mr.beam grabs his hand and pull ronal into his arms.and said to ronal- stay with me for a moment.I'm scared,I feel like I'm losing you again. I can't see you with anyone.what to do,I have found very hard,if I lose now then I will die, please do not go away from me, otherwise I will not be able to live ronal tries to get up but mr.beam grabs him more vigorously.

ronal- mr.beam ,what are you saying,I do not understand anything.(by then mr.beam was asleep).mr.beam are you listening?(ronal raises his head from Mr.beam's chest and looks at mr.beam

ronal-mr.beam is asleep.(ronal gets up from mr.beam's arms and opens mr.beam's shoes from mr.beam's foot, and mr.beam puts the bed well and ronal arrives at his apartment.

at 10 pm

ronal sits on the bed , touching the ring ,thinking something.after some time, he takes out the ring and looks closely.there is something written on the inside of the ring, when he looks closely, he finds the name of mr.beam. he get surprised and can't understand anything.

ronal-how can mr.beam's name come on this ring?he has never met me ,so whose name is this? somehow mr.beam already knows me,if he knows me then why didn't he never tell me , tomorrow I have to ask mr.beam otherwise I will not be able to keep calm.

at morning

mr.beam opens his eyes on the bed and puts his hand on the head and says- why is there so much pain in the head.( then he gets up and goes to take a shower).

at office

ronal stands outside Mr.beam's office and gets permission from Mr.beam to come in

Mr. beam- oh, ronal come in.( speaks with little embarrassed).

ronal asks beam from the front-

have you ever met me before? ( asks Mr.beam by placing ring on the table). if you know anything about me,then please tell me,I am very tense about this. please Mr.beam , I am requesting you please tell me.

Mr.beam stands in front of ronal, puts both his hands on both the shoulder of ronal and starts speaking

do you know? who are you to me? we both were about to get married.you are my future husband. we had a car accident with both of us and your memory was lost and I went into a coma for 3 months. right now you can't remember anything but earlier we both loved, I can give you proof of this now.

ronal is shocked and asks Mr. beam-

then why I can't remember? you are kidding me. right ?

Mr.beam hugs ronal and says I'm not joking with you. it is true that both of us were about to get married. we both loved each other before. that's true.

ronal is very surprised and suddenly comes out of Mr.beam's office.