episode 16

after some time, while driving, Mr. beam feels strange that someone is following them. then he looks back from the glass of the car but there is no one there. there were a lot of cars coming and going so it was difficult to find out if anyone was following them or not. after going some distance, Mr. beam thinks himself - maybe it could be a misconception. seeing Mr. beam disturbed, ronal asks to Mr. beam-

you looks some disturbance, what is the problem?

Mr. beam speaks with a smile-

no, nothing has happened. and anyway, nothing can happen when you are with me. ronal feels shy and falls silent. after some time ronal arrives at the apartment, gets out of the car and says bye to Mr. beam. (with a smile).

Mr. beam- bye and take care.

then he starts the car and leaves from there. beam stops his car after going some distance. and he calls Raimon. (the phone is ringing).

receives call

Me.beam- where are you? are you at home?

At that time Raimon was having dinner with the Lusafa.

Raimon- yes boss I am at home.

Mr. beam is about to ask Raimon about the accident but he postpones or and changing the subject speaks to the Raimon.

Me.beam- come to the office early tomorrow I want to talk to you.

Raimon-ok boss, I will arrive early tomorrow. (hangs up the call).

9 pm

Mr. beam reaches home.

opens his room door. Mr. beam is about to turn on the room light that suddenly someone grabs him from behind and starts thumping his throat. Mr. beam pushes the person vigorously from behind him and the person falls to the floor. Mr. beam was unable to see the man's face well due to the darkness but the dim light coming from the window had falling on the man's face. the man wearing a black hat had a black mask on his mouth.

Mr. beam asks the man- who are you and why do you want to kill me?

suddenly the man takes out a knife from his pocket and scares Mr. beam. with a knife from his hand, the man walks slowly in front of Mr. beam. at that time, four bodyguards arrive in Mr. beam's room. seeing the four bodyguards, the man gets scared and the man runs and jumps out the window of that room. Mr. beam turns on the room lights and starts peepings through the four bodyguards windows. Mr.beam's room is on the second floor if that man jumps from that window, then that man will have something in his body. so Mr. beam speaks to the bodyguards - look at the whole room, that man will be there.

bodyguards -ok boss.

suddenly Mr. beam remembers final and speaks to himself- ronal would that be ok? ( fear with big eyes).

Mr. beam runs out and takes his car and reaches the apartment of ronal. (the door rings).

ronal- who is on this night? (ronal opens the door and sees Mr.beam).

Mr. beam enters ronal's room and touches the ronal and asks -

Mr. beam- are you ok? has anything happened to you? (with a scared face).

ronal- what will happen to me? I'm fine. why are you so scared?

Mr. beam takes a long breath and embraces the ronal. Mr. beam speaks by touching ronal's head-

thank God that you are fine if something happens to you, I will never forgive myself.

ronal does not understand what Mr. beam is saying and he asks Mr. beam a little pushy- I can not understand what you are saying and how did you come here on such a night?

Mr. beam moves closer to ronal and hands him behind ronal's head and kisses him.

ronal pushes Mr. beam and speaks-

you're kissing me again without my permission, that's wrong, Mr. beam. ( speaks with little anger).

Mr. beam- I am kissing my ronal, he is my ronal. (speaks with a smile). well, I'm gonna stay here tonight. so make noodles for me, because I have to eat your handmade noodle. (with a smile). and Mr.beam lay on ronal's bed. ronal stares at Mr.beam staring and thinking 💭 - am I your servant? but there is no way, he is my boss. ronal takes a long breath and goes to the kitchen to make noodles.

Mr. beam is thinking on ronal's bed💭

if I do not stay here today I will not be able to go and sleep at home.

at sleep time

ronal speaks to Mr. beam-

you can sleep on the bed, I sleep on the floor. I know you can't sleep without the bed.

Mr. beam- why you sleep on the floor, you can sleep with me.

ronal - (with a smile) there is no need, I can to sleep on the floor.

(ronal falls asleep laying a bed sheet on the floor).


Mr. beam suddenly wake up from a nightmare. he starts panting and seeing the glass of water on the table in front of him, he drinks. seeing ronal sleeping on the floor, Mr. beam move closer to ronal and holding ronal's waist from behind, he fall asleep.