episode 25

After some time, Raimon and lusafa leave from Mr.beam's house. by then the sun had set. both walking on the road.

Lusafa- now we have to keep an eye on Luisa.

Mr.beam- yes you are right, I do not know why Luisa is doing this but we have to keep a close watch on Luisa.

Luisa- yes now we have to see why Luisa is doing like this. (after a few minutes ) oww, today it's very cold. (lusafa puts both his hands in pockets).

lusafa is walking by talking to Raimon, but Raimon gets attention elsewhere, starts to remember all the things which lusafa's mother said and he suddenly stops in the middle of the road. lusafa was busy talking, he does not even notice that Raimon is behind him, after a few minutes he regain consciousness and realizes that Raimon is behind him. lusafa turned to behind and saw that Raimon is just a short distance away from lusafa, Raimon is standing there thinking something, lusafa goes to Raimon and holds Raimon's hand and say ''come on, what are you thinking, let's go, here is also giving very cold''. the Raimon pulls the lusafa and holds it tightly in the arms. lusafa's cheeks turn red like tomatoes and he starts pushing Raimon but Raimon holds lusafa tightly.

lusafa- owwi, what are you doing Raimon? leave me. it's the road, not the house. (speaks while pushing Raimon). but Raimon is holding lusafa tightly, he does not leaves lusafa from his arms. Raimon was holding lusafa like Raimon is going to tell lusafa that I am with you. as Raimon is going to speak, from now on you are my everything.

lusafa- Raimon, are you listening? I said, leave me.

Raimon holding lusafa more tightly and speaks- don't move, please stay like this for a few moments, I want to stay with you for a few moments like this.

lusafa- why? suddenly? Did anything happen? (with low voice).

Raimon- nothing has happened, just hold me like that for a moment. (lusafa smiles and hugs Raimon for a few moments).

suddenly the snow starts falling from the sky. lusafa speaks -

Raimon, see the snow is falling from the sky. (with big smile).

both look at towers the sky and smiled looking at each other. Raimon keeps one hand of lusafa inside his pocket and speaks to lusafa- let's go. (with smile).

At the morning (Mr.beam's office)

mr.beam enters his office. Raimon seeing mr.beam in office immediately goes to mr.beam and asks mr.beam-

Mr.beam, you in the office? you should have rest, the fever has not been cured yet, you should not have come to the office, how is your fever now?

Mr.beam- the fever has come down a bit, so, I have come to the office today. there is also some important work for which I had to come to the office, you have to come to my office, I have to talk to you.

Raimon- okay, mr.beam. (bows the head).

After few minutes, Raimon enters mr.beam's office and asks to mr.beam-

mr.beam, do you have any work? for which you called me.

that time mr.beam was sitting on the office chair, mr.beam speaks to Raimon-

why are you standing there? come, sit here. (Raimon sits on the chair) Now, the time has come to give half of my share to Luisa. I promised my mother that when Luisa gets old, I will give her half of it, now that the time has come. shares paper should be prepared, yesterday she did not come home due to her friend's accident, but today she will come in the evening.

Raimon-Mr.beam, can I asks you one thing? (hesitantly).

mr.beam- why not? please ask.

Raimon- Luisa came just a fews days before Hong kong, it would have been nice if Luisa knew a little about the office, we are giving her a share very quickly, don't you think so, mr.beam?

and I apologize for asking this, I should not have asked but came to my mind, so I asked you.

mr.beam- (with little bit smile) I know you think too much for our office, that's why you asked. my health is not good nowadays and Luisa will also go to Hong Kong after a few days, then I will not be able to get her, so I want to do this work right now.

Raimon- okay mr.beam, will be what you want.

(Raimon wanted to stop Mr. beam but for one thing raimon didn't stop mr.beam because Raimon loved Luisa a lot. he could do anything for Luisa and Raimon knew this very well, so raimon did not stop mr.beam. A brother can't stop loving his sister). Raimon comes from mr.beam's office.