episode 52

- It has been almost 12:00 in the night. (sun speaks to chuya while trembling voice and quivering body).

- hold on, I think he will definitely come. (she speaks while sitting in the car and looking forward).

- what would happen if he knew that it was all schemed?

- (looking at Sun) as far as I have seen your acting, you don't act so inadequately so have a little faith in your acting and pay consideration to the front. (just then chuya senses someone's coming. by pressing with the first finger on her lips) suppppp, someone is coming.

(both look outside from inside the car).

A man had black gloves on his hands, a black mask on his mouth, the black cap on his head that covered the eyes of the person, wearing black shoes with black clothes and a torchlight in his hand. the man slowly goes to the place where Luisa was buried and the person burnt the torchlight and start looking carefully.

- what is he doing? (sun asks while pressing his forehead).

- (in a low voice) he has come to see if he has left any evidence at this place and I am now convinced that the person is not someone else but Haruto. (smirk).

- so why are we staying here, let's catch him? (sun holds the car's door to get out from the car just then chuya grabs his hand).

- don't be mad and work with proper planning. right now we will not take any such step that worsens the matter further.

- so what shall we do now?

- we just have to see him.

(they start to look at the person without blinking their eyes).

12:30 at night-

- what is he looking there still yet, that bastard? (speaks with chewing his nails).

-(suddenly ) come on.

- but where? chuya ma'am.

- to catch him. (closer to Sun) and listen carefully so that he does not run away so we have to be alert.

- yes, ma'am.

with a gun in their hands get out of the car. both of them start walking towards that person without making any sound. at a distance -

- hands up. (chuya holds the gun with both her hands and speaks pointing towards that person).

that person goes scared. the number of times chuya starts speaking "hands up" that person starts collecting the soil bit by bit in his hand from the ground.

- aren't you heard? stand up and take off your mask and cap. (holding the gun on the head of that person).

gradually, that person starts standing from the ground. while standing the person collects the soil placed on the fist of his hands sprinkle towers the eyes of chuya and the person tries to runs away from there. when that person starts running, Sun shoots that person and that bullet falls on that person's leg and falls on the ground.

- (looking at chuya) ma'am are you okay?

- (rubbing her eyes) don't worry about me. grip him.

- yes ma'am.

seeing Sun coming closer to him, the person gets up with wobbled and runs away from there. the person is ahead and behind that person was Sun for chasing him. while chasing, Sun goes inside the forest with the bastard.

Sun switches on his mobile's flashlight and started searching around the forest. suddenly the mobile's flashlight falls on chuya's face and Sun sobbing loudly- ahhhhhh, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost.....

- (rubbing eyes) I am, I am, not a ghost. what happened? where did that bastard go?

- (taking a sigh of relief) not found, nothing was visible due to darkness.

- (fist her hand) damn. (sigh) ahhhh, let's go.

- but where?

- first, let's go from here, I will tell you on the way.

Haruto's house,

- hey, what happened? at such night? you my house?

(chuya and sun reach Haruto's house).

- (without answering Haruto's questions) sorry to say but I have to see your legs. can you show it if you don't mind?

- haaaah, why did you suddenly get interested in my legs?

- we apologize for this work but we have to see. please pull your pant upwards.

- you will regret this karma later. (mournfully).

- sorry, I don't like to talk much. please.

( indicating with her eyes).

Haruto gently raises his long pants to his knees.

- ( in a funny way) sorry, my legs can't be more beautiful than yours. (smirk) and I don't do waxing anyway.

seeing nothing on the leg of Haruto, chuya and Sun start to see each other with a surprised face.

- how can this happen? but I did... (before the sun spills something from his mouth, chuya grabs sun's hand).

- Sun come on, now we should go from here.

Both are about to leave, just then Haruto starts speaking- without answering the questions of mine you wanted to see my legs and I did. now you both have started leaving my house without saying anything. wow.

chuya turns and replies back to Haruto- the matter is I never joined any acting class otherwise I would have been able to act like you.

(furious chuya and sun comes toward out of Haruto's house).

2:00 p.m.

the doorbell ringing-

- (from half asleep) who has come on such a night? (opens the door) ohhhhhh chuya? you? here? at this time?

- (bottles of beer which is in polythene and bring some food items together) ohhhhh good morning Sara. (with tired voice chuya enters inside).

- dude so late at night? have you thought of doing full-time duty? why don't you go home? ( chuya goes to the bathroom without answering anything after placing the items on the table).

After 30 minutes,

- what happened? have you kept a silent fast today?

(chuya sits in front of Sara and picks up a beer bottle).

- (after drinking a sip beer) nothing just feeling not well.

- but why?

- ahhhhhh, nothing. why don't you open the polythene? (speaks pointing to the food items which places on the table in the polythene).

- what's in it? (grab the polythene and opens ). (with surprise face) dude, my favorite cake. (with kind eyes) why are you so good? thank you. (the cake starts eating as soon as it takes out).

- do you know sun has loved someone? (chuya speaks while seeing Sara eating a cake).

- (with excitation) who is she? is that the girl somehow I am? right?

- no.

- maybe he would think of me, is not it? is not it? (with excitation).

- Sara, sun is gay and likes one of his friends. by the way, I am going to cook now, if you want to eat something then just tell me. (pats Sara's shoulder chuya gets up from there and go to the kitchen, but before from a distance she turns and speaks ) and that is why I brought the cake.

for a moment, Sara keeps sits in the same place without saying anything.